Archived A New Command

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Jul 4, 2014
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Whenver im roleplaing, there are lots of things that i can not explain, like a fictional thing that no one can see performing an action Example:
/do "You can see that the place is full of rats"
/do "There are lots of people on the regalian streets"
these things would prevent someone entering a room, or someone doing illegal actions in the street of regalia, this person would have to take the victim to another place, that would give more essence to the roleplay.
It can go from simple actions, to looking for something, this command could also be used to perform actions
e: Aries Phantom searchs for a new shirt inside a chest
/do Searching 1/2
/do Searching 2/2
(the harder the action, the higher the number after the slash)
This would make possible to someone to intervene in the action
e: Aries Phantom searchs for a new shirt inside a chest
/do Searching 1/2
Angry Bartender Puts his hands on Arie`s back and pulls him out of range from the chest
Angry Bartender: What are you doing.

The end. Sorry for my bad English
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
even if this command doesn´t get accepted, i want to give you the code, maybe it is in another programming language, but still it works as a base

if(strcmp(cmd, "/do", true) == 0)
if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You havent logged in yet !");
return 1;
GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername));
new length = strlen(cmdtext);
while ((idx < length) && (cmdtext[idx] <= ' '))
new offset = idx;
new result[64];
while ((idx < length) && ((idx - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
result[idx - offset] = cmdtext[idx];
result[idx - offset] = EOS;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /do [action]");
return 1;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMaskuse] == 1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s (( Stranger ))", result);
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s (( %s ))", result, sendername);
printf("%s", string);
return 1;
this is used in GTA San Andreas multiplayer, this idea is not mine
ZodiacAries, your wording isn't very clear. Did you make the code yourself, or did you take it from San Andreas?
I still see no reason not to use emote chat. If you want to talk about guards in the streets, you could say something along the lines of:
"Aries Phantom notes there would likely be many guards in the Regalian streets."

If you're doing an action, a common word used is "would".
"Aries Phantom would open the chest to find a new shirt."

From what I can tell, it seems like it would be a poor use of time.
@Akmer007 still, this feature would make possible the interruption of actions, like in the second example.
it's never a waste of time when it comes to make roleplay more interesting

Aries Phantom reaches into the chest to find a new shirt.

An Angry Bartender sent a hand for Aries' back, planning to pull him away to the chest if he could.
@Akmer007 you can't roleplay for other players, and that were some of the uses, you can also use it to ask if an action is possible like this:
e: Aries Phantom tries to penetrate (player)'s armor
/do does he?
//sent from (player)'s chat//
/do He does
/do He does not
Agreeing with @Akmer007 here, we already have emote chat and that does a well job at expressing emotions or actions. If you can't type an action without having it be under another name, then change your own!

/nick use angry bartender
E: Chucks a rock at billy
/nick use billy
E: Gets rekt

We don't need another chat type
@The Golem By bartender i meant another player, and i can't roleplay for another player, that would make roleplay a singleplayer feature :/

I was trying to represent to role-players in my example. I used your example, and moved it into emote chat. The next logical part in the role-play would be one of the two (though there could always be more possibilities):
  1. Aries Phantom yanks away from the bartender.
  2. Aries Phantom is pulled away from the chest by the bartender.
@Akmer007 but the bartender can't do anything if i end the action, and i wouldn't get myself away from the chests, i am trying to get a shirt why would i stop if no one else stops me? if /do would exist, the bartender would have time between
/do searching 1/2
/do searching 2/2

I tend to wait until the other person has a chance to respond to what I said last to make my next move... It's like a turn based game. I do something, they do something, I do something, they do something.

If you don't give them a chance to respond, you're really just role-playing by yourself.
@Akmer007 and what if the other person allows it? let's say that the Bartender has no problem with me checking the chest, i would have to wait forever instead of finishing the action?
@The Golem By bartender i meant another player, and i can't roleplay for another player, that would make roleplay a singleplayer feature :/
I figured the bartender was an npc. Even then, the interactions should be played out by both players. If said bartender wanted to pull the person back, it would have (If they follow proper etiquette) gone like this, Player 1 is the bartender, Player 2 is Aries

Player 1: Chills out, or does whatever he's doing
Player 2: Goes to the chest and looks for a shirt
Player 1: Attempts to grab Aries by the shirt and pull him back
Player 2: Yelps out as he is pulled back by the angry bartender

If the person wants to give you permission, they should tell it to you OOC, not infer or have you assume it is/is not allowed

Aries Phantom reaches into the chest to find a new shirt.

