A Flurry Of Feathers

A Flurry of Feathers




When most people hear a loud hissing noise, many would believe that it's just a slizzar having a fit. In this case, it's an annoyed hiss coming from one of the many rooms within the Eroth household. Now many would think the slizzar was arguing with someone however that is not the case this time.

A hard stare towards two beady eyes, a flick of her forked tongue before Farrah moved to lunge at the small nuisance in front of her. A loud bawk would be heard as well as some sort of noise that sounded like a hiss of its own. The chicken, which had been in a stare down with the snake moved out of the lunging slizzar's way. Unfortunately she realized that too late and ended up slamming straight into the door that was once behind the chicken before it moved. A pained hiss would make its way past her lips before moving to push herself back and whirl herself around on her two long and graceful legs. The long thin tail which was cut down into a slight stump flicked behind her.

A sneer would make it's way onto the snakes lips as she let out an annoyed hiss as she stared at the chicken which now sat on her pillow. Farrah would move to lunge towards the chicken once more, which she was successful this time and now held the chicken in her arms.

"Aha!" Was all she could get out before the almost demonic chicken began to peck and scratch at the poor snake, causing her to let out a screech of pain. She'd drop the chicken who was rather angered now and began to peck at the slizzar's feet. Once the chicken moved to attack her feet she'd stumble back before tripping over her own pillow. She'd land with a rather loud crash, now laying on her back in a rather awkward position with the chicken now glaring at her with it's beady eyes.

Farrah soon take a deep breath before letting out an angry growl before she began to yell to who also lived in the house.


A Flurry of Feathers




When most people hear a loud hissing noise, many would believe that it's just a slizzar having a fit. In this case, it's an annoyed hiss coming from one of the many rooms within the Eroth household. Now many would think the slizzar was arguing with someone however that is not the case this time.

A hard stare towards two beady eyes, a flick of her forked tongue before Farrah moved to lunge at the small nuisance in front of her. A loud bawk would be heard as well as some sort of noise that sounded like a hiss of its own. The chicken, which had been in a stare down with the snake moved out of the lunging slizzar's way. Unfortunately she realized that too late and ended up slamming straight into the door that was once behind the chicken before it moved. A pained hiss would make its way past her lips before moving to push herself back and whirl herself around on her two long and graceful legs. The long thin tail which was cut down into a slight stump flicked behind her.

A sneer would make it's way onto the snakes lips as she let out an annoyed hiss as she stared at the chicken which now sat on her pillow. Farrah would move to lunge towards the chicken once more, which she was successful this time and now held the chicken in her arms.

"Aha!" Was all she could get out before the almost demonic chicken began to peck and scratch at the poor snake, causing her to let out a screech of pain. She'd drop the chicken who was rather angered now and began to peck at the slizzar's feet. Once the chicken moved to attack her feet she'd stumble back before tripping over her own pillow. She'd land with a rather loud crash, now laying on her back in a rather awkward position with the chicken now glaring at her with it's beady eyes.

Farrah soon take a deep breath before letting out an angry growl before she began to yell to who also lived in the house.


A Flurry of Feathers




When most people hear a loud hissing noise, many would believe that it's just a slizzar having a fit. In this case, it's an annoyed hiss coming from one of the many rooms within the Eroth household. Now many would think the slizzar was arguing with someone however that is not the case this time.

A hard stare towards two beady eyes, a flick of her forked tongue before Farrah moved to lunge at the small nuisance in front of her. A loud bawk would be heard as well as some sort of noise that sounded like a hiss of its own. The chicken, which had been in a stare down with the snake moved out of the lunging slizzar's way. Unfortunately she realized that too late and ended up slamming straight into the door that was once behind the chicken before it moved. A pained hiss would make its way past her lips before moving to push herself back and whirl herself around on her two long and graceful legs. The long thin tail which was cut down into a slight stump flicked behind her.

A sneer would make it's way onto the snakes lips as she let out an annoyed hiss as she stared at the chicken which now sat on her pillow. Farrah would move to lunge towards the chicken once more, which she was successful this time and now held the chicken in her arms.

"Aha!" Was all she could get out before the almost demonic chicken began to peck and scratch at the poor snake, causing her to let out a screech of pain. She'd drop the chicken who was rather angered now and began to peck at the slizzar's feet. Once the chicken moved to attack her feet she'd stumble back before tripping over her own pillow. She'd land with a rather loud crash, now laying on her back in a rather awkward position with the chicken now glaring at her with it's beady eyes.

Farrah soon take a deep breath before letting out an angry growl before she began to yell to who also lived in the house.


This is beautiful.