Throughout the city, sets of Essays were laid on the various news boards of the Holy City, stamped with the sigil of the Athosian Celacy. Several copies were sent to the nobility, but for the most part, the Essays seemed to be aimed at the common folk, for some odd reason. Various hired voices, some clearly shills to the coin of House Petrou, and some committed to the cause, would read to those who may be illiterate or unable to clearly read the scripts.
To the Esteemed Citizens of The Empire
One may ask themselves, what could someone do that is so heinous and despicable? Simply put, they were the sole opposition to a petition that would have created an Article of Protections and Privileges to all citizenry of the Empire, from the lowest of the low, to the highest of the high. This article would have been written by the Emperor, in the interest of the Common Man, to give them rights and protections to keep them safe from the abuses of the corrupt and greedy, and would only be able to be changed by following Emperors by the assent of the assembly.
This bill would have offered safeguards against future abuses of the Common Man by both State and Noble corruption, incompetence, or cruelty, preventing reoccurrences of past things that need not be strung upon for the five hundredth time, that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocents. This sort of behavior is absolutely unacceptable, and shows a sort of moral bankrupt nature that proves one to be either malicious or simply ignorant of the harshness of this world, and as such, this writer would request that all Commoners and Nobility not listed below, treat those that are, as tyrants, brigands, and leaches upon the teat of the Regalian Empire, taking and taking without fulfilling their roles as the nobility, to protect and govern the peoples of the Empire.
Those who meet these criteria, are listed below:
- Duke Arahael of House Bancroft
- Vassal Baron Lomstedt of House Guentyr
- Count Arnauld of House Delmotte
- Lady Rhea of House Delmotte
- Duchess Milena of House Cadieux
- Duchess Amelina of House Peirgarten
- Duke Rodrigo of House Peirgarten
- Duke Florian of House Poncaire
Signed, Abelhard Petrou
Celate of the Evintarian Church
Head of the Athosian Celacy
Duke of Athos
Celate of the Evintarian Church
Head of the Athosian Celacy
Duke of Athos
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tl;dr denunciation for not supporting the article of protections, a call for people to treat them badly, as well as for them to reform by either having a public debate, or voicing support for the cause