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A Daughter's Call To Nobility

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Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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Lady Aliandre Kade, only daughter of the late Morgannan Kade that was murdered by Dragon Cultists, is engaged with the funeral matters of her mother. While the Kade family has chosen not to commit to a funeral and memorial to Morgannan Kade who sired numerous Kade politicians who continue to rule the Empire civillian sector, and is the grandmother of the current Emperor. Lady Aliandre challenges the nobility to make a bid for a memorial. Much like the Eschevard Memorial Garden built in memory of Johan Eschevard, the Kade family wishes to entertain bids from nobility to design a memorial location. Part of the description should be what will be built in the area that the Emperor has assigned for it, what it should look like, and how citizens should make use of or treat it.

The deadline for this submission is 72 hours, after which only the top bid will receive 2 Court Favor and the runner up will receive 1 Court Favor and be used to create a lesser memorial for Morgannan's son, Moriarty Kade. As mentioned, these memorials will not be built until money for public spending is available again after the war, but the drafted proposal will be executed when the time is right, based on the designs made by the families. Participation is not mandatory, but may lead to Evaluation Point increase. Bids will be judged on beauty, design, fittingness for House Kade, and fittingness for Morgannan as a person. In order to submit, send a letter ((to this thread)) detailing your family's proposal. Multiple members of the same family are permitted to send in proposals! Commoners are also permitted to send in a proposal as long as they attribute this proposal to a specific family to honor them.

@Tiber_ @Film_Noir @FireFan96 @MarquisAlex @AlphaInsomnia @Nudibronch @Dekuras @Zombiel3ait @seoulmate @Jouster @HydraLana @Jonificus @BullyTheScroofy @MonMarty @SupremeCripple @Eronoc @Fatherland @AptlyRatley @Aespair @YLMadness @Walrusaur_ @Tracenator1 @Borkwood @Lutsu @AntonVoron @Nellaphise @Plutopup @ZiggyStarDusted @BleachForTheSoul @jarebear24 @Wumpatron
House Kade,

The dei Termini have discussed what best manner to represent the late Morgannan. Most memorials are simple stonework, gardens, pillars, and statues, but what justice does this serve the memory of the one who has passed? Morgannan has given this Empire a great legacy in her children and their children. Their merits in the political environment should be a reflection of the one who made their achievements possible. As such the dei Termini propose the commission of a Court House dedicated to Morgannan. We feel that it best highlights the aspects of the political ideals that came from Morgannan's offspring. The idea that these practices can be traced back to one place, Morgannan herself. The building shall be sculpted in marble, to highlight our Unionist practices of wearing white for mourning. The structure will be humble in exterior appearance, with fine sculptural reliefs done in places deemed most appropriate, but what we strive for in this monument is humble acknowledgement of service. We also have ambitions to sculpt statues of prominent Kade politicians whose lineage began with Morgannan to place within the interior of the Court House. We will offer the finest sculptors within Termini to assist in the construction of this monument. While this project may be seen as grandiose or unnecessary, we feel it best summarizes what Morgannan was able to provide for the Empire.

Lord Giovanni dei Termini
House Kade,

I believe that no simple garden will suffice as a memorial for the late Morgannan Kade. I suggest that the memorial has a functional purpose. I am aware that Morgannan sired multiple Kade politicians, what if a political academy to school people in the way of politics and Regalian law is built to honor the works of Morgannan Kade? The memorial can be built in the imperial style, with a small garden in-front of it, decorated with Dragonflowers, Emperor's Pride flowers, Axford Maiden flowers, and Song Flowers, with a statue of Morgannan standing before the front entrance.

Signed, Edmond Vis-Vegcht.​
To Lady Aliandre and the House Kade,

The late Morgannan was unlike any other woman in the history of Regalia, with her presence felt by all walks of life. Such a woman of power should be remembered for her services to the Empire's bureaucracy and her resolve, and last far into the future.

Due to her tenure as Grand Justicar and proponent of the Imperial Culture, the House Drache finds no memorial more fitting that to suggest the building of a new hall of justice, representing the resolute stance of both the Regalian Law and Morgannan herself.

This Hall, while indeed being a court building, will represent all aspects of the law, from the military, to the state, to the Imperial laws. We believe that such a building would dwarf all other courthouses in the city, signaling the might of the person it represented. The layout of the building will consist of two chambers. A larger room for the imperial inquests, military court martials, and high-profile state trials. And a second chamber would be that of the lesser courts. Around the two halls would be minor bureaucratic offices, with tapestries of Regalian history adorning the walls.

As for the style of Architecture, there is none better than the Imperial style. As the first proponent of the culture, Morganan's name should become synonymous to all that it represents. If a memorial should be created, it should be used to champion this culture, just as Morganan did in her life.

Lastly, outside the entrance of this hall of justice should be a statue of Morganan, eyeing all that visit the memorial hall, be it for business or pleasure. Such a servant of the Empire should be seen by all for generations to come, something a statue would symbolize.

