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A Reclamation Of The Hanged


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
A Reclamation of the Hanged

To the filth-covered leeches who see fit to take our homes, to mark our churches in their disgusting tongue and splatter innocent blood on our streets,

Good riddance. And don't come back.

You can claim our home as yours in the written word, but it means nothing if you don't back it with action. And I ask you, Donald and his sickening kin: what have you done to back it? Graffitied a Church and attacked its monk? Angered everyone who calls themselves Unionist on one fell swoop? The people of Hangroad have yet to bend the knee, and the powers that reside within it have raided you to no end. You try desperately to fight us, yet in turn your men are bloodied and torn. And now you remain, cowering in your tunnels yet again, terrified of the mere prospect of charging upon the residents of the Hangman district.

Go back to the darkness, bloody fiends. Slither back in your pitiful holes and never step into the light, 'lest you find yourself blistering in the sun. Don't dare to take a step in our district again, or I guarantee to you that we will be waiting, with grey fire and lime lightning. Hangroad is "neutral" ground. For good.

And don't worry about food; I'm sure you can nibble on the rats skittering about your cistern.

The Vicar,
On behalf of the citizens of the Hangman District.​

@Lord_Immortal @CRASHIR (there's probably more people to tag but im already spamming everything so itll be fine)
Merith just..laughed. "Firstly. We didn't intend to harm them. Per the commander's words. Secondly. This fight isn't over. Winning a battle doesn't mean winning a war love. I'll enjoy watching them try and fix that very very burnt and looted church of theirs." She signed at the page a bit, firmly mentioning to her comrades behind her. "We aren't backing down from our claim just yet."
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Os' casual gait faltered and came to a stop in front of the parchment, the tune he carried on but a whistle sliding out of existence. Brows perked and, as per his norm during the afternoon strolls of the outskirts of Old Town, his elbow jabbed towards his companion.
"Unexpected results. At least everyone has something to do."
Reading a copy of the announcement from his bed in the almshouse while sewing up his robe from the afternoon's affairs:

"I'm just a passerby doing the Spirit's work. Nothing more, nothing less."

Unfortunately, the Dogartan was prevented from departing his bed for a few days, and was not in a position to argue. The only solace he had was that his former tailoring skills had not dwindled away during his year of exile, much to his personal pleasure. The robe would work for many more miles of travel.

Now if only he knew how to get out blood stains...
Akira stormed about the cistern, seething with anger. Occasionally the coven would see her pause her frantic pacing and admire the attack, "Have to admit that fire was beautiful."
Lau would hold a copy of the flyer in his hands after it was read out for him, the Wildering speaking out from under his breath from his seat in Aesling's kitchen "Since when were the leeches who wanna eat our souls 'n drink
our blood our protectors 'n the owners of our own neighborhood?"
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Damian Black nodded in agreement to the recent news, still waiting at their front door to fight any who try to enter their home. "I bested one demon who tried to attack a man of the Spirit, I won't let them keep this arrogant play going any more by these vial demons."
Svante chucked another log into the fire, stirring the flame with a metal rod- embers sparking in the dark, humid air. Leaning back in his wooden seat, he propped up his legs on a nearby rock as the light from the flame casted over his silver necklace, depicting the Oldt Fayth gods around the band, along with a large silver Unionist-eye pendent in the middle; a unique peice. He tipped his head at the announcer that was stationed shortly down the road from his estate, calling out the recent dennouncement. He spoke hoarsly, afterall- he was a man without much rest, stating "I think over the decades of history you learn not to mess with a man and his faith."