"Who sent this letter, Viktor?" asked Ginevra.
"Sylvester," he replied, solemnly.
"How could our defences fail so miserably? Our walls stood high and strong..."
"Clearly not high enough, Ginevra," Viktor repeated, his eyes and words coated with an invisible poison. Kratin had crumbled, into a mountain of fire and ash. It's once tall towers and walls were now just a ruin strewn across a battlefield. Nothing was left, no man or woman or child. No official or diplomat, slain like they were livestock. Like cattle loaded into a trailer, ready for the slaughter house.
"Did Sylvester get out, Viktor? What about Eugene?" Ginevra asked, horror and concern raw on her face.
Viktor folded up the letter and opened the drawer of his large mahogany desk, ingrained with the sigil of House Brahmin, not much of a great house after this defeat. "I have heard no word from Sylvester yet, only a few towns folk on the other side of the city actually escaped the wrath of these local raiders. He most likely died with the rest of the men."
Ginevra looked up, a genuine sadness crept across her face "And Eugene?"
"Eugene is alive as far as I can tell. He was seen riding towards Cearnoth two days prior. He could be done for treason you know" his words trailed of as he began to yell.
"Oh Viktor, calm yourself, he would have never known. Or he would have died himself if he hadn't," her relief was bittersweet--the news of Eugene's safety did not help with the news of the loss of so much else.
The days had grown short, and so had Viktor's sanity. It had been a tough few months for Viktor and his work. The breakdown of the diplomatic relations he and his fellow diplomats spent so long building and the isolation of his brother had had a great effect on him.
"Viktor, our republic is in ruin. Our capital is in ruin, and you are in ruin. But, we must not show any sign of weakness. This is not the end of our republic--not while I am Chancellor," though the pain was obvious on her face at the loss of so much, the stubborn fire within her would not be put out.
Viktor had begun to cry now, his head buried in his hands. The tears were sweet, a stark contrast to his mood. "Ginevra, Kratin is in ruin. Valinor has been deserted. Our enemies are nowhere to be seen, as are our allies. What must we do? Port Sancti cannot remain our stronghold for much longer."
Ginevra looked down at Viktor, and she thought quietly for a moment before she decided, "Then we move. We take the remainder of our army, our people, and our supplies and we move eastward, towards Farah'deen."
Viktor looked up at her, puzzled, "We will not survive 3 days in Farah'deen, Ginevra. Our best hope is moving north and into Corontium...integrating with the Regalians."
Ginevra's jaw dropped for a moment, and then her face turned to stone, "Viktor, in all my life I have never seen you submit to the Regalians. But now, when all is lost you are willing to submit to them? They will treat you like a dog--and you know that! Out here, we are free. We have enough ships from the port to get all of us anywhere."
The two pondered for a moment, thinking ahead to the future about what was going to happen to their republic, to everything they had built. The society, the people they had met. After a few moments that felt almost like an eon, there was a sharp knock on the door. A serving boy entered the room. Dressed in a jet black tunic, embroidered with the bucking bull of House Brahmin.
He nodded towards Ginevra and Viktor, "Your Excellency, Minister. His Excellency, the Chancellor Brahmin requests to see you."
Viktor looked up and threw a sneering look, "She's right here" looking towards Ginevra,
"Chancellor Krava Brahmin, Minister. He has returned". Ginevra's eyes darted towards Viktor and back at the serving boy, "Where" she said, stunned at the sound of the words.
"Follow me, my lady" said the serving boy, heading out the door. Viktor launched himself from his chair and towards the door, leaving it hanging open in haste. Krava Brahmin had been off visiting northern lands for many months now, he had left the republic in the hands of his wife and his brother.
Viktor strutted up beside Ginevra, "What is he doing back" he said nervously. "I have no clue, Viktor." She wrapped her fur jacket around her more tightly, the cold winds from Jorrhildr, Ellador and the Three Skags were beginning to make their way south.
The Foreign Ministry building was huge, larger than most government offices in Port Sancti, second only in size to the Chancellery Building located opposite. The serving boy led them out into the open landing and down into the main reception area, a huge chandelier decorated with candles, their light illuminating the entire room. They turned to the left and down a long corridor of offices.
"We're heading towards the conference hall" whispered Viktor, his palms grew sweatier as time went by. Krava had not been seen for many months, since he left to travel north to Jorrhildr, the home of his old friend Thomas Ainigma.
Ginevra scowled and said, "You know what Krava is like. He was always the man for surprises", smirking to herself at that.
