• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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A Message To The Drow


"Something will be here"
Mar 30, 2015
Reaction score
A note would be pinned up in the Slums where it could be done, especially in the Emporium.


Are you a Drow or do you know a Drow in need of coin or a job? Do they wish to incorporate their skill with magical knowledge and battle into their work? Then come to the Emporium, or invite your Drow friends to the Emporium, tomorrow night and find the Drow with the scar down one of his eyes. I have an offer they may want to take up. And it will be totally legal too so don't worry about any of the illegal shit, and dishonest work.

A note would be pinned up in the Slums where it could be done, especially in the Emporium.


Are you a Drow or do you know a Drow in need of coin or a job? Do they wish to incorporate their skill with magical knowledge and battle into their work? Then come to the Emporium, or invite your Drow friends to the Emporium, tomorrow night and find the Drow with the scar down one of his eyes. I have an offer they may want to take up. And it will be totally legal too so don't worry about any of the illegal shit, and dishonest work.

"If he's going to try using the Guardian Ability on the mist, it won't work," Said a certain Altalar with +30 Magical Knowledge.