Archived A New Way To Raiding.

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Justice Bringer
Jul 3, 2012
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I started to think of this idea when Jom and fav posted their ideas on raiding. A typical raid on the server goes:
Offense- Are the raiders, Defenses- are the faction being raided

Offense: kills a few members of defenses' faction.
Defense: Hides in their base and almost never comes out.
Offense: gets really bored
Defense: still doesn't come out

That is basically the typical raid. My idea however is a way to get a "breach" within their faction. The idea is using TNT OR cannons to shoot down walls. For example, if a TNT blast goes off outside a building, it will only destroy glass. Using a cannon however, depending on the material will destroy certain materials. For example, an enemy shoots a cannon loaded with cobble stone. The cobble stone ammo can destroy glass and wood planks. The ammo type and what it destroys can be changed. Medieval wise, their would be sieges and cannon balls flying around an enemy base. Which destroys enemy walls and buildings. This idea will hopefully bring more of a "Role Play" feel during raids.
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Oh something I wanted to mention in case the idea hasn't been proposed yet.

What about a custom plugin that could be developed which would be called "Beefy Blocks" or something similar. Basically the idea would be that it makes every block placed by a user (depending on type) take longer to mine or be destroyed by TNT cannons. Each block would have hit points. Natural blocks can be about three to six times more difficult to break in claimed chunks by those not of the faction or given access to the chunk for building, and player placed blocks would harden over time (several days) to as much as one or two dozen times their normal strength. This would make buildings and walls specifically much more meaningful if we allowed penetration by players during raids.

Limited protection would be possible so that players can't just burrow through castle walls within a matter of seconds or use TNT to do the same making battles more realistic giving defenders time to realize what is happening and would limit or dissuade griefing, since the time needing to invest would be enormous so there would be a natural deterrent.

This would solve both the need to allow players to penetrate, impenetrable bases to make battles more realistic and allow use of TNT cannons for something more than just a defensive tool. While at the same time this would give defenders much stronger options to protect their bases from raiders, again while keeping everything as realistic as possible.

Too griefable, you could log in and your entire base could be reduced to rubble in your absence
Thing is this goes back to the point that admins want to make raids enjoyable for both sides, say a faction like alamut or even you guys with your high stats wished to raid a smaller faction who do not care for combat, you guys would realy just be able to blow thier walls dowm and slaughter them all, and really who is the ones who are really getting the enjoyment in that?
Now yes I know most arguments are "then they should get stronger" who really wants to sit in dark room grinding for days on end just so they can keep up with "mcmmo gods" that no longer makes the experiance enjoyable.
I disagree with this, what is the only way to get good at something? By practicing of course! And darkrooms are how you practice combat here. To stand up to strong pvp factions your don't have to make all of your members spend 500+ hours in a darkroom. There are alternatives such as ;
*Hiring mercenaries (people who like to pvp and have good stats)
*Asking allies for assistance
*Making an impenetrable base. ( I don't mean walls but traps and such )
*Making an alliance with the enemies of the faction that is raiding you

Or... If you can't beat em, join em :P
Oh something I wanted to mention in case the idea hasn't been proposed yet.

What about a custom plugin that could be developed which would be called "Beefy Blocks" or something similar. Basically the idea would be that it makes every block placed by a user (depending on type) take longer to mine or be destroyed by TNT cannons. Each block would have hit points. Natural blocks can be about three to six times more difficult to break in claimed chunks by those not of the faction or given access to the chunk for building, and player placed blocks would harden over time (several days) to as much as one or two dozen times their normal strength. This would make buildings and walls specifically much more meaningful if we allowed penetration by players during raids.

Limited protection would be possible so that players can't just burrow through castle walls within a matter of seconds or use TNT to do the same making battles more realistic giving defenders time to realize what is happening and would limit or dissuade griefing, since the time needing to invest would be enormous so there would be a natural deterrent.

This would solve both the need to allow players to penetrate, impenetrable bases to make battles more realistic and allow use of TNT cannons for something more than just a defensive tool. While at the same time this would give defenders much stronger options to protect their bases from raiders, again while keeping everything as realistic as possible.
You know it takes lots of time and effort to create plugins right? And last time I checked Cayorion didn't have a few hundred hours to spare xD
Nor do I think he will make such a demanding plugin to begin with.
Too griefable, you could log in and your entire base could be reduced to rubble in your absence

Remember the default settings in the factions plugin do not allow blocks to be destroyed while a faction is currently not online, this would carry over so the idea that a base would be destroyed while a faction isn't online would not be an issue. Again the blocks would be much harder to destroy even if a faction member was online making the possibility of an entire base being reduced to rubble not likely. Also remember the focus of this would be to allow factions to penetrate bases only not completely destroy an entire base, rules could be added on to as there are current specific rules to raiding only allowing factions to destroy blocks enough to penetrate a wall or a building, nothing more.
You know it takes lots of time and effort to create plugins right? And last time I checked Cayorion didn't have a few hundred hours to spare xD

At last count there are close to a dozen custom plugins made specifically for these servers mostly made I'm assuming by Cayorion. I can't speak to how much time he has on hand during his daily life, but say for example he doesn't have time to work on this then perhaps someone else on tech staff or in the community could help? If it's important enough of an issue to figure out a solution so that everyone is happy with a raiding system that is realistic and enjoyable, provide glorious battles, and give players the ability to penetrate impenetrable bases, I would think the time needed to invest would be well worth it. will only destroy glass. Using a cannon however, depending on the material will destroy certain materials. For example, an enemy shoots a cannon loaded with cobble stone. The cobble stone ammo can destroy glass and wood planks.

This will discourage people from building with certain materials, but often materials like glass make a building great.

.... thats the ONLY way both sides can get enjoyment out of it without becomming incredibly IRL stressed, not everyone likes raiding and shouldnt be forced into it. If you dont like that, go find a PVP server ....

If you get stressed in real life from the game... disconnect not from the game but from that thought process and think about it.

I am aware of this, just the mods do not like it when people call this a pvp server, that is not the servers goal, thats why they require RP reasons for PvP just feels like some people will look for any RP excuse to do it.

It is a PvP server.
It is a RP server.

You can only PvP and you can only RP.

No one will ever force you to RP, someone can talk to you in spawn and you can walk away.

No one will ever force you to PvP, you can get killed in your faction base, but you respawn at the /spawn for that world, you can just type /uspawn.

The server's goal, as far as I know, is to satisfy both types of players, yet make it possible to have the two aspects of the game integrated as much as possible.
This will discourage people from building with certain materials, but often materials like glass make a building great.

If you get stressed in real life from the game... disconnect not from the game but from that thought process and think about it.

It is a PvP server.
It is a RP server.

You can only PvP and you can only RP.

No one will ever force you to RP, someone can talk to you in spawn and you can walk away.

No one will ever force you to PvP, you can get killed in your faction base, but you respawn at the /spawn for that world, you can just type /uspawn.

The server's goal, as far as I know, is to satisfy both types of players, yet make it possible to have the two aspects of the game integrated as much as possible.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
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