The trio reached the end of the corridor and now stood in front of the great birch doors of the conference hall. The doors had not been replaced since the Edensgate Conquest, the doors still held the sigil of House Taylor, a flaming sun with a cross on the front. Two men stood guard outside the door, clothed in black steel. They both held two large pikes, both measuring around 6 meters. They were purely for decoration, not much good for fighting, only a man with the strength of two men could actually wield one in battle.
The serving boy shuffled out of the way and the two guards stepped to the side. The great doors opened and a tall, slender man walked from the room.
"His Excellency, the Chancellor, wishes to see you, my lady" he said, proudly.
Viktor could feel the rage coming on him now, "Why were we never informed. Our republic is in ruin, our people slaughtered like pigs. Now, my brother who has been off gallivanting Aloria has suddenly graced his pres—", he stopped immediately as Ginevra raised her hand.
"I am glad that he is back home, may we see him now, it's been quite a long day." she said, calm and as cool as ever.
The man signalled for Ginevra to enter the room and he turned and followed behind her. As they entered the room, the two large weapons the guards held fell in front of Viktor's path.
He looked towards the man on the left, puzzled, "Move aside sir, my brother is waiting".
The guard looked dead ahead and said "The Chancellor has requested the presence of his wife and only his wife", he turned towards Viktor, "Are you, good sir, his wife?".
Viktor's blood was boiling now, "How dare you! I will have you at the end of the executioners axe if you don't let me pass".
"Viktor!" called out a man from behind. "What are you doing you shortsighted fool!"
Viktor turned around, "Solus bloody Brahmin". His eyes were wide but he felt the anger dissipate slowly. "What…. what are you doing here? I thought you were trading in Regalia and other parts of Aloria".
Solus shook his head, he was a pensive but wise man. An uncle to Krava and Viktor, brother of their father, Angus Brahmin. "Little Viktor, I intended to sail down to visit you many weeks ago. I left the Holy City a number of days ago and only arrived there this morning. I have my ten best captains at the Chancellor's command."
Viktor stuttered, "When… when did you hear?." His hands were shaking, Solus was a caring uncle, towards his nephews, but he was known to have a cold, sharp side. Something that Viktor did not want to see.
"When I arrived here, this morning. I was brought to my chambers on the request of Krava, quite a surprise I must say. I heard he was meeting you down here and I was just entering the door there when I heard this ruckus. I didn't believe you were the one to cause trouble, Viktor. It was always your brother stirring up trouble".
Viktor looked up at his uncle, it was good to see his own flesh and blood accompanying him. He had felt a little lost the past few months. "So, how have you been Solus?"
Solus guffawed and muttered "You have no idea, Viktor." He placed his hand on Viktor's back and guided him down the hallway, "Come Viktor, we have so much to discuss" and with that, the pair walked out of the ministry building and off in the direction of the town square, once bustling with carts and farmers, now lay bare for all to see.
"Where have you been? I have spent the last 4 months with no husband. This was a republic built on our relationship, we built it together!", Ginevra had been ranting for some time now.
"I… I… was only… away for a short period of time. I met Thomas and we discussed many things but the travelling took weeks", Krava staggered on his words, his wife rarely lost her temper but it was nowhere to be seen this evening.
"You went chasing after some former warlord friend of yours who has gone half mad! How would I have known that you didn't join him? Explain that to me Krava" she yelled. Her eyes couldn't bare to look at Krava, her rage kept her eyes fixated on the cold ground.
Krava stood up, "He gave me this life. He gave you this life. He gave Viktor this life. That man has done so much for us, but all you care about is now."
Ginevra broke from her staring contest with the floor, she looked up at Krava, her eyes overflowing with anger, "The now is all that matter, Krava. All that matters and we have a republic crumbling to pieces!"
Krava walked across the room, he grabbed Ginevra's hands and held them, "Ginevra, look at me." She refused, "Look at me", he repeated. She looked up at him, her eyes now sorrowful. What have I done she thought to herself. It was out of her character to shout at her husband, but she did it anyway.
"Listen to me, all that matters is that the Brahmin names survives. Through me, through Viktor, through Solus. It does not matter who, it must survive. I counted 20 ships in that port, we can carry enough food for 3 years, 300 men and every other thing we may need." he said. Krava had not lost his pragmatism despite his long time spent in the Northern Belt.
"I've already ordered the ships to be loaded. I've also ordered the rest of the city to be burned when we leave. But Krava, where will we go?" Ginevra questioned.
Krava let go of her hands and strutted back across the room. "Get me a map" he ordered to one of his serving boys. A few moments passed and the boy came back into the conference room with a worn map, tainted with stains from old battle commanders. "Guards! Get my brother in here, now!" he yelled to the guards outside the room. The doors opened and the same guard who had fought with Viktor earlier entered, "The Minister has left the building, Your Excellency. With your uncle, Solus."
