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A Notice From Blaue Blume Cafe.


Talking rat
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Your mother's house :)
[!] A slip of paper is pinned to the front of Blaue Blume Cafe, clear of the intended audience.

A notice.
Following a vampire attack within my cafe, I am deciding to take a formal break to clear my mind. In my place, I appoint Lady Alyssa Norinn to take over whilst I rest.

This gives her full rights to enforce whatever rules and charges she wishes, all regals will go to her or whoever is behind the counter at that moment.

I will continue to bake and make drinks for the cafe but I will rarely be seen within the walls until I have fully recovered.

Sorry to all for the inconvenience.

Don't slip.
Charlotte Norinn-Reinhardt
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Beneath the pinned note is another pinned note. Written by Lady Alyssa Norinn. --- Minor Edits Made 7/15/23 ((Not for the better after the display))

Seeing as I'm now allowed to take the reins, it will become far more inclusive. Anybody ((Knight was dashed out)) wishing to enter will either one, remove their armor, else I will charge them 200r for Service, 50r per product ordered. Exceptions to this include Consulian Private Guards((squeezed in)), or Knights chasing after a Vampire, Cahal, Spirit, Criminal((squeezed in)), or a Mage seeking shelter after illegally casting on the streets. If you fail to properly trail the illegal caster within a short period of time, you will be needed to provide proof of their illegal actions through witnesses from the scene outside of both your order and other knight orders, a citizen. Disliked patrons may be charged far more than the average customer, and far beyond what my Cousin Lady Charlotte had originally done. If you disagree with what I will call the Armor Tax, consider it a charity donation, as those excessive prices will be split between the establishment and charities around the empire that need it most. This will persist until Lady Charlotte comes back.
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Reading over the parchments, there would be another just below it reading the following:

To Lady Alyssa Norinn,

This armor tax is a disgrace to the devoted servants of this Empire. Many of the knights, who selflessly protect the laws of this city and ensure our safety, are now burdened with fines that could amount to their entire month's pay. While you claim it is an act of charity, it is nothing but an act of thievery, depriving those who serve and safeguard the Empire.

As a member of the Unionist faith, I appreciate your intention to contribute to charities. However, I urge you to consider using this opportunity to support the tireless efforts of those currently serving the Great Way, the Empire, and the Emperor. Why do you find it necessary to openly declare that you will impose additional charges on individuals you dislike? As a former Minister of Commerce and a newly ordained Celate, I can assure you that such an approach is not conducive to running a business or serving the Everwatcher.

I implore you to reflect upon Almar, Nicholas, and Ness as you contemplate the consequences of this new "tax" that targets the Viridian Order—the loyal servants of the Empire and dedicated protectors of the nobility. Consider the Requilary Order, which safeguards the faiths of the Empire and its followers from any harm. Ponder the Aelrrigan Order, whose members combat the misuse of magic and guide struggling individuals toward utilizing their abilities for the greater good. Contemplate the Bloodcast Order, who vigilantly monitor the misdeeds of the nobility and seek justice for those affected. Lastly, reflect on the Lothar Order, despite their exclusion from many establishments (which is within your or anyone's right as a business owner), these knights dutifully shield the Empire's people from the malevolent influence of magic and suppress the afflictions that have taken hold of many.

You may voice your justifications, but imposing a tax on knights who are here in the city not only to protect its inhabitants but also to uphold the laws set by the Emperor is far from an "act of charity." It is an outright insult to those who have dedicated their lives to the Great Way and the Empire. I kindly request that you reconsider and remove this charge from your business, so as not to offend those who have sworn their lives to its service. I pray the Everwatcher to guide you through this.

May Almar Judge You, Nicholas Humble You, & Ness Forgive You,

Countess Tuija Vikstrom
Celate to the Dogmatic Faith
A Note would appear, a tall, slender Allar seen posting it himself, before walking back toward Swan Street.

Lady Alyssa Norinn; This is blatant unethical activity, which is not unexpected from your family, but this is just lazy.

To illustrate my point, here are the laws I propose you've broken and how I think you've broken them, I'm not an Urlan nor a knight so I cannot enforce them, but I implore anyone of such status to immediately investigate these transgressions.

