• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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A Plea To The Peerage


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia




Posters are sent about the city, though mainly within the upper echelons of Society, as well as estates and the Golden Willow

"Dear members of the Noble peerage, many of you are aware of the current situation regarding Ceardia and the Void taint that now dwells there. The Ceardian Reconquista is an effort organized in response to the Lord Chancellor's aims to reclaim the continent. Ceardia, as all of you know, is the homeland of Ailordom as a whole. Your ancestral land, where your forefathers dreamed of a magnificent Empire, and with tireless work of many, so it came to be. This document urges your consideration to donate to our cause so that we have the backing power to pull this off.

Simply put, the initiative beneath the Lord Chancellor requires a sum of fifteen-thousand regals as the absolute bare minimum. We would not ask any one house to pay this sum, unless they were remarkably generous and willing to already. Instead, we ask you to consider donating just pieces. Such as a thousand, or five-thousand. We are aware there are many things going on, but we can all agree that Ceardia has waited, has been tainted, long enough. The time for its reclamation has come, and should you fund this endeavour, we will do all in our power to see the lands returned to you. The lands where you grew up, raised your children perhaps.

The sum we ask for is measly at the moment, but it will be this measly sum that sparks the reclamation of such a great and noble land from a mass that would see the entire world in pain. It is without a fathom of a doubt that history will remember those who paid for the efforts. So whilst it is our opportunity to make a name for ourselves, it is your opportunity to be known for paving the way."


This is a post for funding regarding the The Ceardian Reconquista group that is being recruited until 12pm EST on the 4th of July. If you would like to donate to help fund this group, please say so below in a reply before 12pm on the 4th of July.
(so long as you have and are willing to put Progression Regals toward it)
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