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A Bloodcast Denunciation


Am I the only one here?
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Esteemed citizens of the Regalian Empire,

It has come to the Bloodcast Order's attention that its own knight, Sera Merowald Risberg, has shown her order great dishonor in declining to Honor Duel Sera Aireth Daalsein. We believe that the Honor Duel that was issued by the Sera was valid and necessary to defend her own honor. As such, we are denouncing Sera Merowald Risberg as a coward and dishonorable swine.

This denunciation will be rescinded if Sera Merowald accepts the Honor Duel and defends the honor of the Bloodcast Order.

We would like to extend an arm of chivalrous dignity to Sera Daalsein, and in Sera Merowald's absence, Lord-Knight Johan Carwell has volunteered as champion to accept the duel, supposing the Sera is still willing.

In agreement with this denunciation, the following Bloodcast Knights have signed:
Lord-Protector Edward Carwell, Count of Norreck
Lord-Knight Johan Carwell
Sera Novak
Sera Ilyia
Ser Laurent Duyne
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A public letter was left behind in the wake of smoke.

This writing is disgusting. It is absent of honor or brotherly sentiment, rallied behind an unrecognizable row of sycophants that lack credibility or portfolio. Who are these people? Why are they suddenly here? Why respect this childishly manufactured 'agreement' at all? My whole skin is pruning up from shame at your expense.

Your fixation interests me. Has she struck an aggravating chord where I couldn't? Is it the alms, the papers, or her infectious grin? One thing is certain. I respect Merowald. I don't respect you, or your attempt to replace her. Her trust in the state is misguided, naive - freed from the horrors it is predisposed to. But on her own, she reassures the poor with her kinder cheek, while I'm the other that spooks its rulers from starving their rights. That is a cycle you best leave undisturbed.

Stick around. Because there's one thing I can promise.

I don't miss.

- Лena
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Scanning the denouncement, an Allar stood, a slight frown forming on their face. Taking a moment to think, they stepped away with purpose.

You should always be wary of who is listening. Actions will be taken.