Archived A Few Suggestions To Make Surviving A Bit Less Easy

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Pink Fluffy Unicorn
Oct 22, 2012
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Here's a few ideas regarding zombies.
1) If its possible, make it so occasionally zombies spawn in large hordes of around 30-100, so we start having hordes of zombies roaming around the countryside, besieging small villages. Hordes will spawn at least 10 chunks away from claimed land.
2)Make it so when a zombie is "aggro'd" they will start attracting zombies from a 45 block radius.
3)Make it so that zombies or mobs in general have a chance of doing damage to a specific body part. For example, a zombie can "break one of your legs" (temporarily add the slow debuff onto you) or "swipe its claws across your eyes" (temporary blindness) and other things similar to that.
4) Possibly make it so zombies can spread "diseases" onto you, which in turn can be transferred to other players through combat. These diseases would have various debuffs, such as blindness or weakness, before finally killing you.


Here's what I think a plugin about seasons should involve.
1) 4 seasons, each taking up around a week IRL.
2) Each seasons would have a dramatic impact on the environment, for example:
Spring: Tree's automatically drop saplings, tall grass grows naturally
Summer: Staying outside in Deserts will do damage to you over time.
Fall: Heavy rain breaks saplings and tall grass.
Winter: Constant snow, up to 3 blocks of snow can pile up naturally in any biome except Rainforests and Deserts.


1) Each race will have a "home" biome and "hostile" biome.
Home: Forest, elves gain the ability to go invisible by "consuming" experience.
Hostile: Desert, elves get a slowness debuff.
b) Orcs:
Home: Deserts, orcs get a speed buff.
Hostile: Forests, orcs have a blindness debuff (agh! I can't see anything through these trees!)
Home: Mountains,dwarves can go invisible by "consuming" experience. (Curses, they've hid behind the rocks! Curse their small size!)
Hostile: Rainforest, dwarves get a slowness debuff in rainforests. (Why do I keep tripping over vines....)
Home: Rainforests, Naga have a 10% chance to apply a 4 second poison debuff onto armored enemies, a 70% chance to apply it onto unarmored.
Hostile: Mountains, Naga have a nausea debuff in mountains. (What...what is this? Where are the trees and vines?) This effect also applies to deserts and grasslands.
2) Humans, Vespids, and Undead will all have no home or hostile territories because:
a) Humans- Humans have settled in almost every possible environment, and as such have no particular affinity or hatred of any.
b) Vespids- So many subclasses that you're bound to find vespid in almost any location.
c) Undead- Lack of available lore.
3) This biome system might be a tad unbalanced, so I might add vespids, humans, and undead to it in the future.
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I don't know about the home and hostile biomes for races... but your idea for zombies is AMAZING! I was thinking just the other day about bigger zombie hordes. I'd love to see swarms of them in the filling streets, and shredding anyone caught outside. But hey, maybe it's just because I'm a hardcore walking dead fan. As for seasons, they could even potentially hide peoples world griefs under a barrage of tall grass/snow.
All I have to say is, I feel sorry for the new players.
Supported! Very good idea!
I like the mobs and seasons... The races? Not so sure.
Eh, its mostly meant to make settlements a bit more "realistic", so you don't find elves living in deserts, or dwarves inhabiting rainforests.
I personally would love to see this implemented, although this would make several darkrooms all that more dangerous, you also should know,
favoured, They are adding new biomes in 1.7, I'm sure the Undead, Frostmourn, and Vespid could have a home environment once the new update is released. =D
Eh, its mostly meant to make settlements a bit more "realistic", so you don't find elves living in deserts, or dwarves inhabiting rainforests.

True, but in a faction with a wide varieties of races? Mess. Though that will make factions support a certain race and then RP would be more realistic in a faction. Problem with that? It unbalances PvP. A whole faction of elves against Maiar or Dakkar or Orcs would be severely unbalanced.
This is the time when I really wish they added a Thirst or Water Bar. It would make this game a lot more like surviving in the wild.
Well actually, maybe a unbalanced PvP system would be nice. Think about it, of course a faction of elves would have the advantage over orcs or other races in their forest. Why wouldn't they? This makes it so the orcs are forced to conquer the elves through brute strength and superior numbers, with a well planned out attack that makes it so elves can't ambush them every 3 minutes. Instead of raiders just going "ATTACK DEM", the offensive force would now have to think through its method of attack before going into the enemy's base.
True, but in a faction with a wide varieties of races? Mess. Though that will make factions support a certain race and then RP would be more realistic in a faction. Problem with that? It unbalances PvP. A whole faction of elves against Maiar or Dakkar or Orcs would be severely unbalanced.

Then again, in reality, people who live in a location longer or are genetically built for it would indeed have an advantage.

Take the Dakkar and Maiar, they both live in areas other races have an almost amazing amount of a disadvantage in. Not only does it make it realistic, knowing as an Elf in the desert really WOULD not have an advantage, and the Frostmorn will have the ice advantage in Jorrhildr, it would make sense for others as well.

