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A Frisque Declaration


The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score

A public declaration by Corsair Lord Frisque
307 AC

Word traveled around the Holy City of Regalia about a gathering amongst the Varran Court, all of the city welcome to hear what Lord Frisque had to say.

Before the Baskarr temple between the imposing grand lion statues stood the fiery orange Corsair Lord, adorned in his golden mantle decorated in vibrant rubies along with the other pieces of jewelry and trinkets which decorated his person. He was flanked by two Varran dressed in the golden trimmed leathers of the Frisque guard along with few other advisors and family members. His keen golden-yellow eyes scanned over the crowd that had gathered as he stepped up to his perch.

"Attention! The Corsair Lord of Essalonia, Baron of Tasaten and Honorable of the Court Glory Kailu Frisque is ready to make his statement!" A lithe Sarran hollered out over those present to gain their attention.

The Varran Lord scanned the crowd once more before speaking.
"To my fellow peerage and the rest present, per Imperial decree I was requested, or offered, to make a declaration of intent on my actions and volition as per the recent creation of the Privy Council. To answer the query of His Imperial Holiness about my stance amongst the Empire and concern of being a mouthpiece for others, specifically the Cabal, amongst the council."

"I am here to say no such thing exists any longer. The Cabal has been long defunct for months now, even prior to my rise to Lord of my house. I add that despite my involvement with the Cabal I purely worked of my own will, my own decision, not influenced by any whispers which weren't even present. I served my kin, my race, the Empire. No one else. Benefit was seen on the other side but not purely so. It is easy to mistake one's true intentions when involved with others. Every alliance, union, pact, whatever it may be, see the lines blurred at one time or another."

"I never once acted with a twisted arm, only ever on my own accord, and I will continue to do so. So, let it be known clearly from this day forward! I serve of my own volition, my own will, my own thought and motive. My position on the Privy will be no different. There will be no whispers from others brought within the chamber, no serving another as no true Corsair bends the knee. There will be no outside interference on my end, only what I believe in and what I see fit to bring to that table. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Let this quench any worries or otherwise and may the Empire prosper into a new age!"

The ginger Varran stood perched over the district for several moments longer, observing those present retreating into their selected groups before he descended his position to mingle with the citizens and blue-bloods of the city.
@MonMarty @BillyTheScroofy @SpunSugar