1. Low Law - "Association with illegal Occult and collaboration with the Afflicted." By denying a knight their right to investigate a Geist, Cahal, or Vampiric incident, you are collaborating with illegal occult. You are not the Law, Lady Norinn, as much as your family seems to want to be, in doing any of this is Vigilantism, but since I've no record of you doing it currently, it'll remain as Low Law in my humble opinion.

2. High Law - "Treason against the Empire". In discriminating against Knights, you are very proudly professing that you hate an arm of the Empire, which every Knight is. From a Reliquary in Drixagh to a Viridian in the front lines of battle, they are service to the emperor and the empire, and until disgraced, the first line of defense against any hostile power. What you are doing is a very minor form of treason, but in this small, indignant piece of policy, you are preferring your loyalty to the occult to loyalty to the Empire. Again, this is my opinion, the interpretation of the law as I see it, and should not be taken seriously unless the powers at be find it necessary to take them seriously.

I spent decades in a war prison because of my actions during the Chrysant War and even I find this disturbing and totally bigoted in foundation because you cannot stand being below the law. In response, so long as this policy is in place, all knights and veterans of the Empire will receive half off any and all healing alchemy, half off on any and all biotic prosthetics, and free tune ups of said prosthetics. While I cannot enforce the Law, Lady Norinn, I can enforce the free market, and what you are doing, if not illegal, is certainly totally immoral and against all decent business ethics. You've had a company for less than six hours and you've already ruined its name. Overturn this policy Lady Norinn, or double down and show us how much you really hate the Empire.

Just as a final statement, I am not claiming to be the law, I am not claiming to know the law with my whole heart and body, I am not even claiming that what has been done should be prosecuted. What I am trying to say is that this is morally dodgy at best and a crime at worse, as such, I've illustrated my stance.

Setiawan Boskorayah Obat
Servant of the Perpustakaan Besar
A Note would appear, a tall, slender Allar seen posting it himself, before walking back toward Swan Street.

Lady Alyssa Norinn; This is blatant unethical activity, which is not unexpected from your family, but this is just lazy.

To illustrate my point, here are the laws I propose you've broken and how I think you've broken them, I'm not an Urlan nor a knight so I cannot enforce them, but I implore anyone of such status to immediately investigate these transgressions.

1. Low Law - "Association with illegal Occult and collaboration with the Afflicted." By denying a knight their right to investigate a Geist, Cahal, or Vampiric incident, you are collaborating with illegal occult. You are not the Law, Lady Norinn, as much as your family seems to want to be, in doing any of this is Vigilantism, but since I've no record of you doing it currently, it'll remain as Low Law in my humble opinion.

2. High Law - "Treason against the Empire". In discriminating against Knights, you are very proudly professing that you hate an arm of the Empire, which every Knight is. From a Reliquary in Drixagh to a Viridian in the front lines of battle, they are service to the emperor and the empire, and until disgraced, the first line of defense against any hostile power. What you are doing is a very minor form of treason, but in this small, indignant piece of policy, you are preferring your loyalty to the occult to loyalty to the Empire. Again, this is my opinion, the interpretation of the law as I see it, and should not be taken seriously unless the powers at be find it necessary to take them seriously.

I spent decades in a war prison because of my actions during the Chrysant War and even I find this disturbing and totally bigoted in foundation because you cannot stand being below the law. In response, so long as this policy is in place, all knights and veterans of the Empire will receive half off any and all healing alchemy, half off on any and all biotic prosthetics, and free tune ups of said prosthetics. While I cannot enforce the Law, Lady Norinn, I can enforce the free market, and what you are doing, if not illegal, is certainly totally immoral and against all decent business ethics. You've had a company for less than six hours and you've already ruined its name. Overturn this policy Lady Norinn, or double down and show us how much you really hate the Empire.

Just as a final statement, I am not claiming to be the law, I am not claiming to know the law with my whole heart and body, I am not even claiming that what has been done should be prosecuted. What I am trying to say is that this is morally dodgy at best and a crime at worse, as such, I've illustrated my stance.

Setiawan Boskorayah Obat
Servant of the Perpustakaan Besar

Count Sebastian Vszalades would look at Countess Vikstrom's posting, leaving it on the wall, but would tear down this one without a second thought.
A Wydd-Knight of the Aelrrigan Order stared at the notice for a long while, before writing out a reply of his own.

