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A Public Condemnation Of The Tyrannical


Weathergirl Extraordinaire
Apr 15, 2018
Reaction score
United States



Throughout the city, sets of Essays were laid on the various news boards of the Holy City, stamped with the sigil of the Athosian Celacy. Several copies were sent to the nobility, but for the most part, the Essays seemed to be aimed at the common folk, for some odd reason. Various hired voices, some clearly shills to the coin of House Petrou, and some committed to the cause, would read to those who may be illiterate or unable to clearly read the scripts.

To the Esteemed Citizens of The Empire
It may have been known already, but there are several morally bankrupt members of the Peerage within the Empire who have betrayed both the common men and women of this empire, but have thrown their own personal character under the bus in the name of maintaining their iron grip over those they rule over, all for the pursuit of either power fantasies or coin. The best part of it all, is that they did it entirely in public, and have no sort of rebuke to whether or not they did it in the first place.

One may ask themselves, what could someone do that is so heinous and despicable? Simply put, they were the sole opposition to a petition that would have created an Article of Protections and Privileges to all citizenry of the Empire, from the lowest of the low, to the highest of the high. This article would have been written by the Emperor, in the interest of the Common Man, to give them rights and protections to keep them safe from the abuses of the corrupt and greedy, and would only be able to be changed by following Emperors by the assent of the assembly.

This bill would have offered safeguards against future abuses of the Common Man by both State and Noble corruption, incompetence, or cruelty, preventing reoccurrences of past things that need not be strung upon for the five hundredth time, that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocents. This sort of behavior is absolutely unacceptable, and shows a sort of moral bankrupt nature that proves one to be either malicious or simply ignorant of the harshness of this world, and as such, this writer would request that all Commoners and Nobility not listed below, treat those that are, as tyrants, brigands, and leaches upon the teat of the Regalian Empire, taking and taking without fulfilling their roles as the nobility, to protect and govern the peoples of the Empire.

Those who meet these criteria, are listed below:

  • Duke Arahael of House Bancroft
  • Vassal Baron Lomstedt of House Guentyr
  • Count Arnauld of House Delmotte
  • Lady Rhea of House Delmotte
  • Duchess Milena of House Cadieux
  • Duchess Amelina of House Peirgarten
  • Duke Rodrigo of House Peirgarten
  • Duke Florian of House Poncaire
However, these men and women of the Crust may yet find their redemption and absolve themselves of their ways, as is possible for all those that sin and do wrong in this world. Simply put, these individuals may either defend their honor in a public debate on the merits of the Article of Protections, or they may choose to voice public support for the passing of the petition, and vote for it in the High House. Until these criteria are met, it is the professional opinion of the Athosian Celacy that these individuals are enemies of the Common Man, whether they be Unionist, Dragon Worshipper, Poor, Northerner, Daen, or truly, be of any social class, ethnicity, or religion.

Signed, Abelhard Petrou
Celate of the Evintarian Church
Head of the Athosian Celacy
Duke of Athos

Relevant tags​
@LumosJared @Simslp @Arhbi (i do not know the players of House Delmotte ) @seoulmate @Yigit @kirishark @canaaa

tl;dr denunciation for not supporting the article of protections, a call for people to treat them badly, as well as for them to reform by either having a public debate, or voicing support for the cause
The Baron sighed as he would retrieve a copy of the notice, handing it to his grandmother. "An insult to our Vassal Baron is an insult to us.. seems some words need to be said." @NebulaePrimo
A Nelfin read the condemnation by his moonlit kitchen table. His eyes peered up to his dusty, grey peaked cap of the recently dismantled NPF. A tinge of sorrow rested in his gut as the attempt to pass such an article failed but knew full well that it was mostly deserved.

"You've had people who fought for the same things as you in that court of vipers. They wanted to put these people into the ground for their moral injustices. But you helped these same people scare these fighters off for not being the cleanest of people, didn't you?"
"Whilst I would not be as…harsh in speech as the Grand Celerial-Duke Petrou this is a matter of which I agree with the Evitatian Clergy and the Nobility. His Imperial Holiness desires this end signaling such in cues both subtle and diplomatic. It must be done and it shall be done.

