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A List Of My Crimes, And An Admission Of Guilt


Dec 4, 2020
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[!] The letter here has been tacked up on the Regalian side of the Crookback Gatehead, alongside an abandoned firearm and A journal containing terrifyingly analytical notes on various experiments. [!]

To completely understand my course of action, it would be critical to understand the difference between Bralona and Organic Ethics; That being, it is a completely foreign topic in Justinia, which requires a bit of unlearning when entering a place not designed for us. While Bralona feel emotional distress like any Organic may, It is often frowned upon, for the glory of research.
While this is meant to ease into the actions I have portrayed, it is in no way justifying the actions I have followed through with. Guilt is not a feeling I have ever experienced in my time on Aloria, and now that I am experiencing it, it has been ransacking my rational thoughts. I am not Logical. Perhaps I was never logical.
My actions were never meant to cause longstanding damage to Organics, though I am understanding now the concept of 'Trauma'; Something completely foreign to me, in which I had to study in depth to understand. My goal has always been to breathe more life into Organic species; Extending their lifespans, Extending their short, meaningful lives that you live as if every day could be your end. I seek perfection, and nothing short. This, I am beginning to understand, is my downfall. In searching to fix something I envy, I have stripped what may have made it unique in the first place.

Below is a List of my Victims, and the actions I have preformed in correlation.
Any Mind-affecting procedures have been corrected.

- I have replaced the majority of her organic functions with Chemtech. While she will live in proper heath for the rest of her living days, She did not consent to this change.
- I have replaced his Liver with a Chemtech substitute, And temporarily planted a device against his Spine, to limit certain chemical brain functions.
- I have temporarily planted a device against his Spine, to limit certain chemical brain functions.
- I have experimented with Alchemy that I had little information about, causing him emotional distress.
Magnus Shaw
-I have replaced his Kidney with a Chemtech substitute, And temporarily planted a device against his Spine, to limit certain chemical brain functions.
- I have temporarily held him captive, and have preformed exploratory surgery.
- I have made use of his regenerative properties to have access to limbs and organs, for other Organic transplants.

My name is Crokalla. If you seek to speak to me, Cause me injury, or contain me, I can be found in the Crookback and Main street regions frequently.

Thank you for your time; And thank you to Ciodaru, Whom brought to light for me that perhaps there is growth still to be had, in me. I have always considered myself a stagnant being, with stances and goals that are not fluid or could change. I have discovered that I am wrong about many things.
Ciodaru sees this the next day. He stares at it. Closes his eyes. Takes some deep breaths.

"Everwatcher forgive him, because I can't."
The Countess was seated in her office, sipping on the tea that the old Wirtem woman had decided to conjure up for the evening. In the midst of her papers, she finds the notice, reading through it. Upon finishing she sets her teacup down, and angrily hands it off to that same woman in the corner.

"Get this to Sera Nicolae. I want this individual dealt with."

When she left, Gabrielle placed her face in her hands and exhaled.

Poor Isa.

( @soggytoenails , @KitchenRefugee )
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Rionna trudged slowly along the darkened streets, beneath the sparkling silent eyes of her namesake, when she finally came upon the new notice. Mild curiosity briefly flickered across her weary expression and she took one of them to read, slumping down against the board with a huff to rest her aching feet, but her respite was not to last. A concerned frown clouded her expression as she read but quickly broke into a thunderclap as she continued, crushing the paper between her hands.
She stood, forcing a slow, controlled breath through her nose before carefully smoothing out the notice again and placing it in a more prominent spot, then bolted away for Fairbanks, lightning and rain mingling in her eyes. When she got home and embraced her bloodied friend, she tried to be a comforting and soothing presence, but there was one thought rumbling around in her mind.
Cynesigne give me fury.
A small Fin'ullen with mismatched eyes squinted up at the notice, then took it down to read. With an odd expression she reached into her pocket to grip a plain ring, previously broken and recently fused together again, she then carefully replaced the notice where it had been and departed, glancing over her shoulder.
A timid Yanar, Vartan, stared at the paper to read every word. He closed his eyes to it as he held his breath, then.

"May Sinnavei curse you with all her might."

He then left the area in favor of somewhere else.
"Mh. A reminder of Justinia" Ivenn mused, before leaning down, picking up one of the papers.

He paused, recognizing one of the names, the Bralona paused. "...I'm sorry my home came here Ciodaru."

"No one deserves to experience it."