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A Change Of Heart


Jul 5, 2023
Reaction score

A simple piece of parchment, words written in an inky black, pasted across the city.
»»———- ———-««
To whom it may concern,

As many people have seen, the romantic relationship between Sera Lovette and a member of the von Kepler family, was suddenly brought to light.

My name is Sina, and I initially chose to keep quiet as the situation began, allowing others to speak about me and for me. But now I am no longer a part of a family, and I am no longer defined by an Order I was once connected to. I am writing solely on my own behalf. I wish to explain myself, I wish to be honest and I wish to clarify. I understand that no matter what I write, I will still be deemed as a fool, traitor or disgrace, and I have made peace with that.

Yesterday, it was brought to the attention of both the Lothar and Aelrrigan orders, that Sera Lovette and I were engaged in a romantic relationship. After a series of events, it was clear that I was unable to maintain my loyalties to both parties. This soon resulted in my disownment. For this, I do not blame nor feel anger towards the von Keplers, for we all had to make our own necessary decisions.

However, many may perceive my decision as solely choosing a romantic partner over my own kin. This is not entirely true, and I would like to correct it.

I, albeit selfishly, chose myself. In the recent, I have been expanding my beliefs and opinions. I wish to learn about things I do not know nor understand. In my prior situation, I was unable to do that. I began to stray from the family values that I was raised with, and that is no one's fault but my own. I am curious, and I no longer wish to be bound to an ideal I no longer hold.

I am still finding my opinions, and there is very little I can say in certainty. But as of now, I can no longer declare myself a purist. I am still learning and discovering, balancing ideas I have gained in my youth, and ones I have gained in the recent. Getting to this point has not been simple, and I cannot imagine it ever will be.

Regarding the Lothar Order, the von Keplers, and other purists within the city, I am no longer aligned with any of them, and I know they do not wish to be aligned with me.

I am not just a fool who fell in love, I am a woman who has made a choice that was a long time coming. With that, I am prepared to face any consequences to my actions, and I hope that those consequences only affect me. I apologise that it turned out this way, but I will not apologise for my actions. I stand by them firmly and I will continue to love who I love, no matter what.

- Sina v̶o̶n̶ K̶e̶p̶l̶e̶r̶
Nailed directly under the notice was a document in direct response.


As this pertains to a situation that I've investigated on behalf of the Imperial Knighthood, I will let my report speak for itself on any matters directly correlating to your state of affairs or what conclusions I've come to make.
Though I believe this has illustrated an opportunity for Knights to use your situation to set an example for all Knightly Orders around the city. Rather than telling you what you already know, being that you are disgraced, and disowned, I will use this paper to share some advice and refrain from metaphorically "attacking the defenseless" as many Knights should follow. I urge you to refrain from falling down the path of self depreciation. You've made a decision, and it's clear in this document that you are uneasy about the decision you've come to. As you grow older, whether you look back at this moment as a negative or positive moment in your story- realize what it is that you strove for and what you've obtained from it and correct accordingly. When this moment is long forgotten by those around you, remember it, value it.
Because in the end it was your decision.
Lord-Protector, Sergeant Otto Delmotte​