As the other peers of the realm will be sending their own proposals, I shall end mine here. May the Imperial Spirit guide the House Kade in their decision.

Dietrich Drache
Count of Hurst
House Kade,

We of the small house Morgann have determined that the monument should be something simple yet practical, something that offers honour to the late Morgannan herself. It should be an elegant ode to her life, possibly containing a form of testament to some of the greatest periods of her life. This testament, I have proposed, would be in the form of a plaque, place upon the wall of a small room in which politicians can come to deliberate upon. The room will be chiseled of marble, on a base of stone to emphasise the elegant nature of the late Morgannan, but also emphasizing the strong roots on which house Kade has been built. The garden itself will be relatively simplistic, a winding path set into a bed of Emperor's Pride, Axford Maiden and Triclone Orchid flowers, those which serve a practical use.

Humblest Regards,
Lady Marissa Morgann
Peace and Blessings On Your House, Bojárynja Kade,

Lédi Morgannan holds special place within hearts of Vladno: like most wise of Babushkas, she provides many strong kinsmen to state service, keeping institutions strong and healthy like Vladno baby. Good Morgannan is much alike mother to modern Regalian Bureaucratic power-house, and in such spirit, we propose the following.-

'Lady Morgannan Kade Memorial Library' To be built in Imperial Architectural Style. At forefront of Library, the building will be held up by stone statue pillars, showing Morgannan holding the magnificent building with her power and will. Adorning top of majestic building would sit a glass dome, traced with most favored words of The Kade Compendium. The interior of the Library will spiral upwards and upwards, flowing in a circular ascent to the very top of the high traced room. The Libray will praise all things of Imperial nature, and feature art, treatises, and great works, from Imperial writers and craftsmen, excluding pieces which seek to propagate local cultural norms over Imperial Unity. Furthermore, we will seek to carve the visage of most dear Morgannan into the very walls of the institution, her face somber and at peace. The great Lady will look over us as we read, like caring mother over stock of babes.

As personal gesture, on one final note, I would like to commend one last piece to this letter. I, too know the loss of a great woman: Ludmilla Anna Bolshekov Vladiavich, my most beloved mother. In Thessalonikos, the land of my people, we mourn my mother with great zeal. I too will mourn dear Lédi Morgannan on this joyous yet dour day, and honor her life alongside my own mother. Spirit bless.
Signed with respect,
Radoslav Bolshekov
Lady Aliandre and House Kade,
House Celyreos offers its deepest condolences and regrets for your loss. Naturally, as loyal and loving citizens, we wish to provide the best aid we can, and we have put much thought and consideration into our proposal, so as not to waste any of your valuable time, especially in this time of mourning.

Due to the powerful and beloved influence of the late Lady Morgannan, House Celyreos is of the opinion that no one group of people - be they politicians, priests, guards, or nobles, should have access to the memorial of this important woman.
As in life she influenced every strand of Regalia's peoples, so should her monument be open to all good Regalian citizens. It is such that House Celyreos proposes the construction of a new, Unionist chapel for all the people to appreciate and consider the true strength of this amazing woman.

Her influence in the beginnings of the Imperial culture supports our proposal, as the Unionist faith is the pillar which supports the Imperial culture and the Empire itself, just as Morgannan was in life the pillar supporting House Kade.
Naturally, we suggest that the Chapel need be a powerful edifice, built in the Imperial style, with granite roofs and gray stone walls, with an appropriately Imperial height and grandeur, accompanied by large windows - which House Celyreos recommends emblazoning with the Unionist eye in stained glass.

It is also the recommendation of House Celyreos that this edifice be surrounded by a terraced garden, laced with ponds and streams, such that the populace can experience the serenity and peace that the support of Morgannan provided to House Kade and the Empire, and the serenity and peace in which the late Lady now rests eternally.
Indeed, as the grandmother to our current Emperor - the living embodiment of our Imperial Spirit, it would make no sense to build anything but a church to dedicate to the life of this incredible woman, who has added so much strength to the Imperial Spirit and the Union.

Once again, we offer our deepest condolences to you for your loss, and we hope you will consider our proposal.
Spirit Bless you in this time of Grief,


Patriarch of House Celyreos
House Kade,

The House Kehlen grieves with you in the wake of Lady Morgannan. Being the strong woman she was, we firmly believe that her memorial should not be one of sorrow but one of pride, legacy, and beauty. As such, House Kehlen proposes the following, so that we may focus not on the fact that Lady Morgannan has passed, but rather on what she has left behind:

    • The Regalian Courthouse (near to the Cathedral) be renamed in honour of Lady Morgannan, a constant reminder of her exquisite tenure as Grand Justicar.
    • The Regalian Courthouse be redesigned to better conform to Imperial Architecture, including a mural depicting Lady Morgannan's familial lineage in grand artistic detail (Perhaps a Female Feathered Dragon with her wings spread over her family tree).
    • Commission statues outside of the Regalian Courthouse (and in other locations picked by His Imperial Holiness) depicting Lady Morgannan holding the scales of justice in one hand, a lit torch in the other (lighting the way forward).
While House Kehlen knows there is no way to truly show the love we all felt for the virtuous Lady Morgannan, we believe that this is certainly an excellent first step.

