• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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A Choosing Of Sides


Apr 16, 2021
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
A few posts would he plastered all about the notice boards
To whom this may concern,

In light of recent events, we believe it is time for us to pick a side to stand on. While our house has attempted to remain neutral on the matter, rather than side with the occult or purists, we feel that we can no longer turn a blind eye to the actions of those we once considered allies. From hearing the news that a respected family member of ours had their shop vandalized, causing thousands of regals in damages, to the very lives of our children being threatened for simply existing. We will tolerate this no longer. Thus being said, we will align ourselves with the occult.

Let it be known that our stance on the occult has not changed, we still believe that the afflicted should be cured, and mages should convert to primal magic. It will never change, however, our family has not been plagued by the occult, rather purists and hunters alike. We would like to finish this by urging the hunter, Aamin, to repay the Baron Alistair Roox for the damages he has caused by his arson, lest we escalate this further.

Countess Jacerion Roox
Count Estelar Roox of Westmeer

(Tl;dr House Roox has officially announced their stance in the recent conflict, and urge Aamin to
pay for the damage he has caused)
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