Let alone, it is odd that somehow Dwarves, whom specifically are for digging, living underground, keeping with mountainous areas, would be living in the middle of Gana-Isha with other Dakkar, and he'd do fine there.

It wouldn't really be severely unbalanced, of all things, knowing as EVERYONE would be affected in some way or another, and if you're in the middle of a desert and you start dying, it most likely will negate armour, so no matter how Premium godly you are, you'd still suffer from it as much as Non-premiums, and of all things, it would encourage RP locations.

RP qualities:

  • A Orc living in the jungle? HA, no, it's gonna be rubble by the time the Orcs are done with it.
  • A Maiar living in the Desert with a small bucket of water to keep him alive? HA, no, the Maiar is totally f*cked, they'd wither in the heat and lack of actual hydration.
It would be a nice idea however
-merge into dream world-
"Lallalal im just getting iron!" Said bobby
bobby looked around
a zombie appeared
"Oh no! let me kill him!"
Bobby killed the zombie
Agro! a hundred zombies attack and eat bobby
The end
See where im going with this? the hordes thing is going to have to turn down a few notches
Yeah, I need to add a few restrictions on that. How bout this?

-Hordes spawn at least 10 chunks away from any claimed land.
-Zombie agro is reduced to 30 blocks.
I do like the seasons idea..

Massivecraft should have seasons of it's own, all with a trait to them different or not. Each season a race such as elven beings (their catagorized) has a small advantage at that time and so forth.

Anyway that is only what I think.
Yeah, I need to add a few restrictions on that. How bout this?

-Hordes spawn at least 10 chunks away from any claimed land.
-Zombie agro is reduced to 30 blocks.

I think 30 doesn't really make a big difference,
Considering zombies can see you 35 blocks out, they most of the time already saw you before the horde was triggered.
45 would be interesting, however.
I'll take your word for that, 45 it is. Adding that into the main suggestion as you read this.
Consdering my past experiences with the glitchy zombies, i'd have to disagree with the zombies idea. I literally cannot build or do anything in my faction half the time because either A.) I kill one zombie and the next thing I know I have a constant mini-horde of 5-9 following me all day, or B.) An actual mini-horde manages to infest & "patrol" the entire Avalon palace, literally halting work for me as I struggle to grab my items again. Everything else I'm cool with, probably not the season & home/hostile biomes thing.
I disagree with the zombies. The goal of massivecraft survival is not to be that difficult, it is in fact pretty easy. The goal is roleplay. And right now, there is no roleplay reason why a horde of zombies would be roaming the countryside. This is medieval roleplay, not zombie survival.
The other ones are pretty good though, aside from perhaps the hostile enviroments. Those I disagree with. There would be NO orcs vs elves in the forests, and no elves vs orcs in the desert. Plus other issues. But that should illustrate well for now.
That is my opinion. But Cayorian may or may not have the time to code this.
Hmm, I see your point. However, I do not agree with it. Mostly I think its due to how we view Minecraft in general. Personally I enjoy Minecraft because of the survival element. I like to try to carve out a living in a hostile world, surviving and withstanding everything that the world has to throw at you. I don't particularly enjoy roleplay. However, I do see why it would be annoying to roleplayers. There's not really a way to "fix" the suggestion because its not exactly the suggestion itself you disagree with, its the overall mentality behind it.
I like it... some of it.... :)


1.) About the zombie horde... make them in a range of 10 to 30. 100 zombies would be too much. And rarely but still possible.

2.) Ok but smaller radius.

3.) Not shure... :/
Then I should be able to do the same to them.

4.) Spreading deseases that can be easily cured with bucket of milk. Ok


I do like idea of changing enviroment once in a while but somehow I find it unnessecary. There are biomes in that purpose.


Agree :)

Humans could get small advantages when standing on cobble or stone blocks as imitation of roads and citys... but very small bonus and undead recieve bonus everywhere in dark but it could be a problem to make that.

But overall there are some cool ideas there... ;)
As if the scarceness of animals wasn't enough. But no, great ideas.
I like everything except for the zombie hordes due to the fact that's easy mcmmo training and is basically an above ground darkroom.
Disagree with the very concept of turning the server into a zombie survival game. This is an RP server with PvP elements, NOT a Walking Dead fan server or DayZ reenactment or some such. It'd be like if someone suggested turning the server into a Hunger Games server. Maybe have a zombie survival minigame in the minigame world, but for the love of Pete, don't do it to the server as a whole. *Is really quite tired of so many people out there fanboy/girl ing over zombies these days.*

The concept of racial advantages in certain biomes I totally agree with, just not your suggestions on how to do it. 2 of the races going invisible is a little silly, and temporary blindness on top of it is even more silly.

Seasons... really don't have an opinion on that one right now.

But primarily, no. Nonono a thousand times no to zombie hoards. Not without solid RP reasoning.
I've spoke about something along the lines of your horde idea with a few others. Mainly regarding the difficulty of travel and safety in the "wilderness", that word in itself nowadays means little. The wilderness isnt very wild at all, if we are to have savage undead roaming the overworld during the night then people should be taking shelter in thier homes from them. No matter how heroic you are or how much of a handsome orc you may be, everyone has a limit in a roleplay sense.