Ser Wulfram Ernst Kehlen
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To the House Kade,

The House Howlester offers its condolences for the loss of the late Morgannan Kade. A woman wiser than most, determined, esteemed, and compelling; making her mark as the Grand Justicar, the advocate for Imperial Culture, and as a loyal and admirable woman of the House she belonged to. The Lady Aliandre Kade's call has not gone unheard, and in accordance to her bet, the House Howlester offers this as means of forever remembering the late Morgannan Kade:

A gazebo-like structure with an elevated platform floor set in polished stone with a staircase leading to its entry. A bust of the late Morgannan Kade is sculpted out of marble with a plaque slightly protruding from the sculpture's base, set to commemorate her political and personal achievements. The upper lip of the gazebo has two Feathered Dragons carved at the front, either facing a bold Unionist eye with rays of light spreading outward from it. Torches with designs of the sigil of the House Kade are engraved into the upstanding holders, winding their way up to the base of the fires. The flames signify the might of both the late Morgannan and that of the House Kade; the torch-fires are kept alight day and night for daily homage. Visitation is a time of silence for commoner and noble guests, where they might place mementos and tokens of condolences before the base of the sculpture. Various embroidered tapestries drape around the supporting pillars, tied back with gold tassels.
As we offer this option for memorial, we give our due respects and wish the House Kade well in their loss--for not only have they lost an admirable woman, but the Empire has lost a fine role model.
Signed humbly, and with well wishes,
Katriane Howlester,
Imperial Dame of Billunderborg.​
To the Lady Aliandre, and all those whom it may concern within House Kade,

House d'Vaud offers condolences for your loss of your mother, Morgannan Kade. I too have lost a parent, and understand well your heartache. No doubt it still runs sore, so I will attempt to keep this brief and proceed with House d'Vaud's proposal:

The Holy City of Regalia lacks not for any Court-house, which would be the obvious choice to commemorate a former Grand Justicar, as several already exist and are currently vacant until they are needed. You require a building which will be used by they greater public, and when they do us it, they will feel a moment of gratitude and pride for your mother. Her work as Grand Justicar, in a manner of speaking, attempted to clean and cleanse the public.

House d'Vaud, therefore, proposes that a new and extended public baths be built in the Holy City. The current bath-house is empty and unoccupied by many, due to the scarce knowledge of it's location. In light of this, I propose that the baths be built in the current location of the large plain and Gazebo area of the Regalian Public Gardens. This project will be expensive and will likely take time to construct, but the outcome may be far greater than initially warrented.

It will contain several rooms:

  • A changing-area for the different genders, to store clothes and other items.
  • A series of pools that will increase in tempreture, which will be seperated by gender, as well as drying facilities.
    • An indoor frigidarium (Cold-Pool), which should be circular in design to differentiate from the other pools.
    • An outdoor tepidarium (Warm-Pool), with Commissioned Statues lining the above balcony, and benches around it.
    • An indoor caldarium (Hot-Pool), with appropriate alcoves with cooler water present.
    • An indoor laconium (Dry-Room), which should be richly ornamented with decorations on the walls and ceiling.
This proposal can be expanded upon or cut depending on the requirements of yourself and all those concerned. Should mixed bathing not be an issue, the circular process of bathing can be halved. This would allow space for these baths can become a center for recreational and social activities, with gymnasiums and formal gardens becoming part of the bath complex.

Should this idea be too extravagant or expensive, House d'Vaud proposes that the current bathhouse be renovated and receive a better thoroughfare to its unusally hard to find location. Such a road or even the building itself can be named after Moriarty Kade, as suits your needs. The current bath-house already hosts several of the features that are explained above, but is much smaller in scope and could do with some much needed care and commitment.
We offer these proposals for the aforementioned plans for memorials and again offer our deepest respects for your loss. May the Spirit ease your hearts and make you tougher for the choices ahead.
Penned by Benedictus d'Vaud,
Imperial Ser of Opper-Calem.​
House Kade,

To honor the late (yet nevertheless admirable) Lady Morgannan Kade, I lodge to incorporate her life and wisdom as a common motif within Regalian society. I propose the following: Within every courthouse, a grandiose marble statue of Lady Morgannan is to be erected behind the seats of the Justicars and overlooking the courthouse, holding the scales of justice. I believe that this will highlight a number of Lady Kade's achievements:

  1. Her tenure as a member of justice, represented by her position within the courthouse.
  2. Her success as a mother, as both the justicars and other attendees below her may gaze upon the statue and, much like a child looking to a parent, take inspiration from the Lady Kade's wisdom and legacy as guidance for the future.
  3. Her power and impact, signified by the idea that despite her passing, her contribution to law and politics through both her own merit and the successes of her children is still felt within every Regalian courthouse today, no matter where.
I extend with this proposal my deepest condolences for your loss, and wish all the best in this time of grieving.