Ginevra turned and stammered, "Solus… solus?". "Yes, my lady. Solus arrived here this morning from Regalia, he was rather insistent on remaining discrete" the guard replied.
"That sounds like Solus" Krava remarked. Ginevra scowled, "You haven't had a great record of making yourself known either, Krava". Krava smirked at that.
"Fetch my brother will you, oh, and a bottle of Dorinn Herbal as well" he said, looking at Ginevra. "Ok, we cannot travel North. If the Regalian's find us travelling in a party, we'll be hunted down and stopped in our tracks. We can, however, travel east, west or south. South is less optimal, Sendras is dangerous for the unseasoned traveller." "You're well seasoned anyway" Ginevra remarked with a smile.
"Regardless, we could travel West, towards Daen, or down south and up towards Fendarfelle" said Krava, running his finger along the proposed route.
"Too dangerous and a route known far too well, Krava" a voice called out from the birch doors. "You will be caught passing south of Daen before we even get around the continent and on to its western coast". Solus stepped out and into the light, Viktor following close behind him.
Krava stood up and smiled, "Oh Solus, it's been months, nearly a year! How's the business going?", he nudged him in the side and gave hima sly wink, "Oh… oh…. It's fantastic. Big improvement on last year."
Krava smiled at that and turned to Viktor, "Little brother, how have you been" he questioned, smiling at him.
Viktor looked up, his face was solid, as cold as ice, "Oh… I have been fine. Just running the entire republic on your behalf".
Krava turned away and across to the other side of the room, he stared up at the oil portrait of him, taken back during his monarchical days. "I understand, brother. I'm sorry for leaving the republic to you, but I am pledged for life to serve and protect this kingdom and that is what I will do. I swear it to you, by every god on this damned planet." His voice rung high in the air, the room was dark and the only source of light was candles dotted around the periphery of the room.
Viktor adored his brother, loved him with all his heart but he hated him there and then. He felt betrayed, as if he had taken a knife to his heart. Krava had abandoned him but he could not begin to fathom the words he wanted to say. Solus took notice of Viktor and walked over, he placed a hand on his shoulder, a sign of consolation, a sign of 'don't do anything stupid'.
Krava made his way back to the table and lay into the leather backed chair. "So Solus, you are against travelling west eh? What about east?" he questioned.
Viktor leaned forward, "The dwarves are following Stormheart and his mercenary Arnyn east, towards Essalonia. Stormheart is a friendly and co-operative… half man. Unlike his predecessor, he does not intend to wage war, so it may be a good option."
Ginevra perked up, "What about that Syrenos girl you know? The one that is with that elf or something?"
"You mean Loveia. She's travelling east, with Lady Solidor, the Viscountess of Arcadia" Viktor replied, he was always a man of relations and diplomacy.
"What about them people obsessed with the colour orange? Where are they, Viktor?", Ginevra questioned curiously.
"Hubrecht van Waldeck and his companions haven't been seen for many months. There house collapsed into ruin many months ago, they will run no risk to us. The same with House Visarian, they will pose no threat. This is our best time to escape, the only time for us to escape. The raiders gather around Port Sancti, they will sail toward us within the fortnight I presume", Viktor's voice was soft but serious. The matter was something he had spent many hours pondering on.
"And what of Valinor?" Krava questioned, he took a swig from his Dorinn Herbal and passed it to Solus, who pushed it away, he was never a man to drink.
Ginevra turned, her face was soft and full of grief, "Valinor was deserted a fortnight ago, local farmers reported flames coming from the old Church of Eden, bandits most likely."
Krava was astonished, "Were there no guards? Why wasn't the town protected!" he said yelling at his 3 companions.
Solus spoke up, "Krava, I would exercise caution. It was you who was MIA for many months. Ginevra ruled this republic and you have no right at this time to be angry over matters of military." Krava looked down at his hands and he muttered an apology.
Krava looked around the room, "We shall go to a vote. All those in favour of moving to Essalonia, say ay---" he was cut off by an abrupt cough.
Ginevra lifted her head and smiled at her husband, "There will be no vote. We will be sailing for Essalonia by first light. Solus, command the loading of supplies on to our ships, including your own. Viktor, oversee the destruction of all records within Port Sancti. And you, my dear husband, you will be leading with me."
Krava looked up and smiled, "You're a real Brahmin now." Ginevra scoffed at that comment, "I never got it from you, you idiot."
Viktor stepped up, "I must be off, I have a few bonfires to light", he strided off in the direction of the doors, they swung open and a gust of air blew into the conference room. The sun was now down and the moon was out. The halls had been lit up with oil lamps, complimenting the moon light, as if they were singing a perfect tune in harmony, but that tune was tinged with sadness on this sullen night.
