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A Public Apology


The Antagonist
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score
Ignaard Family Crest.jpg
I, Avilda Ignaard of House Ignaard,
Formerly apologies for,
Turning to the Slums without the Guard to try and Save another noble.
Committing Vigiliantiasm and Minor State Crimes.

I direct this apology to The Vigilant Sheild and The Violet Order for their timely rescue. I further encourage the citizens to understand that crime should be left to the guard to deal with and that you should never take matters into your own hands. I again thank both for their work and that an incident as such will never occur again.

Spirit Bless
Long Live the Empire

@LumosJared @TyrolleanEagle
Juliette, still a bit pessimistic from the earlier day, folded her arms at seeing the apology and whined quietly in her mother tongue, "Oh, she can go out and cause trouble but still get a promotion." Salty girl, sorry Avilda.
Darcie pursed her lips slightly as she eyed the apology upon the board. "I simply hope she and all others are safe." A soft grumble escaped her after speaking and her large husky dog, Rufus pulled her along, clearly wanting to finish their walk.