It is a bad idea to spit in the faces of the people who live their lives protecting the way of life that allows you to own Cafes and write silly rules like this on a noticeboard. When the wolves come knocking on the door of your estate, you may find yourself very alone indeed.

And the wolf at the door is always closer than you think. And far hungrier than you can imagine.

Think on that the next time you scowl at a Knight's armour.

Wilvamair Arnyn,
Augur of Regulus
Wydd-Knight of the Aelrrigan Order
To my fellow Commoners,

I will be blunt, we'll know the propensity of certain individuals to haul off and decide to try to extort the hard working people. I feel it's insane to put ourselves at risk of being charged exorbitant fees, given all one has to do is make the Lady Norinn annoyed to have the price raise, by someone who thinks two hundred regals for wearing armor, a act that's not even illegal, is just. Especially for a Cafe where people are meant to purchase affordable pastries and so on. I for one will not risk being made destitute to further fund a noble merchant family even if it's for charity. I would rather give to charity directly and at a amount that I can afford. I hope others will avoid the place if they start trying to force us all to give up rent for some tea and pasteries.
With respect to the rights of all,
Selthas Banno​
There was once a time where one could reach for a civilized reprieve in this city of barbaric violence, but three hundred some years after the Cataclysm, the mere request generates great offense.
Nay, the horde will cry, all must bend to the will of the Orders. Arms must exist in every place. There is no right to civilization, and only the rule of oppressive force, be it by steel or by congregation of mob letters.
Lady Charlotte Norinn-Reinhardt,

I cannot believe what I am reading, I insisted on the benefit of the doubt for House Norinn, but this erodes at that mercy. Shame on you if this business is on Main Street or the Food Court. Not only is your rule not enforceable it is contrary to the essence of Imperial Culture. After seeing what was said in other bulletins, I have left nothing but to state: House Norinn should apologize to all citizens of the city for failing to control their militia, for hiring illegal non-persons, for lying to the members of the Consulians about their rights and protections, for ordering thuggery against the nobility, and for attempting to extort patrons within their business illegally.


House Vszaladesz should feel a greater shame in instituting a blending and muddying of noble expectations. A/Count/ bending knee to the untitled?! There's no pride in station here. Yet, I am not surprised by the rumor that they would adopt someone who works alongside anti-state actors.

I ask that the Viridians fully investigate and, should grounds be found - charge House Norinn and House Vszaladesz in their complacent and flagrant disregard of the social contract.

In His Service,
Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund,
Holyarm, Reliquary-Valldal
Countess of Fornhavn, Drixagh.

Lady Charlotte Norinn-Reinhardt,

I cannot believe what I am reading, I insisted on the benefit of the doubt for House Norinn, but this erodes at that mercy. Shame on you if this business is on Main Street or the Food Court. Not only is your rule not enforceable it is contrary to the essence of Imperial Culture. After seeing what was said in other bulletins, I have left nothing but to state: House Norinn should apologize to all citizens of the city for failing to control their militia, for hiring illegal non-persons, for lying to the members of the Consulians about their rights and protections, for ordering thuggery against the nobility, and for attempting to extort patrons within their business illegally.


House Vszaladesz should feel a greater shame in instituting a blending and muddying of noble expectations. A/Count/ bending knee to the untitled?! There's no pride in station here. Yet, I am not surprised by the rumor that they would adopt someone who works alongside anti-state actors.

I ask that the Viridians fully investigate and, should grounds be found - charge House Norinn and House Vszaladesz in their complacent and flagrant disregard of the social contract.

In His Service,
Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund,
Holyarm, Reliquary-Valldal
Countess of Fornhavn, Drixagh.

A simple response was notated.

"The Viridian Order has heard, and seen the complaints. Code dictates us to safeguard the nobility, but one cannot force the Arm of the State to disregard its legal right to ensure safety of body and property. Misconduct will be investigated thusly.