Jamie Rosendahl
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House Kade,

I would like to start by extending my condolences to you after the death of your mother - no one should have to endure the pain of losing a parent, especially in such a way. However, I hope you can find peace in that she is in a better place.

However, something must be put into place to honour her life - especially when she was such an influential figure in Regalian society. Although the obvious option would be to construct a court house in her honour, but I don't quite think that would be necessary as we have a sufficient amount already. I think it would be more suitable to construct something for the general public, something that people would see and use regularly. On this basis, I propose that a grand park would be erected - with plaques detailing Lady Morgannan's achievements. In the middle of the park, a detailed statue of the Lady would stand tall, a collection of flowers and bushes surrounding her - with a sole path leading to said statue amongst them. Behind the statue, a grand willow tree would grow - signifying Regalia's constant growth and how she contributed to the betterment of our society. Several benches would be placed around the park - and a pond would be dug (simply for beautification's sake).

This park would be erected close to the tavern, so that people may see it every day on their daily commute.
Spirit Bless,
Marcello Vis-Vegcht​
To the most revered House Kade,

May you and yours forever be granted Everwatch.

My sculptors and designers have chosen to remember Lady Morgannan's achievements as a Stateswoman, but most importantly a guiding mother. A large white marble statuette shall be made to be positioned at the Judiciary entrance. It shall be simply adorned, the statute in Justicar garbs.

  • The Lady Morgannan's bust shall be tall and proud, but her gaze would be cast downwards. The Lady Morgannan would be cast and represented in her later years, age gracefully shown through her features yet her most striking feature would be her eyes and the thin, judging lips staring down upon those who look up to it. The sculptors forming her face to be resolute and sternly parental. This is to represent both her achievements as Grand Justicar and as a Maternal figure to the current generation of Kades.
  • Although previous designers suggested using the scales of Justice as a representation of her tenure, we have used the Lady Morgannan's face itself which looks down upon any who enter the Justicar building with a piercing gaze. A sight meant to show the staunch and vital role of Motherhood and Parentity, but also as a reminder to Justicars, Accused and Accusers that they enter a building made high by the very woman staring down upon them.
  • An interesting composition is presented, although the Statue is meant to represent Motherhood, it does not display atypical Nurturing displays common to the Heron of Mothers Isaldora, but rather the Firm and Steadfast displays common to the Heron of Fathers Lenric.
  • There is the following inscribed, "A lax ruler; contentment. A stern ruler; regality"
Moriarty Kade's achievements as the Fourteenth Chancellor should also be remembered. His role in the disbandment of the Regalian Senate and stable rule thereafter should be remembered. A park will be placed within the grounds where the traitor Anahera defenestrated the Kade Elder Council.
  • The park would be a small outing just to the side of the Chancellery, decorated in stately bushes, with Axford Maidens and Emperor's Pride planted behind the bushes. In the middle of the park, led by a path in the middle would be a half-body bust of the Chancellor, which is by all means standard except for a pair of hands, joined together in what seems to be the end of a clapping pose. This is a hark to the momentous clapping that occurred when the Senate, led by the Chancellor's Dragon Faction, restored the Emperor's unlimited and rightful power.
  • The park, rather one to celebrate silently the achievements of the Empire, encourages clapping at the foot of the bust to celebrate the Emperor and Empire.
As we walk along the way,

Vulmar Ravenstad,
Grand Duke of the Hinterlands.
House Kade,

House Lecuyer offers it's deepest condolences, Lady Morgannan was a determined, fierce and empowering woman whom all in her company would come to respect. A model member of the Kade family who pursued her surname's welfare throughout her entire being. Akin to her family, she was fierce and strong - a simple garden or statue does not embody the utter strength and virtue the Kade name holds, something more extravagant is needed.
House Lecuyer proposes the production of a memorial vessel,

The 'H.H.S (His Holiness' Ship) Lady Morgannan' ((Small side note, I apologise if this does not meet the Regalian code for ship titles.))
A defence vessel for the Holy City, one as fierce and empowering as the Kade kin so rightfully deserve.
The figurehead of the ship would be a beautifully carved bust of Lady Morgannan, so she may continue to contribute to the Holy City and help guide us even in death.
This memorial is both unique and useful, the ocean is full of life, as was Lady Morgannan, and the vessel itself may be used to help defend Regalia in times to come. Further symbolising the fact that it is the Kades who protect us, who fight for us, and who defend all that is right within Aloria.
Lady Morgannan was a part of this, and with the creation of such a vessel she will continue to be a part of this.

