Archived A New Kind Of Chest Shop

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
I know this is the wrong place but I'm wondering if anyone would like the idea?

Basically I would like to connect the faction bank with a chest shop, so every time a faction is sold it doesn't necessarily have to change its chest shop owners, I have a bank in my faction owned by me buying and selling iron log and bread, which I feed to my chest shops in regalia, the player sells me log at 50 copper a stack I then sell it at 1 silver a stack in spawn therefore both of make a good amount of money therefore making a strong economy.

It would be stronger if I had access to the money in my faction bank through the chest shops, cause as well as it being a show of power it would actually hold the economy inside each faction making a more realistic and individual economy inside each faction. My point being that having a chest shop connected to a faction bank would create a faction business, I think this could generate lots of internal cash and give players a wider range of prices, they could have a look at regalian price and then again at faction prices.

For the sake of security if high value items be kept in the sale stalls of regalia so that it holds its economy and grows in a different way, things like diamonds, emeralds and rare books should be illegal to sell through faction banks, you should make it so that easy access items be able to generate basic player income.

My suggestion would be that each faction leader be given the ability to link a chest shop to the faction bank


[faction leader must insert faction name]
[number of product]
[price buy]: [price sell]
[item name]

This would then allow the chest shop to be edited by the leader, even if the leader changes whoever owns it edits it, and the shop would use the /f money rather than said players bank

If this is liked enough I would consider trying to get in touch with the chest shop plugin creator to tell him! Any suggestion as where he would see this would be helpful provided others like the idea

Please post feedback on what you think :)
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