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A Declaration From The Hierarchy


The Antagonist
Aug 7, 2016
Reaction score
Issued April 4th, 307 A.C.

A Declaration on Claiming Territories

A note was resting among the rest of the notices in the Wailing Wraith and in Old Town, stamped with a seal of human blood at the top. It was written in a dreadly scribble but very legible to those who could read common. It read:

To the people of Old Town and The Sewers, We the Hierarchy from now forth claim to protect the following lands and claim them as our hunting grounds for our kin. We swear to protect these lands at all costs and hunt on them in plenty to patrol and claim it as our righteous territory.

We so claim the following territory:

The Hangman District

We will no longer hide in the sewers and let our hunting groups be swept from under us and our prey limited! We will no longer keep quiet and let our gifted sink in numbers! We will from now fourth be stalking the grounds and claiming people as our own do they so tread upon it. Beware of the Hierarchy, for we no longer sit in silence.

We will fight for the freedom of our home from the guards and the people who do not belong.
Merith Wyrmwood
Praxis to the Lord Wyrmwood,
Desprince of the Hierarchy Coven.
OOC Note:
Changed location due to miscommunication OOCLY.
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Akira looked the note over, a smirk spreading across her lips. "Finally something fun is going to happen." Lifting a dagger she stabbed it into the wood, and with that, she departed, disappearing into the darkness of the sewers.
A crimson witch, stopped a moment at the notice boards, looking it over and tapping over it's text with his long claws. "No longer sit in silence hmm.. Well, we'll see 'ow long that lasts lady Wyrmwood." With a strut in his step the witch took off, though with an amused smirk curled upon his lips.
Vaeri Neridi flicked the notice back down to her desk as she pondered in thought about the claim, nodding slowly. "Surprisin' Don. Ya' sure do know how ta' keep me on my toes. We'll see how this turns out. Gonna be real fun, I give ya' tha'." She relaxed back in her seat, tapping her fingers against the wood of the desk.
Issued April 5th, 307 A.C.

Another Announcement

A simple note lay under the proclamation from before, scribbled in the same writing but with a much less threatening message:

We peacefully announce our claim over the church of Salvation and the area surrounding it, which is currently I believe part of the hangman distract already. However, we will in the future look forward to using the church to provide things for the people of Old Town. We stake the claim now and look forward to what we can come up with for its usage. We will announce in the soon future what we will do with the church, but trust that it will greatly benefit the people of Old Town alike.

Merith Wyrmwood

Praxis to the Lord Wyrmwood,
Desprince of the Hierarchy Coven.

OOC Tags:
For the sake of you know, letting people know that we expanded just a tiny bit. Hopefully, I got all the gang leaders, sorry if I missed anyone.
@Vegemiite @nath_n @Sozzer @Lizmun @HobblingHobbit @Athelois @Katiesc
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A lone monk traveled through the city he once called home for a brief time, traversing the areas most downtrodden to reflect his new station in life. Hearing of the current affairs from one of the almshouse users, he would walk towards the proclamation board that had recently been covered entirely by similar notices.

Typically the Leutzman would not pay too much heed to the statements of such, though by chance or providence would pinpoint this statement out of the lot and read it. Punching the notice into the board, but not going so far as to tear it down, he would storm off in the direction of the Church, reciting in passing the words he spent half a lifetime memorizing:

"The Knights must make war on the infidels without cessation and without mercy, for the cleansing of non-Unionism can only be performed by the sword."
"Everyone knows that the Hangman district belongs to the silven, have fun with that, idiots!"

Charlie Perrin found herself yelling once again over one of these declarations, scoffing in the back of her throat.

Reverend Jürgen con Drachenburg could be heard having a fit of rage over the news of the Church of Salvation's hostile takeover. "How dare they taint a house of the Spirit with their filth! Cousin, how many viridians can your son call upon?" @FireFan96
Leufred lay in the depths of Hangroad, pacing his basement with his roommates dragged along. He was prepping it for something; bottles and vials lined the wall, ready for transmutation. Beneath them were blades and maces, spears and axes, tossed haphazardly onto a pile atop a struggling table. He seethed with rage, something so painfully obvious that even the blind and deaf could see and hear it. A shaking hand held onto the hilt of his longsword, green eyes scrunched in fury.
"Stepping into Hangroad was their first mistake. Claiming a chapel is their worst."
Leufred lay in the depths of Hangroad, pacing his basement with his roommates dragged along. He was prepping it for something; bottles and vials lined the wall, ready for transmutation. Beneath them were blades and maces, spears and axes, tossed haphazardly onto a pile atop a struggling table. He seethed with rage, something so painfully obvious that even the blind and deaf could see and hear it. A shaking hand held onto the hilt of his longsword, green eyes scrunched in fury.
"Stepping into Hangroad was their first mistake. Claiming a chapel is their worst."
"Yeah, yeah, Leu. That's great and all but-..." She narrowed her glowing gaze at the Halberd in her hand, and her casted forearm. "What about my library..." She muttered out. Clearly not paying attention to whatever battle they were readying for. More focused on the well being of her precious books.
Tullion sighed softly, settled in a chair all the while. He just shook his head. "Don't think that's correct.."
Damian Black's happy tone would turn into one of anger and hate as he'd read the recent notice, looking to his right to his Crysteel Cutlass. He'd quite return to his family with the recent news of the horrid creatures that now reside as their neighbors. "Cousins, we hold a major problem. Demons now reside as our neighbors. Seems that I will be busy soon." @darkarely @Film_Noir

Ulfgar Ironfist would laugh at the sight, grinning greatly. "Seems dat et es time ta show da Sanguine focks who 're in charge." He'd head off to gather his arms for the defense of the people.
"They claim the Church? It is not their's. Damn these heretics to the bottom of the void. We must remove them from the House of worship once and for all."