Spirit's bless, and kind regards


House Kade,

I offer my condolences for the loss of Lady Morgannan Kade. I believe for the determination and high knowledge the Lady Morgannan, that a rather large building be built in her stead, to mark the numerous things she has done for the Empire- Such as her time as Grand Justicar, siring plentiful Kade politicians who are masters of what they do, and more. I propose the plot of land is used for the following;

A rather large building indeed, one with the intent of multiple purposes at a single time. Its grandeur shall reflect the sway Lady Morgannan had to aid the political scene of the Empire, within and beyond her lifespan. A building sculpted of gray stone brick with gloriously stained glass of great design, being marked of either the Eye of Unionism or of the late Lady Morgannan herself. It shall be built as a vertically gifted building- Following Imperial style.The front of the building shall have pillars that show the fortitude of Lady Morgannan, of her persistence as her tenure in being the Grand Justicar. The roof will be made of dark granite tiling. Within the building itself, shall the colors of deep purple and gold shine with warm light. And where it is able, the edges of the ceiling in all rooms will be lined with crown moulding, accented with pieces of Kadite within. It shall have three distinct separations within, all with different purposes-

  • One section of the building as a whole, to the right, shall work as a court hall to preside over cases. The court hall shall have small, delicate statues and busts of the Lady Kade along the entrance and walls, with the marble being accompanied with a deep colored wood for the seating. Purple and gold banners shall drape from above, the ceiling coming to a rounded point at the top- With stained glass marking the very top.
  • The center section shall work as an assembly chamber for those local and wish to discuss on a certain topic. The room shall have strong, thick pillars at the entrance, and the seating will work like a half-circle with the other side of the room being set for those with greater power. The floor will have sturdy wood with carpet to accompany it, with the seats being a light black. Among the upper half of the walls, stained glass windows will stand to allow light to shine in, and in the center of the ceiling there will be a extravagant chandelier, which includes Kadite within it, to hang. There will be seating among the back of the room, on the second floor for those of lower status to watch over.
  • The left section will work as a tax collection center. Windows will be very apparent in the room, to allow the daylight to shine into the room. Appropriate waiting seating will be placed towards the side of the room, while the walls will have sections in which busts of marble depicting Lady Morgannan will be present. Plant life will be on display, small flowers of warm colors set in pots to grow in the room estate. For the section that is the tax collector, there will be a solid desk for the worker to sit at behind the walls to separate the waiting room from the meeting room for those who wish to discuss on matters, while another worker, who is in a more open area, will be present and seen by those waiting for simply paying tax.
The front yard of the building will include a walkway, made of dark painted brick, which in the middle there shall be a fountain. Trimmed bushes will line the walkway, with small flowers budding at the base of them.

With High Regards,
Garth Viduggla
To Lady Aliandre Kade,
My condolences to you, and your lost. Your mother was truly a great woman, having watched over our current Emperor and raising him to what he is today, and the many other relatives you have that have made a legacy for themselves. I know what it is like to lose a loved one. A few years back, my lover, the bearer of my two children and my only heir, had lost her life in a brutish raid in the harsh environment that was Drixagh. Her death was not in vain. Neither should your mother or your brother. I propose the idea to replace the gazebo in the middle of the park lake with a podium of an elegant stone material. This podium/pillar would have two staircases (That no one could walk on. It's on top of the elevated podium in the middle of the park's pond), one higher for Morgannan, and one lower for Moriarty. Morgannan would be standing on the higher staircase, with her hands folded together in front of her stomach looking upwards. Moriarty's statue would be doing the same, although a single left hand by his waist while his right hand is in the shape of the Unionist eye. This represents the two making their way up into the afterlife after their grand service to the Empire. Items from regals to roses could be tossed into the water surrounding the podium to act as gifts. The location is in the park as it is a serene location for the statues of two kind people. If you'd like, add "fountains" that shoot water from the sides of the podium as well, to create a nice look, by all means do so.

Should you need funding for this structure, I am more than welcome to lend some regals. May these two beloved people watch over us in the afterlife, and knowingly watch as our Empire grows larger.​
Again, with my condolences,
Imperial Ser of Gästrelänvatnan,
Valbrand Haagenvig​
To Lady Aliandra Kade,

House Peirgarten offers our deepest condolences during this trying time, as we remember when the terrible news first broke. Alongside Lady Wodenstaff, I myself helped with the creation of the Eschevard memorial garden, a simple place where I and I know many others have found peace.

While the first thoughts of a memorial for Lady Morgannan Kade would be of a grand building, the first idea to come to me was something similar to the Eschevard garden. After the winter months the assembly hall has grown barren with barely any nature close by. I believe in front of the assembly hall would be a wonderful place as it is close to the nobility surrounding and the assembly hall is something representative of our judicial powers.

