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A Public Letter

Dec 27, 2020
Reaction score


A public letter was officially published from Valorie Anne Castley. The beautiful pink ink calligraphy seemed to have been hand written from the former Lady herself.

Greetings to the Imperial Family, Peerage and public.. Earlier this evening I was deeply saddened to be informed that my house had been exiled from the empire after the verdict was passed that we were guilty of all charges. Although I know that the blood in my veins may never be completely cleansed, and the dirt of my family's roots shall forever run through my veins, I hope to distance myself from my once brother, Theopold Castley, who as a child I do have to say, I deeply admired. Who through treachery, deceit, blasphemy and barbarism has washed away a lifetime of warmth, care and inspiration. While I only knew as much as the public in regards to these affairs, I cannot easily wash my hands of the legacy left behind by the name Castley, nor in good judgement simply leave the sins of the House in exile, like a coward. Therefore,

I, Valorie Anne Castley, formally denounce my family's actions, their crimes, the words spat in the face of the Imperial Family and sins against the holy name of the Goddess Ness.

With this, the Baroness Humaira di Civita and Baroness Eponia di Civita have accepted to take me in as one of their own. An offer I am truly humble for, to be taken under their care, warmth and guidance towards a better future in service to the Empire and atonements for the name I once carried.

With my most profound love and thanks,
Valorie Anne di Civita

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