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Also this is PURELY factions.
After the recent developments on the continent of essalonia a distant relative of the lardis family had set sail to see this with his own eyes.
after hitting ashore near a small abandoned village he set foot for one of the local settlements,
This was the small aspiring village of Vastaya, wich he decided to put down his foothold in and continue his operation from there
as he stepped in his new home he decided to firstly lay down an old map of essalonia he had found across a wooden table.
the day before he had picked several crew members of his Vessel to become part of his newly appointed court
he made sure to rapidly put down a foothold one way or another due to sparking tension and rapid exspansion by for example, the Sultanate of Osmaniyye
but that is for another time, he went back to focus his mind on his map and drew a pencil from his pocket, and start drawing strategic positions and several locations of interest, wich he knew we're vital to the Clashing Realms of Essalonia
this is the introduction to a bigger scale project that John Lardis had announced and proclaimed himself patriach of the Lardis Family
He also sat down the next night to write his Policies on certain groups and factions around the Essalonian Continent to know who or whenever he is wants to attempt to negotiate or perhaps work something out.
Osmaniyye Act of February 6, 307 AC
"I have noticed a recent Self-proclaimed Empire under the name of Osmaniyye."
"It however came to my attention that to whatever cause or goal they strive for they have rapidly attempted and perhaps even successfully managed to gain a strong foothold in these bitter lands."
"I have very little interest in going ahead and further damaging this already partly shattered relation my predecessors have caused to this realm."
Regarding the Dwarves of Argost - February 9, 307 AC
"The dwarves of the Argost Domain have seemed to have gotten a large influence around the Essalonian Lands, we will stay somewhat distant, but declare to not go hostile against the Dwarves, we do however seek to better relations between the Dwarven realm and House Lardis.
Diplomats arriving at the Lands of Arcadia - February 10, 307 AC
"I have sent my best wishes and foremost respect to the Viscountessess of the Elven realm of Arcadia"
"They have chosen to remain mostly under the storm of the conflicts happening across the Essalonian Lands and seem to be working on planning of their city, I certainly hope i can visit it myself someday but seem to be busy for the coming months or perhaps longer if it may.
To the former subject of the Essalonian Empire of Novorra - February 13, 307 AC
"Seeing that this once proud nation in the New-Ceardian Lands has remained silent and still for quite some time now, while the old king may have wanted or may not have wanted a different approach on this we will perhaps never know, but nonetheless we wish to establish its Glorious name in history books like they always yelled to be.
-Below more of history of its Former Ancestors/ Related to the plot line im trying to make for my family
Regarding Emperor Lance Lardis of Magnanimus
"This man will be removed from family history due to his passing and his awful and unacceptable deeds to his subjects and further dissolving the title of Lord of Magnanimus from the Lardis Line to cleanse its name from its recievers back to its creators."
Regarding The Tyberian rumoured extinct House of Ljord - Tyberian Predecessors
"I have decided to make it publicly known that House Ljord did stem from my predecessors line and perhaps may have been a bastard house or not, we dont look back at them in any good way to their disloyalty and shame to the Old Tyberian Crown After the failed attempt at expanding out of the ancient Dwarven king labyrinth, patriarch Lance Ljord who was notoriously wanted in the Capital due to him being of Vampyric background and treason against the Crown. after the Sacking of the Luxurian Church in the heart of the now extinct luxian faith wich ended up in the slaughter of over atleast a major part of the Luxerian Bishops and Priests present at the Grand Church of Luxeria taking a minor section of the knowledge of the Mages Journals with him but not all, and barely escaping and badly wounded doing so, resulting in the collapse of the catacombs under the church and destroying any possible treasure that was left, however this was not the end he would see of The tyberian armies that sallied onto the Ruin of the Great Dwarven Vampire, after a long battle and a tiresome siege Lance Ljord, Patriarch of House Ljord had died at the hands of the Tyberians, Ending the Ljord House due to no landed sons or any relative still alive to that date."
The fate of Luxuria - Held under the Weakend Tyberian Crown.
"As from the left over journals of Lance Ljord that remained around after his death sold and neglected but eventually ending up with me again, it describes the events before his death wich had occured to the Holy City of Luxeria, the guard managed to repel the raiding savages that had previously occupied the old Mahou lagoon grounds near the city, from that site they planned their final battle, they wanted the feeling of battle and to go down in battle aswell , or they wanted it to fall by their hands.
The Luxerian Guard was severly outnumbered and even conscripted the local populace to fight for their Holy Site, the battle started with the first flaming boulders crashing into the dome of the church, causing it to collapse down into the preachers stand wich was then on destroyed.
The plan the Luxerian Guard captain had tried to strategically position himself in
His man rallied out to the barricades as the Horns were sounded, hours passed and they had already retreated as far as the Luxurian church courtyard , where they eventually had barely managed to repel the Savages out of the church courtyard before swiftly pulling the wounded and civilians into the church , wich was the mistake that may have been the crucial mistake that led to the fall of the city, continueing.