Remember his love.
Llorvaie Oribekian
Viridian Order"

Lady Charlotte Norinn-Reinhardt,

I cannot believe what I am reading, I insisted on the benefit of the doubt for House Norinn, but this erodes at that mercy. Shame on you if this business is on Main Street or the Food Court. Not only is your rule not enforceable it is contrary to the essence of Imperial Culture. After seeing what was said in other bulletins, I have left nothing but to state: House Norinn should apologize to all citizens of the city for failing to control their militia, for hiring illegal non-persons, for lying to the members of the Consulians about their rights and protections, for ordering thuggery against the nobility, and for attempting to extort patrons within their business illegally.


House Vszaladesz should feel a greater shame in instituting a blending and muddying of noble expectations. A/Count/ bending knee to the untitled?! There's no pride in station here. Yet, I am not surprised by the rumor that they would adopt someone who works alongside anti-state actors.

I ask that the Viridians fully investigate and, should grounds be found - charge House Norinn and House Vszaladesz in their complacent and flagrant disregard of the social contract.

In His Service,
Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund,
Holyarm, Reliquary-Valldal
Countess of Fornhavn, Drixagh.

A simple response was notated.

"The Viridian Order has heard, and seen the complaints. Code dictates us to safeguard the nobility, but one cannot force the Arm of the State to disregard its legal right to ensure safety of body and property. Misconduct will be investigated thusly.

Remember his love.
Llorvaie Oribekian
Viridian Order"

Lord-Protector Howland von Moritz issues the following statement in concurrence with Sera Oribekian:

We call for calm and a restraint from further public outcry from the knightly ranks of Regalia.

Recall we are charged with holding ourselves to the highest standard of dignity possible. Please avoid lowering oneself to the intrigue of he-said, she-said exchanges on public gossip boards as the Viridian Order takes charge in resolution.

Remember that the Emperor loves all His subjects.
Lady Charlotte Norinn-Reinhardt,

I cannot believe what I am reading, I insisted on the benefit of the doubt for House Norinn, but this erodes at that mercy. Shame on you if this business is on Main Street or the Food Court. Not only is your rule not enforceable it is contrary to the essence of Imperial Culture. After seeing what was said in other bulletins, I have left nothing but to state: House Norinn should apologize to all citizens of the city for failing to control their militia, for hiring illegal non-persons, for lying to the members of the Consulians about their rights and protections, for ordering thuggery against the nobility, and for attempting to extort patrons within their business illegally.
Dear Lady-Protector,

Your bullets are misfiring, who you are looking for is Lady Alyssa Norinn.

Lady Charlotte Norinn-Reinhardt.
2. High Law - "Treason against the Empire". In discriminating against Knights, you are very proudly professing that you hate an arm of the Empire, which every Knight is. From a Reliquary in Drixagh to a Viridian in the front lines of battle, they are service to the emperor and the empire, and until disgraced, the first line of defense against any hostile power. What you are doing is a very minor form of treason, but in this small, indignant piece of policy, you are preferring your loyalty to the occult to loyalty to the Empire. Again, this is my opinion, the interpretation of the law as I see it, and should not be taken seriously unless the powers at be find it necessary to take them seriously.

A short, and sweet notice would have been planted below.

This Bloodcast, or apparently 'the power at be' is ready to humbly remind you that the Knightly Orders, Clergy, and even the Nobility are indeed not the Empire itself, but are subservient to it and serve it just as we all do. Just because some groups are afforded special rights, and responsibilities by the Crown does not mean that they are the spokespeople of it or share the same rightful legal protections of criticism. I will investigate a potential case of imitating the Crown against you if you wish to continue to claim such falsehoods.

What you should know is that the Knightly Orders are /permitted/ to uphold the law, not that they were mandated to do so like the Metropolitan was, and currently is. This organ of power can be completely disobeyed if one believes that they are being unjust, and tyrannical, and overstepping their boundaries without being deemed a traitor to the Empire because these Knights could be an extension of the State, and most likely are, but they are not the Empire itself, they /serve/ the Empire. Just as we all do.

Sera Novak Vszaladesz
Swordsworn, Bloodcast Order
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A short, and sweet notice would have been planted below.

This Bloodcast, or apparently 'the power at be' is ready to humbly remind you that the Knightly Orders, Clergy, and even the Nobility are indeed not the Empire itself, but are subservient to it and serve it just as we all do. Just because some groups are afforded special rights, and responsibilities by the Crown does not mean that they are the spokespeople of it or share the same rightful legal protections of criticism. I will investigate a potential case of imitating the Crown against you if you wish to continue to claim such falsehoods.

