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A Meeting Of The Synod V2.0


Man of the People
Apr 5, 2015
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Inside the council chambers sat each Reverend of the Unionist Divine, this meeting in stark contrast to what many Reverends had grown used to. Since the passing of Claude du Pont and the hastened retirement of Reginald, each session of the Synod felt foreign and otherwise out of place. While each of their brothers was here, the seat for the High Reverend sat empty. Today's gathering was a means to rectify that, as the collective will of the Synod would soon elect a new High Reverend so that times may return to their normal state and all would be well in Regalia.

The recent resignation of the previous High Reverend, as well as the weight of the decision before them filling their mind; each Brother sat in their usual location, quietly deliberating their upcoming decision before the time to speak came. One by one, each would stand and be given an opportunity to appeal to their fellow brothers as to their decision, before voicing their vote for who would become the next High Reverend. Today each Reverend came knowing their choice for the High Reverend, yet none knew what the outcome would be.

Leufroy stood up, his eyes gazing towards the congregation of Reverends and he spoke, his voice clear and concise;

"It is the Reverend that takes this chair, that will lead us into a new dawn. Into the new transition of Union."

"This Reverend must be bold, must be humble, must be able to stand against the forces that stand against it and be able to interpret the will of the Spirit in these trying times."

"I announce my candidacy to run, on the principle of establishing a strengthed Synod. To battle through this transition and emerge as the Church of the Regalian Empire.!"

Leufroy eyed his brother-reverends afore nodding firmly and sat down.
After Leufroy finally sat down, Jakob peered to the other reverends collected in the same room. Seeing no one rise, he rose and began to speak. His hands twirled together through the whole sentence.

"As one who believes that our Synod should be united, I cast my vote willingly to brother D'goss. I urge you all to do the same, so we may by tomorrow have all of this wrapped up"

Satisfied he fell to his seat again.

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Remaining seated, the old Reverend simply raised his hand to gain attention,
"Dear brothers, we need one who is strong in faith and pious. I nominate Brother Harhold for the High Reverendship. His is a zeal that burns brighter than the Sun, and he possesses an keen insight that will aid us in the days to come."
The oldest member of the Synod raised himself from his seating looking about before clearing his throat and making ready to speak
"My dear Brothers of the Synod. We are once here today, too early, if you ask me, to elect the next High Reverend of the Regalian Synod. We need someone young and bold, as these traits have shown to bring this Synod great success the late months, and we need this more than ever."
The Reverend looked about again.
"I believe that this can be found in many of our younger Reverends, which in my case could mean anyone in this room I suppose. But vigor, eagerness, boldness and fresh minds are what is required of the sons of the spirit at the moment at hand. And that is why I nominate Brother Carwell to be the next High Reverend of the Synod."
The vast elderly man sat himself down again.
Leon Carwell stood up, nodding at Brother Tyrannian,

"We have a duty to serve the spirit. To preserve it. To guide Unionism to prosperity. The former Exarchs have done an exemplary job with this, but let me tell you Brothers, we have more work to do. We are still far from the world of paradise promised by the Spirit as said in the Third Creed. We are still far from curing all Vampirism, converting all those not Unionist, ridding the Empire of sinners and heretics. These are things that will not be accomplished by sitting around and using the power of the Synod ineffectively. It will be accomplished by action: action by us Unionists. Every person in this room is qualified to become the next Exarch, but what the Church, what Regalia needs right now, as Brother Tyrannian said, is a High Reverend eager to serve, someone who is bold and willing to sacrifice. I urge you to put your vote behind me brothers, I can and will live up to the responsibilities and expectations of being a High Reverend and intend to perform deeds greater than the Exarchs before."
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Damien panned his gaze about the chamber, eyeing those around him before he dragged himself up onto his feet.

"After much consideration and pondering I've come to cast my vote based on the merits of this individual, his intentions, and the potential that this man holds with the office of the High Reverend anointed to him. So I cast my vote to Brother D'goss and the fruitful future that he'll bring to the church, the Great Way, and the Regalian People."

Afterward, Damien gave a final bob of his head to those collected in the room and then brought himself back into his seat.
Médard of Mt. St. Lucia rose from his seat. "Reverend Leufroy." He'd state, declining once more.
"Through a meeting and an explaination of plans, my vote is hereby changed to Brother Leufroy. While Brother Carwell is a man of faith and an honorable man, I believe placing Brother Leufroy on the seat would be best for the Synod. That is my final vote."

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