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A Bond Of The Unnatural


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score


In the central church of the abbey of Nearhearth, on the very last day of July, the Abbot Leufred du Brierüst and madame Valerie Ravenstad were joined together in holy Union.

Said union was arranged a month prior by the Archduchess Constanze du Brierüst, cousin to the groom, and the (at the time) Lord Principal of the Hinterlands, Erwald Ravenstad, older brother to the bride. The leaders of both families, though faced with controversies regarding the choice of tributes, cite that they are simply 'removing both from the pool of eligible, mundane members of the peerage'.

The engagement itself, while uneventful, was cited as 'long enough to grow close' by the bride and groom, whilst the ceremony itself stayed relatively private in comparison to grander parties both families were known for.


The night ended with a short-lived and almost awkward afterparty, with drinks being served by the family's redheaded Phantasmal secretary; all owing to the Leutz hatred for smalltalk overwhelming most actual conversing. Diplomatic conversation between the Archduchess and ex-Lord Principal ensued, though shortly after the Archduchess retired to her room after having emptied an entire shelf of the foyer cabinet in her solemn partying- the secretary taken with her.
Notable instances included the unexpected arrival of the Viridian Elder Percival Ravenstad, accompanied closely by Anton Ravenstad. The abrupt, half-way through the afterparty arrival of the groom's mother, Eléonore du Brierüst (not to be confused with Eléonore du Brierüst née Ravenstad), who had consumed an entire bottle of wine she'd brought as a 'wedding gift' by the time of her arrival. And of course, the appearance of a heavily scarred Phantasma who simply watched the wedding through one of the stained glass windows- lighting it up with an eerie lime glow with the dark mask of night behind him. When confronted, he merely showed his invitation and continued watching; the partygoers assuming it as ambient lighting.

Only an hour later did the bride and groom say they too wished to retire, and the party slowly began to filter away. Without drinks, and without hosts, there was little reason to stick around. By the end of the night, only the mercenary Eleonora du Kirsch, the Greywitch Faust Sokolov and an uninvited, dark haired man with a stylish hat remained. What the three did afterwards remained between them.


OOC information:
  • The wedding happened on July 31st, 307 AC.
  • This was a private wedding.
  • Madame Valerie Ravenstad is now Abbot-Consort Valerie du Brierüst.

The entirety of the du Brierüst family, with specialized invitations for Constanze, Eléonore I and Milena du Brierüst.
The entirety of the Ravenstad family, with specialized invitations for Erwald and Constance Ravenstad.
The entirety of the Imperial Kade family.
The entirety of the Royal Gallovian Howlester family.
The aristocratic Jocelyn von Duerr.
Mercenary Eleonora du Kirsch, as extra security.
Greywitch Faust Sokolov, as extra security.
Wilfre Vaendit, cited as the groom's greatest tutor.​

Rosana smiled. "Awww! This is so cute - I never would have imagined that marriage is going wild! Congratulations Leufred, despite the disputes in the past with leaving the Thorn Company, I'm happy for you!" with that being said Rosana started doodling a bit and with Leufred getting married - though of what she was going to do with her own life.

Eirunn squealed - extremely happy. "I wanna get married like them! EEEEEE!" - Damn teenagers.
The stylist hat wearing, black haired 'Ailor' served among the rest of the du Breirüst servants lazily, barely doing much of anything besides stay close to Leufred throughout the ordeal. After people had left, he catered himself some food before heading back to the boat to rest.
Milena du Brierüst quietly wipes a tear from her eye as she watches her cousin and dear friend get married, a wide smile on her lips. "May the Spirit bless you, cousin, and all that you do."

Charlotte Hayes beams over the announcement! "Wooow, I'm so happy for 'em!"
Eloïse du Brierüst, on the other hand, didn't quite get why Milena was shedding tears, she just looked confused through the whole wedding. "Isn't it supposed to be romantic..?" She leaned over and whispered to Milena, though she was likely too caught up in her own tears to notice.
The Archduchess watches the affair with a dull, glazed-over stare. She does not linger long at the afterparty after her talk, picking out an armful of bottles from one of the cabinet shelves and locking herself in her room for the rest of the night.
The Lord Principal of the Hinterlands would have remained throughout most of the afterparty, being more inclined towards celebration than his kin and considering it an appropriate sendoff for his own intentions. After engaging in diplomatic discussion with the Archduchess and casual talk with the guests, he then ensured his sister was in good hands before taking leave to Michellons to hand off his titles and prepare for a life of tutoring at Kurtenwald Castle.
Elyon enjoyed the solemn drinks too much... and so, she opted to spend the night cuddling Hops in her bed.
Azra stomped around elsewhere, enraged at being uninvited to yet another wedding.
Severin, in a fit of utter rage, thrashed Leufred's office in the keep entirely. The desk was broken, door was clawed through, and the bookcases were emptied onto the floors.
Frejnir read through the notice, a look of genuine surprise plastered onto his face. "Wonder how much his sister bribed the poor woman into this, I feel /awful/ for her."
Nace lifted a few loaded wooden boxes from ships off the port of the Highlands, finally the man resorted to a simpler life within simpler lands as he overheard some babble about the marriage. He turned, running his hand through his short hair as one of the other dockhands turned over, eyeing him "Do you know of this Leufred fello' Nace, eh? You were in Regalia for a wee ol'e time as a... what was it again? A fisherman?" Nace let out an amused exhale as he scratched under his left eye, which was greyed our dull from previous guard encounters before speaking "Oh, you have no idea." before he popped one of the lids open on one of the barrels and took a long swig from one of the many Gallovian whiskey bottles inside, perhaps implying his fair wishes to the couple from far off lands.
Freya was swift to go on the hunt for a particular Northern woman when the news eventually reached her, a few alcoholic beverages, ice cream, and a blanket in tow; Perhaps to celebrate. Perhaps.
"Sylvi! Ehm- Precisely how drunk are you willing to get this early in the day?!"