An Angry Bartender notes Aries rummaging through the chest.

There are many ways to represent an "idle" action.
@The Golem and how do you know that the attempt was succesfull?, i can simply move a little and the bartender would fail, but how do i communicate it? using OOC chat in the middle of a roleplay wouln't be ethic, you can't use a different chat in real life, and the roleplay is suposed to mimic the real life (not in time and events and magic, i mean in actions and speaking)
@Akmer007 and what if the other person allows it? let's say that the Bartender has no problem with me checking the chest, i would have to wait forever instead of finishing the action?
@Akmer007 and why would i stop if he just "notes" me, that doesn't stop me from getting the shirt

You asked me what would happen if he didn't stop you. I gave you an example. I've also given you an example of how they could stop you.
@The Golem and how do you know that the attempt was succesfull?, i can simply move a little and the bartender would fail, but how do i communicate it? using OOC chat in the middle of a roleplay wouln't be ethic, you can't use a different chat in real life, and the roleplay is suposed to mimic the real life (not in time and events and magic, i mean in actions and speaking)
Well, I mean, it's a basic human action. If one player gives a book to your character, you don't need permission to open it, or roll some dice. There is no official dice rolling in massivecraft, as far as I'm aware. Using OOC chat in the middle of roleplay is commonly used to correct grammatical mistakes. If it wasn't allowed to talk OOC, then the staff would be far more punishing at using it.
@Akmer007 but if i just role that i check inside the chest looking for a shirt and i get it out, the roleplay could go wrong like this:
Aries Phantom reaches into the chest to find a new shirt
Aries Phantom get's it out of the chest and puts it on
An Angry Bartender sent a hand for Aries' back, planning to pull him away to the chest if he could

if this happens i wouldn't know if roleplay everything again or just get the shirt and act like the bartender didn't do anything,
these errors would be erased from the roleplay, or at least most of them
Shall we take this to a private conversation? I don't want to be spamming the thread, and it seems we are having a triangle of discussion
@The Golem No, there is no dice rolling, but this command bould make roleplay more interactive like this
this is the scenary, a family dinner, with guests in a long table, and Aries Phantom and (guest) are 2 chairs away from each other:
Aries Phantom get's up and stabs (guest) with a knife he had hidden in his pants.
This would be boring, but with the /do command this would happen
Aries Phantom Get's up and attempt to stab (guest) with a knife he had hidden on his pants
/do is he succesfull?
// (guest)'s chat//
/do no, (guest) see's Aries running with a knife and run's away from Aries
/do yes,(guest) is injured badly by the stabbing of Aries, (guest) is bleeding

in one of the cases, Aries fails, and (guest) lives, and on the other (guest) is bleeding and if he is not treated quickly ,he would die, this could possibly give a chance to healer mage to roleplay
I mean it's not a /bad/ idea but.. This server mainly relies and trusts that players will follow roleplay ethic. For example, it's not very likely to escape the bartender's grasp if Aries is not expecting it. IF anything, perhaps Aries jolts forward by being startled, but really most roleplayers should they be controlling Aries would have put that they were pulled back by the bartender. Perhaps a tool for newer/learning roleplayers?
So, this will be the last post I make on the thread as I feel (as Golem stated), we're just spamming the message.

@Akmer007 but if i just role that i check inside the chest looking for a shirt and i get it out, the roleplay could go wrong like this:
Aries Phantom reaches into the chest to find a new shirt
Aries Phantom get's it out of the chest and puts it on
An Angry Bartender sent a hand for Aries' back, planning to pull him away to the chest if he could

if this happens i wouldn't know if roleplay everything again or just get the shirt and act like the bartender didn't do anything,
these errors would be erased from the roleplay, or at least most of them

I've said already that it's like a turn based game. If you roll a dice, you should still wait for their response. If you reach for something in a chest, then grab the item because you rolled a dice (not giving the other player time to respond) is really just one sided role-play.
I can see where a logical thread of logic would come up with this idea and I think in some instances this could definitely help resolve conflicts. However I feel like the amount of times this would prove useful would not justify the amount of time it would take to integrate it into the game. Also keep in mind that most more experienced roleplayers can do this without the aid of this extra chat channel. Additionally the most understaffed department is the Tech department so even a small addon to a plugin like this could be alot more work/time then you think.