I believe in the center of the clearing should be a marble fountain, in the middle a grand statue carved to the likeness of the late Lady Kade. Nestled in her right arm would be a book depicting the Regalian Laws while in her other arm, in her other hand, her holding the scales of justice, showing her power within the Judiciary court. Instead of crowding the clearing with flowers galore, I believe a simple walkway aligned with benches and ornate shrubbery would be best, allowing a calm place for people to gather, while showing and paying their respects.

It is met with simplicity, but shows an amount of power and influence that I believe the late Lady Kade exuded more than anyone else. In hopes that this is chosen, I would offer my support and help overseeing such a project.

With Kindest Regards and Spirit's Blessings,

Amelina Peirgarten
Baroness of Lorhauser
Grand Effleur
To Aliandre Kade,

I wish you strength in these hard times.

The idea I had in mind is no structure to be used beyond praise and admiration. A funeral dedication should be dedicated to the person, not how to use their memory for social matters. The idea which came to my mind was a mural, a story of their life told visually. A multi-tier raised structure, much like a pyramid, could be made to depict each stage of her life. On each tier, let there be a statue of her at the age depicted in the mural, and let the mural depict her deeds at that age. The top of the "pyramid" should be unreachable, and the public will have to always look up to see her at the top. Around the "pyramid", let there stand guard statues. Five, ten, a hundred, a legion if you wish. They should all face her memorial, standing ready.

I hope the idea strikes true in what you seek.

With high regards,
~Kaya Akersdottir Sorenvik
Your Imperial Highness, Aliandre Kade.

It is with our most sincere and heartfelt condolences that I write this missive today to put forward my bid for a memorial to Lady Morgannan Kade. Long may her name remain etched in our collective history of the Empire, and I hope to immortalize her with my bid within the city for the generations to come. An Inspiration to all that respect can be commanded without abandoning womanly integrity.

Morgannan Kade should be portrayed in the zenith of her life. The memorial need reflect both Imperial ambitions and her personal legacy: Virtues that have long continued to bring our Empire to greater heights by every passing day. I wish for visitors to not only to be humbled by her feats in life, but also to be reminded of the design of Divine Providence that Ailor continue to fight for and need be exhorted.

I put forward the suggestion of a grand botanical garden that is open for the public and nobility alike in our city. An outdoor paradise that breathes fresh air, under the light of the ever vigilant Everwatch above. Guarded by grand overbearing arches to seclude itself from the city that surrounds it, a juxtaposition to busy streets where one can find peace of mind.

Central to this garden is a fountain of marble purity, the peak of her physical self captured in the moment, to always be remembered even if the garden may change by the season. The statue atop a fountain that offers sustenance to represent how even in death, her actions ripple through our empire.

Her actions and positions in life will be venerated by a codified book of laws that reside in one hand, the other with an open palm offering a cloth that drapes over her hand of simple nature. Portrayed true to her appearance in life she looks above all who enter symbolical to her authority.

The garden itself a pleasure to behold, anyone who steps in need be enchanted by the immense multitude of exotic plants and fruit from across the world. The diversity of the Archipelago's produce representing the best that each people had to offer, brought together to represent the superiority of the culture Morgannan ushered into our world. The culture that embodies our empire's monumental achievements and strength.

From the overhanging arches hangs a terrace of flora that can be reached by platforms to give it imposing height and more depth. This memorial that I envision need touch not on only our visual senses but our surroundings. Her grace and presence manifesting soothing sound and scent to truly grasp Morgannan's self, where I believe the scent of Axford Maidens would fit most.

I pray that with this image you may find an atmosphere that does justice to your late mother. For every day since her most unfortunate passing has the cathedral lit a candle in her honour and her name sung through the halls and I pray for her kin, may the Spirit's light wreath them so they may not be alone in times of grief. May she watch over our Empire proudly evermore.

The spirit protect us all.

~Jean du Pont
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To the Lady Aliandre,

My wife, Dianne, and I wished to offer you deepest condolences for your loss.

In tragic circumstances resulting from violence, moments of peace and reflection can soothe the spirit and return one's strength. And greenery, and vegetation, reminds one of life. Thus, Dianne proposes the following as a memorial to your kin.

It should be a garden with various plants that will stay green and blooming all year round. This building will be indoors so that it is kept forever green and tended to. There may also be some birds that live there to have a bit of life added to the enclosure; along with a fountain in the center of the building. This area will be used to host small gatherings and Imperial events as needed. With it being a covered building, it can also be used all year round.

Christopher and Dianne Black
Count and Imperial Dame of Narlas
To Lady Aliandre Kade,
I can't say I knew your mother personally, but throughout my studies, hers was a name that arose quite often. Her name has become synonymous to Justice for me, regardless let me get to my point as im sure you've a lot of these to sift through. I've spent the last few hours trying to facilitate the perfect tribute for a giant of a woman. I've spoken with my father on the matter and I've come to this suggestion:

Demolish the building formerly known as Vladis Castle in preparation for a grand display of strength and power in her honor. Thus far, the city lacks a show of what female authority and power can truly be, and dare I say Lady Aliandre, your mother was truly that. In the area now free of Vladis Castle, I propose the creation of a three tiered monument, a building at ground level which is open to the general public with various displays and commissions created to commemorate Kade family victories and tales, the second level adorned with gargoyles of feathered dragons and finally at the very top, a statue of the woman herself, standing atop fallen elven heretics, sword in one hand and scales in the other, as a true testament to her might and just nature.

