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"Something will be here"
Mar 30, 2015
Reaction score
*Upon his previous message ((https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/a-threat-to-regalia-my-thoughts-on-the-black-regiment.67623/)), a new notice was placed up done by the same man.*
Dearest Civilians of Regalia and The Empire,
I Mathieu Celyreos, am here to write a formal apology to any I offended with my previous notice with said crude language, and defamation. It was an act made to "join the bandwagon" so to speak with so many denouncing the Black Regiment, also mixing in with intoxication. I am also here to apologise to my very own family for the transgretions of my actions are placed solely on me. Because of this, I have decided to leave my family formally, and seek a new name and a new path, as not to sully their name any further, more importantly my sisters name, more than the rest of them. I know my words now mean nothing, and nothing I can do can rectify how I have harmed my family so other than this...but I will disappear soon. You will no longer hear the name Mathieu Celyreos ever again, unless I am dead to the hands of those who I offended. I stick by my more formal moments within my previous notice however (other than the tangents), that the Black Regiment have been assaulting and ruining the lives of fellow officers of the law, and civilians who work for the good of the city, and though I am no neo-Bulwarkist myself, I do also believe that the beating and destruction of non-humans who have not done a crime is immoral and cruel. Either way...I hope that the Black Regiment at least can change their ways and aid the city rather than hinder it.
In summary: I am leaving my family and leaving my old name and life behind, all blame of the defamation of the guard charter should be placed upon me and not the family I was once within, and I believe that the Black Regiment should change their ways to properly defend the city akin to the Vigilants.

This is the last notice I will place as Mathieu Celyreos, with him dying today...in a sense.

Spirit Guide you all, and be merciful on my sinful soul.

Siselle could not help but step (trudge) back a little at this notice, brows furrowing as she shook her head, "He left the family over a stupid letter? How ridiculous. I've done a lot but I never left the Haagenvigs." The North woman gave a sigh as she pressed her palm to her forehead, muttering as she moved onwards.
Alban chuckled, tapping Asher's armored shoulder.
"Ithanians. They over-hype everything, then do shit like this."

Ser Ardelan gave nothing but a shake of his head, not even bothering to read the rest of the writing as soon as he read the part about him abandoning his family. Turning, the man strolled off, merely sparing a thought or two. "This is why you don't involve yourself with matters that doesn't concern you."
The now bandaged Altalar squinted as she read this. Once finished she took a step back and blinked.
"You can denounce yourself?"
And with that she strolled off.
Zas'kince Allas just squinted his eyes at the letter, seemingly confused, "Can't change the fact your related to them, so why abandon a last name over a letter?" he muttered questionably before heading home.
Zaheer grabs one of the papers, folding it into fourths and setting it under his glass of milk