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A Proclamation Of Vassalage


Self-Proclaimed Worst at Everything.
Feb 5, 2018
Reaction score
On the 22nd day of March, 306AC, House Morgann proclaims Vassalage under House Du Pont.

The proclamation read as follows;

Greetings, Salutations and Finest Hello's,
I am Marissa of House Morgann, a small, and content family that just happened to border the family of Du Pont. We have decided that our finest course of action will be to ally ourselves with Du Pont, swearing our fealty to their household. House Du Pont were gracious enough to extend the hand towards us, and we happily took it.

May the Spirit bless you all with fine luck!
Marissa Morgann
Lady of Locarnio
@Fatherland @AptlyRatley