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A Bounty Written In The Dead Man's Hand


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
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Roleplay Guilds
Posted to the Golden Willow's notice board would be a poster written in rather familiar written to anyone that had looked at any notices since the start of the plague. It seemed that our old friend, the either despised or admired poet, had once again left something to be read.
Wanted for Heresy & Jacobinism

Icarus Albatross
The Infamous Poet of Lies
A bounty of two-hundred regals and the removal of heretical filth!

Dead or Alive

Posted by Icarus Albatross
Come and find me if you can.

22th of October, 305AC - Regalia
Passing the poster, a certain poet let out a laugh as they read the poster. The next day, pinned beneath the poster, would be a note.
Come out, come out, wherever you are.
-Leotholdus Nash
A simple Ithanian poem is posted next to the call and the previous publications of the mysterious poet, signed by Adrienne in rose-coloured ink.


Often our sailors, for an hour of fun,
Catch albatrosses on the after breeze
Through which these trail the ship from sun to sun
As it skims down the deep and briny seas.

Scarce have these birds been set upon the poop,
Than, awkward now, they, the sky's emperors,
Piteous and shamed, let their great white wings droop
Beside them like a pair of idle oars.

These wingĆØd voyagers, how gauche their gait!
Once noble, now how ludicrous to view!
One sailor bums them with his pipe, his mate
Limps, mimicking these cripples who once flew.

Poets are like these lords of sky and cloud,
Who ride the storm and mock the bow's taut strings,
Exiled on earth amid a jeering crowd,
Prisoned and palsied by their giant wings.

Charles Baudelaire, Fleurs du Mal - translated by Jacques LeClercq
N'fali stared at this particular part if the note. It was the only thing that stood out to him. All his prior knowledge to the common language told him this was wrong, but here it sat in plain daylight on this poster. His mind was conflicted about if what he knew was right or wrong. Are there other things about the common language he previously thought was correct that was actually the opposite? He spent many days reflecting upon this, eventually turning to a fortune teller for guidance. The large Songaskia begged for help, what was he to do in a time such as this? "My, my. I see great misfortune in your linguistical life. There is only one way to cure this! You must...", and with that, N'fali set out. He climbed the highest mountain in order to retrieve the purest hawk egg. He fought a bear in the woods in order to retrieve its pelt. Thirdly, he slept with his clothes inside out and put a spoon underneath his pillow. This one he didn't really understand. Never the less, he finished the final task, which was to survive a sting from the YĒ’udĆŗ JÄ«nyĆŗ fish. He found a merchant and asked if they'd allow him a prick. Confused, the merchant couldn't contain his curiosity and allowed it. After numerous hours of throwing up and a burning sensation throughout his body, N'fali traveled home a proud warrior. He passed by the wanted poster once more accompanied by a simple grin. He was no longer afraid of that 22th. He was a new man.
Emerthas Jouhari gave a long look to the bounty, his eyes scanning over the words on the paper at the rapid pace. Of course, he didn't really read it. He could barely read. ".. Two hundred. Dead er 'live. F*** yeah, I like myself some coin. Can buy some whiskey with tha'. Who names a kid Icarus, dumb shites fer parents he got." He made his way off, forgetting to do his House Guardly duties once more as he entered the Slums. Shit.
Otto Bergmann saw the notice. " A bounty... on himself. What has this Empire come to, Spirit preserve us." with that, Otto spat on the sign. Heresy will be rooted out!
The Imperial Silk trader scribbled a little font message underneath without marking up his name this time:

How desperate you are.
To be seen as relevant.
A true force of change fights with hand and teeth.
A true force of change does not beg for attention.
To have others seek one's self, is to seek attention.

Begging, you do.​
The allar waddled along, peering at this notice, he simply got some parchment

If you are reading this, o weary traveller.. I cant rhyme so don't bother
Instead of capturing this idiotic bounty
Send them to me, for I think they have some mental illness and I should look at it
Zhansta Kerrill