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A Mother's Guidance


May 11, 2019
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Spirit's greetings and blessings upon the people of the holy empire. In this season of cold and frost we warm ourselves by the hearth and share stories among our family. With this time of guidance and love my sisters and I have seen fit to share some of our insights and guidance regarding this year. Among the people I have noticed a particular distance from our great faith and a saddening attitude towards the holy clergy. While this could be attributed to the pessimism that has clawed at the empire in the wake of the wars my sisters and I would point to a less abstract problem. The recent secular involvements of the clergy. In line with the example of his imperial holiness and his wise guidance my sisters and I have decided to use a comparison to illustrate this problem. An everyday woman is often required to deal frankly with the hardships of life, she curses, she drinks, and she toils. This however does not exclude her from life within Emperor Theomar the Holy's great order. Instead in her wisdom the Great Matron decided that a prospect aught to take a new name clean of the sin of the world in order to serve the Spirit. The grime of the secular world will always find us but we must see fit to wash it off. The church must cleanse itself of such dirt as it rises to its greater purpose given to it by the holy Spirit. I and my sisters encourage the children of the Spirit to take a moment and examine themselves. Consider when something is a matter of the faith and when something is a matter of the world and act accordingly. While the spiritual and worldly may intersect briefly we must after the fact recuse ourselves from that which would pollute the holy and pure. May the Spirit bless and guide the people of its holy empire.
Oratario Paean
Margaret Henriche
Revered Mother of the Nonnatean Order

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The High Reverend Henri I would sit down and begin to draft a response to the Nonnatean Order. A look of disappointment across his features as he expected to finish in a few hours.
The ancient reverend sat reading the piece, discussion with himself out loud "I'm wondering why it was that an order serving the Synod would try to reach for the public to change something decided within the Synodical Chambers, making the Synod appear as disorganised. Truly this is not the direction to further the Great Way but only strengthen the decision of the Etosian and Vultarin churches, no?" The ex-high reverend shook his head in disagreement.
The ancient reverend sat reading the piece, discussion with himself out loud "I'm wondering why it was that an order serving the Synod would try to reach for the public to change something decided within the Synodical Chambers, making the Synod appear as disorganised. Truly this is not the direction to further the Great Way but only strengthen the decision of the Etosian and Vultarin churches, no?" The ex-high reverend shook his head in disagreement.
If a Nonnatean had been present they would have corrected that the Nonnatean Order does not serve the Synod and is not subservient to the Synod or its decisions but was created by Theomar to act as a counterbalance to the Synod's more secular nature. "This was entirely intentional, and Theomar saw the Nonnateans not only as truly pure and pristine spiritual guides of the people, but also of the Reverends themselves when the weight of secular governance should prove heavy to bear for their shoulders."