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Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
House Norinn
A Declaration From Cyprien Bongrante

First and foremost it should be made known that this, unlike the other articles which plague the noticeboard, is not at all a denouncement. In fact, it brings me great pleasure to tell you all that this is quite the contrary. Most if not all are familiar with the old feud that raged between the great houses Delmotte and de Letoirneau, and such a dispute no doubt came with slanderous words exchanged between each house. I, Cyprien Bongrante, am here to shine light on the slanderous words and schemes which I knowingly took part in while I was still fortunate enough to find myself with the de Letoirneau name.

The loss of my noble privilege and my descent to commoner status has done well to teach me the virtues of humility, kindness and honesty, and it is with such lessons that I today speak out on my wrongful words and actions against House Delmotte, but most especially the Archduke Louis Delmotte himself.

I admit to my cowardness and dishonourable conduct when his honorable grace Louis Delmotte and I teamed up to duel the Imperial Dragon.

I admit that the great lords Louis Delmotte and Erwald Ravenstad did not attempt to poison me in the Teahaus, and that it was merely a circumstance that I exploited with the intent to harm the Archduke.

I admit that the branding of Tsetsiliya Illyanovich, a close acquaintance to the Delmotte family, was an atrocity and that I am most ashamed of myself for partaking in such a heinous event.

I admit to slandering Louis Delmotte and the entirety of the Delmotte name.

Though these events occurred in the past and I have already been appropriately punished for them by the city authorities - or my family shielded me and took the blame as a whole instead - I have never publically admitted and apologized for them till now and therefore my feud with Louis Delmotte has not been able to conclude until this fateful day.

May this be the patch that is needed to finally seal old wounds, and be the first and final step to drawing the personal rivalry between his honorable grace Louis Delmotte and I to a close. It is with hope that this brings an end to a chapter of malintent and squabbling, so that we may begin a new one of unification, prosperity and uninterrupted duty to the Empire.
Signed by,
Cyprien Bongrante
A small note would sit along the side.

Where is the apology for shaking the neutrality of Old Town? Where is the apology for sending your own house guard into the sewers? Where is your apology for desiding to throw a metal net on my head and shoot me with a crossbow? I see nothing of that. I challanged you to see if you had even a piece of honor left in you. However, I was wrong. You wanted to sick your dogs on me and kick me down when I was on my knees. I have kids and a wife. I was lucky to be able to go home to them because the Greywitches saved me from your evil. Even with it in the past, you cannot be forgiven for what you had done. Apologizing won't repair the scars and burns on Miss Illanovich's face. You need to show action instead writing words. I write to remind you, not to apologize, but have a reminder just for you.

Spirit's Blessings to all
Benjamin Syldove
Adam Patrova read the paper, "Seems about right.." before moving off.
Camilla rose a brow as she read over the declaration. "Isn't it a bit too late, Cyprien?"
Aleck's brow perked and he scoffed some, handing the declaration over to Otto with a small chuckle. "What a pisstake-.. Lad's a bit late and still an arse regardless, still a good laugh though."

Otto perked a brow and an incredulous smile, "He chooses /now/ to make such a declaration?"
Edmure looked over to Otto and Aleck as they exchanged their opinions adding his own with a brooding expression and a smile. "Transparency is only the first step. Now he must prove to have changed. Still is good though. Though I cannot help but notice an undertone of.. What's it called? Damage control? Ass covering?"

@Vivamente @Infinatum
Fen'nan arched a thin, red brow before letting out a sputtering laugh, crossing her arms as she looked upon the paper, "yeah, but he's still an arse and piss, so it's a little late innit? I should give him something to REALLY make a declaration over," she said with a snicker and impish grin.
The General dei Termini was given this notice a tad bit late, he read it over with an idle focus before sliding it off to the side, "If a man seeks to make amends and better himself then why not give him every opportunity to do as such. Have my brother inform him of his tasks and let the actions we require of him provide the mettle of his worth." He then waved off the Servant as he went back to his writings.