Port Sancti was alive that night. Servants and retainers loaded wagons of food and supplies onto the remaining fleet at Port Sancti and the ships that Solus Brahmin had provided. He would sail east with the rest of the fleet but would turn back towards the Crown Isle once House Brahmin resettled.
Ginevra awoke that morning to the scent of burning papers. A great fire had been lit in the central yard of Port Sancti by Viktor. All the records were being burned and turned to ashes. A number of other liege lords also began to swamp into Port Sancti to either wish farewell or to come with them, one such lord was House Coghlan.
"The riders rode in early this morning, sir. They wish to have passage to Essalonia, to establish a home Essalonia." a servant boy was breathlessly attempting to keep up with Viktor Brahmin, who was hastily running across Port Sancti towards the guest house at the city gates.
"Why on earth does this have to happen on the morning we prepare to depart." he was wearing a large coat, it was coloured royal blue and had a purple sash across it. The left pocket was embroidered with a golden bull and the words "Family Over Everything", the words of House Brahmin.
"Lord Coghlan said he was not aware of ships departing from Port Sancti until last night. He rode with great haste to Port Sancti, sir. Maybe he should be listened to.", the servant boy stopped with Viktor and looked up at him nervously.
"Watch it, boy", Viktor said, with a clear taste of arrogance in his mouth.
Viktor entered the guest house, guards wearing the banners of House Coghlan were posted outside. He seen Lord Malcolm Coghlan sat in the corner, drinking some ale from a ivory cup.
He nodded towards him, "Lord Malcolm, quite a surprise to see you in the capital on such a day." Lord Coghlan looked up, he smiled, "Minister Brahmin! It's been quite some time since we last spoke."
Viktor turned towards Lord Coghlan, his patience wearing thin, "My lord, we're going to quit the small talk now, aren't we. What are you here for, what do you require of us?"
Lord Coghlan placed his cup on the table in front of him and sighed, "I require protection, Your Excellency. I require protection that I was promised when I swore an oath. Can you fulfill your side of the promise?"
The Lord's words had rounded him into a corner and penned him, "And what does this protection entail?" he said through gritted teeth.
"Passage to Essalonia, lands to settle on. In return, I will provide you with all my men and working population and bend the knee. And one more thing, a position in your advisory council, Minister", the Lord smirked. Viktor Brahmin would not sacrifice House Brahmin's lesser lords.
"An advisor position is not mine to give, my lord" said Viktor, anxiously.
"I'm sure you will figure out a way, Viktor. You always have been resourceful", Lord Coghlan arose from his chair, his armour draped with the sigil of his House. "I'll begin loading on to the ships."
Viktor turned around and walked out of the guest house, he was angered now. He was not a man to run rings around, but Lord Coghlan had, he had done it very well. Viktor trotted back to the bay area and stood beside Ginevra, looking out on the water.
"I'm going to miss this place" she whispered, reminiscing on the past. "This always has been my true home, and now its being abandoned." a tear ran down her cheek, the pristine waves crashing at her feet.
Viktor turned to her and consolder her, "It's not the end just yet, Your Excellency. We're only getting started. We also have some other issues to discuss, best we see to it on the boat."
Ginevra laughed and faced Viktor, "As always, Viktor.", Viktor crossed the wooden platform on to the main deck of the flag ship, a large galleon named "Family". The ship had served as the flagship of the Brahmin fleet for years and was personally manned by Solus Brahmin. The sound of sailors shouting orders as the boat left the port, the other smaller ships finishing up their business.
The hull of the ship crashed against the blue waves, as it sailed east into the rising sun. The light glimmered against the sails and the water. Ginevra, Viktor and Krava stood at the bow of the ship, looking out to the waves. The thoughts of new adventures in Essalonia were at the forefront of their mind, a bitter end to their life on Hadar, but an even brighter beginning on the horizon.

Update: Yes there is a lot of chitter chatter in the post and not much sword fighting, really because there hasn't been much in-game to write about. So, this was a very long post essentially bringing all of the characters we have in Enigma lore together into one scene, thus leading to a lot of conversation. I realized the TLDR didn't sum up the story (thanks ninja), so essentially:
Viktor and Ginevra discuss how their capital city has been burnt to the ground by local raiders who have been targeting them due to their weakening military presence. Our only battle commander, Eugene Belmont, deserts Enigma and runs across Hadaria to save himself. Our beloved Krava Brahmin returns from a surprise expedition North after hearing troubles in Hadaria, and Solus Brahmin coincidentally turns up around the the time Enigma are leaving for Essalonia. Big conversation about where we will go, what we will do. Introduced a new character at the end because I want to build on him once we get settled back into Crisis of Kings.
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