Archived A Chest Shop Notification System

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Feb 14, 2013
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Hi, I have a small suggestion that I think would make it easier to maintain chest shops, and to avoid the frustration from us that have many shops, and spend countless amounts of time running around seeing what needs to be restocked. Ok, so here it is: SenorWorkman's Shop Notification Idea.

I think that the notifications we get when we are online and someone buys something from our shops (Or tries to in the case of out of stock chests) are very useful and informative. However, there is one thing that bugs me and many other shop owners, we have no idea what was bought when we are offline. This requires a very simple solution, and is as follows. When someone buys, say a stack of iron from a shop, you usually get a lengthy notification explaining it. Well with my idea, it would be short and to the point, no matter how much was bought and how many different users bought it.
For example if SenorWorkman and Eltongo both bought a stack of iron from MonMarty's shop when he was offline, when MonMarty got back online it would say something like this in his welcome chat:
64 iron x2 Purchased
And if his shop was out of stock, it would look like this:
Your Iron Ingot shop is out of stock!
Just the same as normal.

However I realize that for prominent wealthy shop owners this would cause MAJOR "spam" in their chat, greeting them everytime they logged in. But I also thought of that when coming up with this idea. It would look like the mail notification and would say this:

You have (Number) Shop Notifications!

And then you would do /shop list to view them all or /shop clear to erase the notifications. This way if people don't have a use for my idea they can just do /shop clear and not have tons of notifications obscuring the chat.

Thanks so much for reading, I know this is long, but I think it would help out a ton of people. Thanks!
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I'm not positive, but I think this needs to be suggested to the authors of the shop plugin. If there is a way for cay to do this, however, I would assume it would be after other features, such as sharding are finished.
I'm not positive, but I think this needs to be suggested to the authors of the shop plugin. If there is a way for cay to do this, however, I would assume it would be after other features, such as sharding are finished.
Ya... I made a suggestion about restricting access to who can sell at a shop, and Marty said it needs to be taken up with the plugin authors. Regardless, I support you in asking for this mod.
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