A Rat In The Attic (part 2...?)


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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Hello chat...

I have made 2 introductions previously, but in trying to locate them, I discovered that I deleted both on a rampage in 2019, so I will make a new one to make up for it.

This is AtticCat, I've been here for a disgustingly long time, which is to say 8 years at this point (woohoo! I joined June 2016). Through thick and thin, I have stuck it out and made wonderful, lifelong friends that I could never do without. I work full-time as a nightshifter so I have a horrible sleep schedule and can be found at the most unnatural times of day if you need me. I am alive usually between the hours of 3pm-6am EST.


  • I took French for 3 years with a final grade of D. I remember nothing.
  • Hozier and The Cranberries are my #1S!!!!! I saw Hozier in concert and it was life changing.
  • I work as an emergency telecommunicator, which is a fancy way of saying a 9-1-1 dispatcher. I have for approximately a year and a half. The public is insane.
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with witches. Ever read about the Witch of Pungo? You should, she's awesome.
  • I am on a mission to read every book in the Warriors (Warrior Cats) Universe, excluding the graphic adaptations, starting in April 2024. So far I have completed: 34 / 77?
  • Attached to above, I'm a big reader. Don't get me started, I won't shut up.
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updated to show that i am now on book 35 of warrior cats, my mother is proud