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A Proclimation Of Vassalage From The Noble House Vis-vegcht


Lord Brandt von Eisner
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
Missouri, U.S.A
Roleplay Guilds
Viridian Order, House von Eisner
From the desk of Edmond Vis-Vegcht, ruler of the province of Quartier Bertrange,
On the eleventh of march, 306 AC, House Vis-Vegcht swore fealty to the Noble House Ravenstad, from this day, until the day that the House Vis-Vegcht is eligible to rule a county, House Vis-Vegcht will serve as a vassal to House Ravenstad, our men, at the disposal of our liege lords, along with our efforts. Long live this holiest of Empires, and long live the alliance between House Ravenstad and Vis-Vegcht!

*House Vis-Vegcht will be a Ravenstad Vassal until a member is able to attain the title of count.*
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