From the desk of Ser Alexander Dunmore,
Knight of the Duncairn Estate and
Lord Commander of the Gallovian Royal Guard.
Knight of the Duncairn Estate and
Lord Commander of the Gallovian Royal Guard.
'It is with great sadness, that I must pass judgement on one of my own.
My own brother, Kenneth Leslie Dunmore has attempted to aid the Blackhawks in a recent Gang War in Rose Court, which the Yanar attempted to free from the afforementioned gang's clutches. I hereby disown my brother, he will hold no power within my household, he will break no bread at my table and drink no drinks with my kin. He shall never share my name again.
This denouncement does not come easily, though it must be done to protect my family and their reputation from harm. He is no decent man and never will be, if you are reading this yourself, brother. I urge you, repent for your sins and confess to the Spirit your wrongs that I may consider allowing your return. Furthermore, your wife may choose whether she remains or leaves with you, your children will be given the same choice.'
My own brother, Kenneth Leslie Dunmore has attempted to aid the Blackhawks in a recent Gang War in Rose Court, which the Yanar attempted to free from the afforementioned gang's clutches. I hereby disown my brother, he will hold no power within my household, he will break no bread at my table and drink no drinks with my kin. He shall never share my name again.
This denouncement does not come easily, though it must be done to protect my family and their reputation from harm. He is no decent man and never will be, if you are reading this yourself, brother. I urge you, repent for your sins and confess to the Spirit your wrongs that I may consider allowing your return. Furthermore, your wife may choose whether she remains or leaves with you, your children will be given the same choice.'