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A Meeting Of The Synod

Jun 5, 2017
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Inside the council chambers sat each Reverend of the Unionist Divine, this meeting in stark contrast to what many Reverends had grown used to. Since the passing of Claude du Pont, each session of the Synod felt foreign and otherwise out of place. While each of their brothers were here, the seat for the Exarch sat empty. Today's gathering was a means to rectify that, as the collective will of the Synod would soon elect a new High Reverend, so that times may return to their normal state and all would be well in Regalia.

The recent demise of the previous High Reverend, as well as the weight of the decision before them filling their mind; each Brother sat in their usual location, quietly deliberating their upcoming decision before the time to speak came. One by one, each would stand and be given an opportunity to appeal to their fellow brothers as to their decision, before voicing their vote for who would become the next High Reverend. Today each Reverend came knowing their choice for the Exarch, yet none knew what the outcome would be.


This thread is in place of an in-character meeting of the Synod to elect a new High Reverend, do not reply to the thread unless you are a Reverend of the Synod casting a vote.
Klaus Kehlen would stand amongst his brothers,

"Brothers! I would call Brother Reginald to become the Exarch of the Synod. He is a man of wisdom and has served us well through these uncertain times as well as during past times. Time and time again has he proved his leadership over not only his flock, but with the Synod as well. He even bares no name of a family and he casts aside politics. A man truly after the Spirit. I call each of you to vote for him and raise him to become the next High Reverend."
The oldest member of the council rose from his seat, with slight difficulty, yet unwavering in his action he stood in front of the Synod Reverends looking about before uttering "We all know that the Unionist creed calls for men of zeal, gregarity and diligence as its outmost desired individuals to believe and serve as the Sancella and ultimately, the faith." The elderly man took a quick pause, before raising a finger in the air, and with new vigor spoke "That's why we all are here in the first place, men devoted to the faith through our daily means and production through preaching and paperwork. But we must find the pinnacle of those traits among us, in here, to choose rightfully and faithfully. The notion of Reverend Reginald De Rieu, being fit due to his lack of a noble house name, I find to be crude in thought." He took a third pause, looking about the room with a stiff look."No, we should pick him based on these traits, which we shall, when I give my vote and give him half the Synod votes, with mine in the pile with the previous votes." The old man sat down once more, as much struggle as getting up in the first place.
Leon Winslough would stand up,
"May our former exarch rest in peace. His efforts in furthering the great way will not be forgitten nor his merit in serving the spirit. Brother Reginald has served the Synod and the Imperial Spirit well in times of turmoil. I believe he wilm be a very capable Exarch and will serve the spirit well. I too put my vote and support behind Brother Reginald."
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Reginald would stand after the last vote was cast, "If nothing else, the murder of our the late Claude du Pont at the hands of a lesser race have shown us that the status quo is no longer acceptable. Change is the only thing that will restore the Synod to it's rightful place among humans and non humans alike. We must throw away the binds of nobility and personal posturing that have been ever present in our Holy Sancella, and in its place lay the foundation of a new age in Unionism! " He would say, pausing for a moment to consider his words before continuing. "I accept the call to action from my brothers, and encourage all those like minded to do the same. As it is stated in our great Third Creed, it is the duty of Humanum to usher in the world of paradise promised to us by the spirit. This will not be achieved by prayers, or kind thoughts or words delivered to the people, but rather by action of those on the Great Way. I ask each of you, if it is not we, the Synod of Regalia; then who will it be?"
Leufroy stood up, a silent courtly clap of approval to the Reverend before allowing himself to take the stage, he prosteliyzed his hands flayingly,

"Brothers of the cloth, there is much wisdom in this. Like in the first five creeds, Emperor Theomar described the Spirit as the water in a pot. Not only does this display the nature of Spirit, contiously moving from Emperor to Emperor, but it describes the nature that we must perserve this Spirit. Keep it well-fleshed and not out in the open, not charity, but a flask which can sate not just one man, but all of Humanum!"

The Reverend continued, a moment of still to progress a further point.

"Our High Reverend, and us, his outils d'état, must remain rare. Must be elusive, and most of all attract such a swarm wanting answers of the second transition of Union!" "I not only agree that the candidate must live in mystique but that us, his outils d'état, must step up. Perform duties much akin to the Ministers; the Hands, the Mouth, the Ears of our High Reverend! So rise up, make your duty speak above your title. Place our Church far exalted above petty Feudalism and dulled Governance but high upon the shelf; the soul of Regalia."

At last Jakob would rise, his legs stiff after a week at sea. He would after a moment of thought take to the stage.

"Brothers! After the murder of our very own High Reverend, we went silent for long, our Synod was left in shock."

He stopped. The Reverend was not an impactful speaker, but he hoped to get his point across. He began to speak again, this time waving a clenched fist about.

"Rather than show weakness and disunity, we must show the opposite; strength and unity. The loss of our High Reverend is horrible, but we mustn't dwell on the past, instead we should look to the future, for a healed, unified and strong Sancella of Union!"

He then stodd silent and looked at his brothers, letting what he had just said sink in

"Therefore I cast my vote for Brother Reginald"