It is the duty of Nobility to act with the best interests of people and the nation. The asha states enshrined such principles in law many years ago let the Regalian Empire surpass them and enshrine rights in true, immortal, Imperial word. Which might be revised by future emperors whom are allowed to by the councils of advisors and Nobles to come after us," Calls the Lord-Celate rather publically. In tones of heavy set determination lacking certain diplomatic overtones he usually employed.

Seen scurrying all over the city were numerous men and women, young and old, each in service to the Duke Markus Delmotte, pinning up a second missive right next to the Duke-Celate's own.

A public address to His Grace, Abelhard Petrou, Duke-Celate of Athos

The fault with how my cousins Lady Rhea and Count Arnauld voted lies squarely on my own shoulders, or rather the absence of my guiding hand at one particular assembly; they cannot and should not be blamed for wishing to uphold the status quo when I have neglected to share with them my vision for House Delmotte and the policy that I wish for us to pursue. To avoid any further confusion on the stance that I intend to take regarding this most important matter, I will leave you all with this simple remark.

I, Duke Markus Delmotte, am in support of the Articles of Protection being drafted and published by his Imperial Holiness, implementing safeguards against selfish autocrats and self-serving officials, but especially against those who wield their privileged status, and secular and religious authorities as a cudgel. It will serve as a mutual benefit for both the collective citizenry and nobility alike. I am confident that from this point onwards both Lady Rhea and Count Arnauld will express a similar sentiment.

However, unlike my most esteemed and noble peer Duke-Celate Petrou, I will not view those who voted against this proposal through the lens of condemnation, nor incite dissent against them amongst the common class with inflammatory rhetoric, for that would be tantamount to setting a fire that runs the risk of burning us all. Rather, I would invite those who still object to the proposed Articles of Protection to engage in civil discourse with myself or other proponents of the motion, in private, so that we might express our ideas without them being perverted by the court of public opinion.

I would also encourage his grace the Duke-Celate to, in the future, not rely on cloak and dagger ambush techniques that hope to humiliate his peers, but to instead approach them with an air of cordiality and to first understand their stances, and even endeavor to convince them to change those stances, before dragging them and their families through the mud. This would eliminate any questions as to whether you're truly convicted in your desire to uplift the common class, or whether you just wanted to reap the prestige that comes with discomfiting rivals.

His Grace, Markus Delmotte, Duke of Bastadon

A number of peasants were scurrying about, adding yet another paper to the message boards which would surely continue to grow.

From the desk of the Duchess Guentyr,​

In Kintyr, we have a proud tradition of presenting all of the relevant facts in an argument, a tradition that seems all but absent in the capital. Here, we see that some would prefer to take half of the facts and then weaponizes them against whoever they wish. If the Duke Petrou had presented all of the facts, he would have noted that I, Duchess Viviwynne Guentyr, head of our House, voted in favour of this proposal.

It is true that our Vassal Baron did vote against this proposal, a move which surprised me. I will apologize on behalf of our House for not having a clearer internal discussion to make sure our House's position on the issue was clear. Come next vote, I can assure you this will happen and our Vassal's opinion will be brought into line with that of the House.

I do appreciate the Duke's efforts to call out those who offered no rebuttal to the proposal but then voted against it. I would have appreciated the efforts more if the Duke had also gone beyond this surface level attack and delved into some of the other ways in which the nobility have treated their subjects poorly.

However, I take insult to the Duke's condemnation of our Vassal Baron as this power hungry and corrupt ruler. Can you name a single instance in which our Vassal Baron has treated the people of Keval with cruelty? No, you cannot, for he has ruled for mere months. Perhaps you could find it in your heart to excuse him for his inexperience and since he has done no harm to the people he rules over.

Since the Duke's message is directed at the common man, I will finish my letter by speaking to them as well. It is very true that some nobles abuse their positions and that the Duke's proposal would have reduced their capacity to do so. What is also true is that the manner in which this condemnation was brought about suggests the Duke does this, in part, to score some politic points rather than out of the goodness of his heart. I would counter this suggestion by asking that you continue to treat the nobility with respect unless you wish to violate the law and the feudal contract by which we all abide.