What im basically getting at is that we can simply 2 hit zombie and skeletons and pretty much anything with ease, leaving nothing to truly fear and in a world with such threats. We should have that whole "oh crap the undead are bashing at the door of my house in the wilderness" feeling and less shooing them off like over zealous girl scouts who are desperatly trying to sell you something.

Id love to see a huge increase in mobs and thier stats. give us something to fear and fight during the night.
On the hordes thing, perhaps have a specific trigger for them to spawn? say full moon? something that people can track so they know when to prepare in the same way people prepare for the nights everyday.

I Like the idea of seasons, but it'll need some heavy restrictions to not interfere with builds etc.

The home biome idea I think is a great idea, though it will cause an influx of specific race factions and diverse race factions such as my own for example would suffer a bit as people would have to put up with negative effects. would be near impossible for us to find a place where everyone can setlle and work/play/rp.

Awesome ideas either way, good job.
Anything else than the zombie horde idea is horrible, but the zombie horde idea is fine

in other media, the main strength of zombies is that they are so many, and the fact that they keep going until they fall apart, a single zombie is rarely a challenge, however a big horde of them is, it would add to the realism of the server, as you wouldn't attack a horde of enemies IRL

besides, taking down these hordes would be a gr8 way for factions to make money
Love this idea! Very creative and amazing! Ideas are bullet-proof, but this one is made out of titanium. SUPPORTED!
Wel I only like one of em realy.:P

The biome thingy shouldn't be implanted. Collecting resources will become more troubeling as it already is. Speaking for non-premiums, They die? they loose all stuff. Having need of a particular item they can only find in good quantities in a hazardous inviroment to their race, Makes it near impossible to get it. Besides we are inteligent beings. We adapt to our inviroments trough natural process. In dezerts humans develop darker skin to protect against the burning heat of the sun. just to give a very easy example.;)

As for the zombie horde thing. 1 single zombie can already be potentialy a horde. I have had enough times I had 1 zombie turn into three and then the remaining ones multiplying aswel. Conclusion: The wild is difficult enough to live in. Also within faction cities zombies still feel like spawning. Which is a big issue in my opinion. If they didnt spawn within claimed land then maybe... If we would have the option to toggle spawing of mobs in faction lands off, then I would agree on increasing the wilds difficult, but only up to 150% of what it is now.

Seasons, Yup this would be awsome to have. However... I think I may have over heared something of it being implanted into vanilla. I won't garuntee it, but I do believe I heared something about that happening already.:)
I like the zombie idea, the season idea is good but I think it would not be worth the time it would take to add. The race bonuses in different zones seems to me like it would encourage more people to be a certain race for pvp than for rp.
On the more techy aspect of this suggestion:
  1. Zombies - I believe that the ability to mass produce them, without using a specific location, will be far too laggy on the server because it will have to track the player, faction, and claims to spawn them, as mobs don't spawn right next to players. Also, I am not even sure Bukkit allows for the massive, automatic spawn of something like this, so I highly assume that this one is a no. Finally, the use of aggravated zombies cannot be changed to my knowledge, but the random disease and debuff effects could happen.
  2. Seasons - For spring, it'd be practically impossible to do what you suggested with trees. The model can't be focused to just drop saplings from trees. You could possibly do leaves that drop saplings, but it might lag due to the giant amount of items falling from them. The tall grass growing idea might work, but I am not sure about it. For summer, everything should work well. For fall, I think that it could be pretty easy, but you'd have to remember that there could be a lag spike if rain starts falling down and a bunch of stuff breaks on one world. For winter, It'd be increasingly hard to code where and where not to avoid obstacles for spawning snow, as well as to use the biomes. Also, there'd probably be a lot of lag due to the fact of giant snow popping out of nowhere in the giant world.
  3. Races - Everything should work, the only thing that I'm even remotely sketchy about is the consuming experience thing, but I believe that could be done.
Well I must admit I overlooked an aspect of the Race in ''biomes aspect. Granting bonuses rather than adding negative effects would positively influence the suggestion. Making biomes where races are meant to feel home at be welcoming instead of the other places where they don't belong hazardous.

How could I not have seen the positive way at this?:( I am always trying to find the good stuff out of things.;(

But anyways..:P

If you change that biome race idea into bonus for being into the correct biomes rather than giving punishments for being in the wrong one will probably give you similar results, and factions do not have a issue with locations due to it not having any negative effect for them.:) You got my support.:D(if you don't overdo the zombie thing of course. ;))
Disagree with the very concept of turning the server into a zombie survival game. This is an RP server with PvP elements, NOT a Walking Dead fan server or DayZ reenactment or some such. It'd be like if someone suggested turning the server into a Hunger Games server. Maybe have a zombie survival minigame in the minigame world, but for the love of Pete, don't do it to the server as a whole. *Is really quite tired of so many people out there fanboy/girl ing over zombies these days.*

Someone did suggest implementing Hunger Games into Massivecraft, as minigame.
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