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A Meeting Of The Synod V4.0

Jun 11, 2016
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Within the great halls of the Grand Cathedral, the various members of the Synod convened on the thirteenth of November, year 306 AC to elect a successor for His Most Holiness Stéphan Valeur-von Brühl ΙII. After a steady reign until a turbulent ending, the High Reverend was removed from his seat to allow for another Reverend to take his place.

His Most Holiness von Brühl during his short reign had plans to mend the split between the Holy Synod and Nobility of the realm. He also planned to create a better image of the Synod in the eyes of the populace, host more preachings in public, and update the Divine Militia as well as the way the Church interacts with holy law and the canonical courts.

The various members of the Synod would possess different ways of guiding the Synod publicly. It truly depended on who took up the pontifical office to expect where the Synod would go in it's next High Reverend's tenure.

Only time would tell who would ascend to the office of High Reverend...

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Aelfric rises from his seat with the assistance of his cane, "As Elder of the Hall, I hereby commence the election. I shall allow the others to vote before I place mine before you all."
Reverend Rodrigo Peirgarten raised from his seat and began his speech.

"Brothers. Here we are again, after rather unfortunate news, to select for ourselves who will lead us next in the Office of the High Reverency. I have told some of our Brothers here some word of thought, and I have turned these words into my speech, and will recite them here once again.

Reverend after Reverend, the holiest of our kind, has been deposed, resigned, or faded into the Everwatch. Ever since Benedict XI this crisis has plagued the church of Regalia, and none of us have seen fit to put an end to this crisis. Our most recent High Reverends have either been lunatics, fueled by their recently attained power with little regard to the utmost holiness of their position, or shrewd political infiltrators. I bid you to now recognize that these past recent years have been plagued by crisis, and by the corruption of our Unionist virtue, and our moral authority. So then we all agree this crisis must end, and that we need a consistent, strong but devout High Reverend to lead us in matters within the holy city.

What have the recent High Reverends failed in? There surely is no question that it is moral virtue; perhaps a lack of dedication to the Synod, and surely a disconnect from the Imperial Family we are said to serve and represent. It is our job to repair what is broken. And primarily, to cure what is sick. I understand each Reverend seeks to repair what is broken by their own hands, but we cannot be united in doing so. The natural role of the High Reverend falls not to every man eager, but to the one man capable of representing both the Synod and the Imperial Family's interests.

I ask you, then, to allow me to represent you as the face of our most holy organization. I formally nominate myself for the seat of the High Reverend."
Reverend Jakob Ludevar looked about himself and rose as no-one else decided to speak

"After careful consideration and much conversing with my fellow Reverends. I have decided to support Brother Peirgarten in his endeavors to be elected High Reverend. Let it be known that I, Jakob Ludevar cast my vote for Rodrigo Peirgarten"

Satisfied the Reverend sat back down.
"With Brother Stephan's silence I shall place forth my vote. I place my support behind Brother Peirgarten."
"If I am correct, quorum is reached. Brother Peirgarten is now declared the new High Reverend. May his tenure be prosperous and successful. May the Spirit guide us with him at our head through hardship and victory. May we further the Great Way together. Neben Mir."