Archived A Prison

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Lachlan Hearthe
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
I thik it would be a good idea to have a prison in massivecraft because it's good to have two lil cells in the common area but like if you theif or something you wouldnt just get executed straight away they deserve a punishment sure that's why there should be a prison of some sort at least and people should just do time like there is millions of bad guys out there but they arnt bad enouh to get killed straight away they are just bad enough to go to prison and like vampires thiefs raiders what ever kind of people they are they can just go there but it shouldnt be like wait 5 minutes in one cell and thats it like there should be a cafeteria and stuff so people can live a life in there because it is roleplay and there should also be like a way to break out but yeah im just saying it would be a nice idea to have a prison thats all and the gaurds should be able to like tie people so they can walk but not use there fist (bandit)
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There is actually a prison in Regalia, but you have to get the thief to agree to being locked up, which not many Regalian RPers would.

You can build your own jail, but the same would apply.
Yes and sorry about my grammar I kinda just type fast and don't check but people can't agree to go to prison and it's a prison it's when people do something bad not if you like do something bad and then accept to go to prison RP's not meant to be like that and it should be like RPing in the prison aswell just like reality like theres a cafeteria and what not toilets showers like that anyway I would just like a prison be well like an actually prison (mm)
How do you spell PERFECTLY and yet not know how to punctuate??
Ok whatever do you really need to have good grammar and punctuation to make a point?
Not everyone is from the same country nor is english everyone's first language, no need to judge him for that. >: (
Thank you but im actually from newzealand :/ but thankyou for understanding. But does anyone think it is a good idea???
I'm sure you heard someone insult his grammar the first time. You don't need to build up pressure on his shoulders by repeating what over people have complained about. This wasn't a story or a document, it was a suggestion ... So give him a break.
But I think they should make like a proper jail not like a little duengeon in the crimson HQ like an actual jail.
Ok really can I just have a awnser on do you want a prison or not I didnt make a thread to learn grammar and punctuation thats for school ok and im going to school ok so can just just some awnsers ok NOT ABOUT MY GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION ABOUT THE PRISON OR JAIL???:|
Well the staff have a jail command, but that's for people who break actual server-side rules.

If you want to RP as a prisoner, you're gonna have to find a guard. It's just how things work.
Ok really can I just have a awnser on do you want a prison or not I didnt make a thread to learn grammar and punctuation thats for school ok and im going to school ok so can just just some awnsers ok NOT ABOUT MY GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION ABOUT THE PRISON OR JAIL???:|

I think most people are not even reading your posts (you can guess why) and probably have no idea what you are talking about.

As for the suggestion. Do you mean a prison should be built (maybe on the regalian island but not in the city) that is much bigger then the ones that are in regalia?
hmmm na I mean like a proper prison though not like a lil duengeon in the crimson HQ like a proper prison.
Yes and sorry about my grammar I kinda just type fast and don't check but people can't agree to go to prison and it's a prison it's when people do something bad not if you like do something bad and then accept to go to prison RP's not meant to be like that and it should be like RPing in the prison aswell just like reality like theres a cafeteria and what not toilets showers like that anyway I would just like a prison be well like an actually prison (mm)
No offence but do you know the concept of using punctuation? You have to stop somewhere, I am not trying to offend you but try?
But it dosn't need to be in regalia island it could be any where (possibly somewhere with more space).
Ok really can I just have a awnser on do you want a prison or not I didnt make a thread to learn grammar and punctuation thats for school ok and im going to school ok so can just just some awnsers ok NOT ABOUT MY GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION ABOUT THE PRISON OR JAIL???:|
Don't get snappy.
There is a jail in Regalia for the Crimson who trap vampires. Yes there can be a permanent medieval jail but that is basically thinking ahead. Maybe just maybe you can have a small jail somewhere else besides the main areas of Regalia and just put hay and food in there?
But it dosn't need to be in regalia island it could be any where (possibly somewhere with more space).

That is true but if in was to be easily accessible then regalia would be the best place. Plus most of the regalian island is empty, open grass land just waiting to be built on. The city of Regalia it self may be small and compact (never understood that, lots of room why do they only live in that one little bit) but the whole island is rather large.
Unrelated to the thread but does anyone know if regalia is the name of the city, the island, the empire or all of them.
And second of all, I would like to point out that, Yes it would be cool and i've already suggested it as well as many people before, They have done a similar one now but you can't really jail them yourself. If you are getting raided you can build traps so they are stuck in there and then you can kill them. But only a few people would ''RP'' their way in to your jail.
Yes and sorry about my grammar I kinda just type fast and don't check but people can't agree to go to prison and it's a prison it's when people do something bad not if you like do something bad and then accept to go to prison RP's not meant to be like that and it should be like RPing in the prison aswell just like reality like theres a cafeteria and what not toilets showers like that anyway I would just like a prison be well like an actually prison (mm)
Stop saying like or ill punch you!
Moved to Feature and Idea discussion.
Ok sorry for saying like and sorry for my grammar but they should have a jail not just for the vampires (also like I said that jail is'nt really a jail it's more like a duengeon in crimson terrority where they torture them to get info or a cure for vampirism it's not really for thiefs bandits and other bad guy's). And there is alot of room in regalia it would be good just to get those guy's that abbuse gaurd alot and kill people and stuff. There should also just be some plain gaurds not crimson because lots of people hate the crimson there's like 3 rebelions against the crimson there should just be some plain gaurds I was just thinking having a prison would be a good idea and if you do make a prison (Not saying your going to) I would be happy to help:|.
Ok sorry for saying like and sorry for my grammar but they should have a jail not just for the vampires (also like I said that jail is'nt really a jail it's more like a duengeon in crimson terrority where they torture them to get info or a cure for vampirism it's not really for thiefs bandits and other bad guy's). And there is alot of room in regalia it would be good just to get those guy's that abbuse gaurd alot and kill people and stuff. There should also just be some plain gaurds not crimson because lots of people hate the crimson there's like 3 rebelions against the crimson there should just be some plain gaurds I was just thinking having a prison would be a good idea and if you do make a prison (Not saying your going to) I would be happy to help:|.

Mussst hollld urrrrge tooo corrrect spellling!
Okay, I'm actually going to respond to your suggestion instead of correcting your grammar because, well, every other person on this thread has made the point abundantly clear that you need to do a little work on your grammar.

So, replying to the suggestion. I like the idea of a huge jail with rp guards and everything, but there are lots of problems with it. Most of them are about organization and actually getting the jail working. You need constant guards in the jail, which means that there needs to be rotations of guards 24/7. This is, as you might think, VERY difficult to do if not borderline impossible. Not everyone leaps at the chance to guard prisoners in a jail, especially for hours on end, even if it does involve lots of roleplay. You also need I presume an actual schedule for the prisoners, like lunch, exercise, i.e. Then after that you still need the project to be moderator backed, as they would send the people into the jail with commands. So while I think the idea is interesting, its too much work in the end and simply isn't worth it.
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