What you should know is that the Knightly Orders are /permitted/ to uphold the law, not that they were mandated to do so like the Metropolitan was, and currently is. This organ of power can be completely disobeyed if one believes that they are being unjust, and tyrannical, and overstepping their boundaries without being deemed a traitor to the Empire because these Knights could be an extension of the State, and most likely are, but they are not the Empire itself, they /serve/ the Empire. Just as we all do.

Sera Novak Vszaladesz
Swordsworn, Bloodcast Order
In tow, the Allar posted underneath his;

If you would have read the notice, you would have seen a couple of things, one being that twice did I mention that I was not a knight or an Urlan and without rights to uphold the law. I encouraged Knights and Urlan to take up the matter, but I did not order them to, because I can't, because I'm just a citizen, not the Emperor. They're not falsehoods either, I said what law I thought the Lady broke, that's my opinion, not exactly a falsehood because it's an opinion. I find it very odd that a Bloodcast Knight is going to defend a woman who tried making you pay two hundred regals just to enter her shop, that's one month of rent for the commoner. But, it seems you are a tad disconnected from that if you're going to accuse an Allar of attempting to impersonate the Emperor. Next time you feel the need to call someone out, maybe read what they wrote before you start thinking with that sword of yours.

Setiawan Boskorayah Obat
Servant of the Perpustakaan Besar

P.S. Considering that she disbanded the Cafe, some may see that as an admittance of guilt proving myself right. You've no ground to stand on, but please, investigate me, I have absolutely nothing to hide.​
In tow, the Allar posted underneath his;

If you would have read the notice, you would have seen a couple of things, one being that twice did I mention that I was not a knight or an Urlan and without rights to uphold the law. I encouraged Knights and Urlan to take up the matter, but I did not order them to, because I can't, because I'm just a citizen, not the Emperor. They're not falsehoods either, I said what law I thought the Lady broke, that's my opinion, not exactly a falsehood because it's an opinion. I find it very odd that a Bloodcast Knight is going to defend a woman who tried making you pay two hundred regals just to enter her shop, that's one month of rent for the commoner. But, it seems you are a tad disconnected from that if you're going to accuse an Allar of attempting to impersonate the Emperor. Next time you feel the need to call someone out, maybe read what they wrote before you start thinking with that sword of yours.

Setiawan Boskorayah Obat
Servant of the Perpustakaan Besar

P.S. Considering that she disbanded the Cafe, some may see that as an admittance of guilt proving myself right. You've no ground to stand on, but please, investigate me, I have absolutely nothing to hide.​

Another blurb was put underneath, it appeared though that this time a few idle swirls, doodles, and hearts dotted around the piece.

I have read your piece again as I could have been under poor judgement. Alas though even opinions could still be full of falsehoods, and error.. and opinions are rarely taken with a grain of salt in this city. Hence as to why a reason my order even exists in the first place: to remind the populace that they are to not be subjects of tyranny by self servers who opinion themselves as the word, and representatives of our Empire, and Crown.

I will take to your next point however in your inquiry for defending a woman who is asking Knights pay an egregious amount for entering their establishment with a simple.. frankly? I'd be incredibly childish, and selfish to get upset about this. I was never going to enter the cafe anyway, and would question any Knight who would even bother entering the establishment as they have been de-facto banned from the cafe with that hilarious charge.
Even then however the Knights can afford it. They are far more well off than the commoner class, and the payment as the Lady Norinn said was going toward charities across the city. Therefore it would be more odd if a Bloodcast was against legally taking from the upper echelons of society and giving them down to the more destitute to help those who struggle to pay their rent, hence as to why the choice to defend the move was rather simple.

But concluding.. I don't think they've actually had any idea, nor care that /anyone/ believed them to be treasonous. They've shut down their cafe because they don't want to be in conflict with the Knights anymore. I hope, and will be ready to help them have a speedy revival in a more friendly part of the city that can actually appreciate their services.

For what it's worth, I actually do appreciate the response. A worthwhile back and forth keeps both our minds keen.

Sera Novak Vszaladesz
Swordsworn, Bloodcast Order
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