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A Recommendation On The Sewers


Mar 3, 2020
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Regalian Mafia, and the Old Guard
The papers would be scattered around the New Town, there was no signature on any of them

There is no denying that the sewers are a dangerous place but Guard work is a dangerous job. This is why I hope that our Current Chancellor Considers opening up the sewers for the guards. Although I am not saying there should be daily patrols in the sewers I am simply saying that Guards Should be allowed to go in the sewers under certain conditions. Currently, the sewers are a Criminals Paradise. I myself am a Guard and whenever a serious crime is committed the criminals would just walk into the sewers where they are completely safe from law and order. An example is if a criminal kidnaps a person of importance, they can just head into the sewers where guards can no longer do anything about it. Although Guard Safty is also of great important and going into the sewers should be a last resort, but we should have the ability to go in.

I recommend the following restrictions on the sewers

  • Entering the sewers willingly without armor is banned
  • One can only enter the sewers if given orders to do so from a commander or higher
  • One does not enter the sewers without a group of at least 15 or larger
  • If one were to break said rules they will be punished in any way deemed fit by there superiors (Excluding death or inhumane torture)
"Ah yes, I'm sure an army of sewer aberrants would do as the guard instructed were we to go down..." a Nelfin sarcastically chimed, "Wait, no they wouldn't. Did you know guards are statistically more likely to be attacked if they enter the sewers? Guard work can be dull sometimes but being tortured isn't my idea of a good time. To 'Guard' means to protect. Not to assault. And only in specific conditions do Guards enter assault combat, like in defense of the city as a whole" he huffed...

"There is a reason mercenaries are paid more for this kind of work. They specialise in it, let them do their jobs."​
"I would watch how your quill dances on the page, boy," growled the deep, dreadful voice of the self-proclaimed Lich Lord of the Deep, "for suicide, especially in numbers of 15 or larger, is against the law." Perhaps it hadn't been written, but superstitious doom-merchants immediately began to preach about the leering presence of a chill wind that began to whisper from the drainage pipes of New Town. The more the papers were nailed to posts and glued to the alleyways, the colder the tunnels became; a recognizably uneasy response to the proposal.