I think the location is perfect for such a piece, being one of the first things you see before crossing the Imperial bridge to the Imperial palace, whilst the statue itself can be viewed from the windows of the Palace itself.

My thoughts and condolences,
Rodderick Howlester
Titles, titles and titles.
Dear Lady Aliandre,

I'm not one for big words or letters, but I am one for big ideas and plans (Surprisingly enough). I'd suggest the construction of a truly tremendous lighthouse in your mother's honour. Let her fire shine over us all and guide in the people of the Empire into our most holy city. Atop it can a statue, carved by someone who knew her likeness, stand and watch over the city just as we can look to her both day and night with the assistance of the roaring fire.

Lord Hengest Harhold of Vlissinghelm.
To Lady Aliandre Kade,

Though I never knew your mother, I can regretfully say, I do know that she was an extremely brilliant and influencial figure in the studies of law and justice. Through my asking of this wonderful woman's life so to better learn about her as I never got the chance during her time with us, I discovered that she had a brilliant liking towards lemon cake. With such, I have a suggestion that I hope would come off as a bit different than those that have already come across, this being that we should take the empty noble park, just outside the noble district, and finally put it to use by using it as a memorial for Lady Morgannan Kade. This should include:
  • Building up a grand garden of lemon trees to decorate the interior wall of the empty park due to Morgannan Kade's apparently love for cakes made with such fruit.
    • These trees could decorated likely during holidays or simply whenever if felt.
  • Towards the centersome section of the park, there could be a manmade pond made and decorated with lemon-yellow and white flowers such as lilies unless her Imperial Highness did not have a liking towards that blossum.
  • Scattered around and between the pond and lemon trees, could be various sitting places. Perhaps picnic tables and benches. There could be a few game tables under the shade of the trees such as checkers and chess to entertain visitors of the park.
  • The lemons that are grown could be picked and given to the marketplace or bakeries if felt, perhaps some days there could be short parties held in the memorial garden.
    • Parties featuring the wonderful dessert such as sudden dances or masquerades like what was recently held in the Regalian Park. Even baking competitions could occur or bake-sales that could raise money for the government that Morgannan Kade and her children so valiently worked and work for.
  • The last detail that I believe should be added, is there could be a magnificent statue of Lady Morgannan Kade either towards the first enterance into the park or within the center of the pond, raising above waters.
  • The statue could feature Morgannan Kade standing proudly within her Grand Justicar robes with a book of the Unionist Creeds or Regalian Law, perhaps both, held secturely against her chest with her left arm. Her right arm is lifted with her fist pressed to or slightly above her heart and her chin lifted as she looked towards the sky or into the distance- perhaps even looking towards Regalia to watch as her city continues utilizing what she spent her whole life working on.
I hold high belief that this could be an excellent idea for the park and I hope dearly that you consider it and it's meaning. Even if others do not quite understand, they can still use the park to have a joyful time. If you do decide that my idea is worthy enough, I offer my own two hands to assist in the project if you would ever like. Thank you kindly for taking the time to regard my message.

Spirit Guide and Best Wishes,
Juliette Eleanor Howlester
To Lady Aliandre Kade,

Though I do not know much of your mother, for which my own ignorance is to blame, I cannot help but feel compelled to pen this letter for a suggestion of a memorial. Losing a loved one is a very tough process, something I can sympathise with. So let me first extend my deepest condolences.

Now, onto the point. I want you to picture this: You are walking down the main road of Reglia. Perhaps heading for a drink in the tavern, or on your way to the clinic to cure a certain ailment. As you reach the tavern, you glance to the left of it; you look to the large archway that stands there. It is grand and beautiful, a true example of our modern architecture. However, glancing to the bottom of the arch you spot something new. There, dead in the middle of the path, stands a statue exhibited upon a small podium. The statue shows your own mother, you clearly recognise her (a good sculpture shall be hired, I hope). There is nothing grand about the statue; she wears her usual clothes, perhaps just a bag in hand. She seems calm. There is no dramatic pose or giant fanfair. She just seems relaxed, elegant - somber, even. You see her as a woman, close to a normal women. You do not see her achievements drowning her or her many riches flooding the streets. You just see her. You mind draws up it's own memories and feelings, no need for lavish inscriptions of her life. You glance back to the arch, a brief reminder of the grand life she led. A noble life, a significant life. But glancing back down again, there she is. Ready to be seen by all as clear as when she lived. She will be remembered, not by what a memorial tells us, but by the memories triggered by the sight of your mother.