Everwatcher guide,

Her Grace Viviwynne Guentyr
Duchess of Alstyr
Quick edit because I forgot tags: @Simslp @festiveCorvid



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"And so it begins.. These papers are going to be covering up all the post boards by the end of today. They're decent arguments but I mean... Really?"
Said Ania from within the debts of the sewers inside a base full of machine... Reading over a copy of the papers she got, before looking over towards one of her drones.. Saying bluntly,
"Throw these papers into the fires."
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The following would be posted in response to the two other House's responses by the various volunteers and servants of the Athosian Celacy.

Addressed to The Duke Delmotte and The Duchess Guentyr,

It is the opinion of this old Celate that the news of two houses shifting their votes towards pro-Articles, is great news, regardless of the package it comes within. To preface, perhaps it is a matter of concern that when one is confronted about having members of their families voting against Humane Legislature, that the first thing one might do is to deflect blame by casting accusations of being politically driven against the confronting party, rather than hold one's self accountable and simply working towards better educating one's vassals and family members. Below will be an individual address of one's concerns.

Duke Delmotte
You are actually spot on with a good part of your analysis, in that I did not wish to come across as diplomatic nor peaceful. It is the opinion of this Celate that being treated cordially comes at the cost of time and resources, and as such, should be used when the situation does not demand harshness for the sake of time. I personally prefer being kind, as it is often more effective and serves, more often than not, as a permanent solution. However, one must also recognize that many do not listen to kindness, pleading, and persuading within the realm of politics, where many simply already have their minds up and their narratives shut, this you should be all too familiar with.

As such, I have come to the conclusion that the only way to effectively convince these people to change their mind and ways, is to remind them that their actions have consequences, and that these consequences will inevitably come to bite them, as is fair in this world. This choice does not serve as any particular political stunt, but rather, serves as both a means of hastening the process, and gives me time to deal with other projects viewed as equally as important. However, there is little point to beat around the bush in essay form, so I will end this response and move to the next.​

Duchess Guentyr
Perhaps one should thoroughly read one's documents before responding to them. After all, there is very little pressure to respond swiftly to such pieces of paper. As for your request for amnesty given the Vassal-Baron Lomstedt's naiveté, it was stated that one may be an enemy not because of malice, but rather, out of the simple ignorance one may have of the harsh truths of this world. He may not be malicious, but you yourself, have now admitted him to be new, and incompetent until he spreads his wings and learns how to properly govern or reason. Furthermore, one should seek to avoid mistaking my chastisement of an individual for chastising an entire house.

Ultimately, i've already addressed your talk of political aspirations, and once again, I will reaffirm, I do not care for such trivial things. My duty is to serve the Everwatcher, the Empire it Watches over, and the people we are meant to protect. Funnily enough, I create proclamations which have denunciations and praise for those who deserve it monthly, and this is, perhaps, the only time I have ever been called for attempting to gather political clout for it. Odd, that it is only the people who are accused or have something to lose by having the accused's name who ever cast these accusations.​
Until Later. Signed, Abelhard Petrou,
Celate of the Evintarian Church
Head of the Athosian Celacy
Duke of Athos

@Arhbi @NebulaePrimo

A public address to His Grace, Abelhard Petrou, Duke-Celate of Athos

You can continue to entrench yourself in the presumption of a moral high-ground as much as you'd like, but the fact remains that the use of hate-campaigning and waylay missives such as your own, one which doesn't have any meaningful dialogue aside from the failed assembly vote as its pretext, is a politically motivated stunt.

You practically, inadvertently I'm sure, admit to this where you say "one must also recognize that many do not listen to kindness, pleading, and persuading within the realm of politics." This, in my mind, renders the logic of your other remark of House Guentyr and I "deflect[ing] blame by casting accusations of being politically driven against the confronting party" rather contradictory.

This practice of calling for the proverbial heads of those who voted against your motion is the relic of a bygone age and should stay as such. If you have come to the conclusion that the only way you can convince people to change their minds is through the use of thuggery and veiled threats, then perhaps that says more about your capacity for diplomacy than it does about those with who you're in disagreement.

However, I believe that a continued exchange of public responses is counter-intuitive to what we both ultimately wish to achieve; the passing of the Articles of Protection act. This shall be my last involvement in the matter when it comes to the notice boards. I would instead like to invite you to engage with me in civil discourse, in person and not for the viewing pleasure of the masses, at our earliest mutual convenience.

His Grace, Markus Delmotte, Duke of Bastadon