Yes. That was all a bit strange. I hope you understood.

Once again, my condolences for your loss.

All the best,
Randulf Howlester
Finance Man
Imperial Ser of someplace.
To the Lady Aliandre and the revered House Kade,

First and foremost, I would offer my condolences to a daughter who has lost a mother, and a family that has lost kin. My proposal comes from days of searching and seeking the better archives that remain of a past influenced by the late Morgannan Kade. Before I started reading I had already begun to consult various architects and sculptors in search of grand monuments and waterworks to display in reverence of her name. I sought many of the same things that a typical monument to a name of her stature may leave to be desired. Yet, the more information I procured about her from the various libraries within Regalia, the more architects I found myself sending away. I came to worry that if I were to submit such a structure of grandeur and see it accepted as her memorial, I would be doing injustice towards a woman of her ideals.

What the dead seek above all is to see the results of their service to the Human fate. If your mother was the woman I believe her to be after reading without end of her service to Imperial Culture, I do not think she would approve of my prior drafts, for she would see that they do not come from the heart of those who would make such in memoriam of her only to appease you and not her. I have rid myself of such decadence; my bid comes from my respect to the result of her actions, and the prosperity and culture she has brought to all.

I am a woman of the Leutz-Vixe. Though my culture is young, it has been built upon the bridges between others before it. These bridges are symbolic, naturally, but they are an important part of my heritage and ones I would never dare forget. A bridge crosses rivers and ravines, allowing us to find each other once again. It allows us to prosper, shortening the lengths between ourselves and others. We too build these bridges as we age and bare children, the sons and daughters passing our customs along into entirely new ones. The Imperial Culture follows this decree more than any culture before it. This symbolic bridge that stands now is the result of Morgannan's arduous service to the Human Fate. I wish to reach into such symbolism and would have it represented by something that is real. In such a way, I would dedicate a bridge to Morgannan's influence on the Imperial Culture.

The bridge in question is that which connects to Unionist Cathedral to the city of Regalia. Upon it there already rests a monument in honor of both Moriarty Kade and Justinian II. Not much would have to change for this bridge to serve as an excellent monument to Morigannan Kade's name as well. Should you accept my bid, nay, my humble request, the bridge would be named Morgannan's Bridge, signified by a carved name unto its centre arch and will simply serve the same purpose as it has before, leading the citizens of Regalia towards the Cathedral of the Unionists. Both the bridge and the statues upon it would be cleaned and renovated by the finest my family has to offer. The street upon the bridge would similarly be renamed Morgannan Street, signified by the name of the street carved into the archway that currently leads to the bridge. Shops and businesses that currently rest upon it will adhere to a stricter code in order to assure that it is always clean and passable by the masses. A wake will be held upon the bridge organised by my family in honour of both Morgannan and Moriarty's will to humanity. I do not believe she would wish for more than this recognition to her name, which will stand for so long as the cathedral at its end brings faith to us all.

Yours Faithfully,
Catherine Du Pont.
To the house Kade

House Valeur answers Your request regarding the memorial for the late Morgannan Kade, something we have pondered over dearly throughout the entire family and I have come to summarise and introduce Yourself to today.
We believe that the memorial should to degrees represent the vast amounts Kades that exist and have existed because of her, and thus we think the best place for a memorial for her is in the front gardens of the Imperial palace, reminding the family whenever they visit, one of the grand architects of the House Kade we know today, the grandmother of the first and second Kade Emperors of Regalia and a beloved member of the Royal Imperial household.
We decided that we think the best design for the memorial would be a statue of her with the eye symbol of Regalia and Unionism in her right hand and her Kade animal symbol to her left, clad in her favourite dress and with a melancholic smile out, towards the Empire as if she'll always look out and gaze upon the wonders that was her home while alive.
The foundation for her memorial we think should be a wide white, marble, corinthian pedestal with water and flowers around it, representing the steadfastness of the pedestal, purity of water and beauty, kindness and growth of the flowers.
For a plaque, we thought a Bronze plate with her favourite sentence or saying according to her kin, the design is mostly for them after all. This should hopefully make them think of the good times that were had while she was here and inspire the future Kades from the wisdom of old.
This will conclude our response to the challenge towards us, the nobility from house Valeur

Spirit Bless
Stéphan Valeur III
House Kade,

Lady Morgannan was an inspiration in terms of judicial reform and creating a branch of great influence in her offspring and their offspring. As such, she is a pinnacle of highlighting the progress of the judicial process. There is no better way to show this than having a humble statue of Morgannan in the center square before the Golden Willow tavern. She should have a strong face and her gaze should fall upon the execution block stationed there, highlighting the final end of those who oppose the law in the most heinous ways. She will serve as an example to even the most lowest born, who know not of her contributions, but will see the statue and understand the power she has brought to the Empire.

Deo dei Termini
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