Morale had been lost and the strong leadership had been either wounded or killed on the frontlines due to archerfire or melee combat as some of the followers of the Belligerents had gone ahead to advance the Sacking of Luxuria the soldiers stood in a final stand, inside the church.
The Luxurian Guard captain stood infront with his sword, one last prayer was made to Lumaweh , in an attempt to get the gods on their side wich they had angered so long ago..
as right as the final word of the prayer was spoken, a loud bang from the storming of the doors which finaly shattered after bashes from the besiegers, "For the KING! For lumaweh!"
As the Guard force charged at the Raiders.
Before being valiantly and honorably one by one swiftly dropping in numbers to the forces of the raiders before in a final stand between the two commanders.
The Luxerian Guard captain finaly fell to the floor, as he passed away to his injuries shortly after his capture.
This finaly put Lumaweh to rest.
- Lance Ljord - Patriach of House Ljord dated ----- "as i noticed the date was lost due to it being quite old and neglected. " john lardis said after reading it all.
R A background to the goals of the Tyberian former of house Ljord
(may have spent my time on this too much some may not have happened but it sounded good in my head xd)
The Rise and fall of the Essalonian Empire
"Lance 'the mad' Lardis was the man who kindled this fire and rapidly blew out the candle all together for it at the same time.
It was the Rise and fall of the Self proclaimed Essalonian Empire.
Wich had collapsed due to Inner conflicts, Subjects collapsing, economy shattering, riots etc etc.
Not much is known due to the destruction of the capital of the Essalonian Empire so this made it hard for the historians to continue its legacy on.
the title was disolved under Lance 'the mad' lardis due to his death in the capital at the exact moment of its destruction.
The Present
"As i am no proclaimed King nór Emperor, i plan to do what is best for this realm and uphold and make new and potentially old promises the Kingdoms, Empires, or Duchies have made that my family had control over at some point in time.
I strive to make this realm to be the best as it can be, and will try to uphold doing so till my passing draws near, God watches over us all.
Sincerely signed by John Lardis - Patriarch of House Lardis, Lord of Lenoril, Protector of Shaolin, Lord of Osai, Count of Roma, Margrave of Talosia, Lord of Soest,
Former Family titles -
King of Magnanimus
Baron of Lenoril
First Emperor of Lenoril
Kingdom of Pavaria - Situated in the old Enigman Crownlands, it fell due to a collapsed economy
Third Empire of Jin - First held by Theodosio, Founder of Jin.
First Emperor of Essalonia - Formerly held by Lance Lardis
Knight of Palladium - Family member who was apart of the Palladium council under rng11 and epicaidan1
Chancellor of the Empire of Vanguard - this was lost on betrayal of the crown by a claimant family member related to Lance Ljord.
Former Protector of Crypt - due to its recent reformation this title was usurped.
Lord of Sovereign Keep - on the fall of the Kingdom of Sovereign it eventually ended up under a Relative of House Lardis in the kingdom of Ciryntalon.
Chancellor of Aieralyne - Lost with the death of Lance Lardis.
-more titles will be formed soon-
(this is just for fun and i had alot of effort put into this, may not be as accurate or accepted by people who may have owned some of these factions/builds but i have had most of them at some point or been in them. and that i plan with the first part to establish my family into factions as indepently however my account is in vastaya and will be more details later aswell)
(also if you dont like me mentioning any of your creations in the title thing feel free to hit me up and ill edit it to the best way i can, and remember this is purely factions and has no relation to anything else.)
(may have spent my time on this too much some may not have happened but it sounded good in my head xd)
The Rise and fall of the Essalonian Empire
"Lance 'the mad' Lardis was the man who kindled this fire and rapidly blew out the candle all together for it at the same time.
It was the Rise and fall of the Self proclaimed Essalonian Empire.
Wich had collapsed due to Inner conflicts, Subjects collapsing, economy shattering, riots etc etc.
Not much is known due to the destruction of the capital of the Essalonian Empire so this made it hard for the historians to continue its legacy on.
the title was disolved under Lance 'the mad' lardis due to his death in the capital at the exact moment of its destruction.
The Present
"As i am no proclaimed King nór Emperor, i plan to do what is best for this realm and uphold and make new and potentially old promises the Kingdoms, Empires, or Duchies have made that my family had control over at some point in time.
I strive to make this realm to be the best as it can be, and will try to uphold doing so till my passing draws near, God watches over us all.
Sincerely signed by John Lardis - Patriarch of House Lardis, Lord of Lenoril, Protector of Shaolin, Lord of Osai, Count of Roma, Margrave of Talosia, Lord of Soest,
Former Family titles -
King of Magnanimus
Baron of Lenoril
First Emperor of Lenoril
Kingdom of Pavaria - Situated in the old Enigman Crownlands, it fell due to a collapsed economy
Third Empire of Jin - First held by Theodosio, Founder of Jin.
First Emperor of Essalonia - Formerly held by Lance Lardis
Knight of Palladium - Family member who was apart of the Palladium council under rng11 and epicaidan1
Chancellor of the Empire of Vanguard - this was lost on betrayal of the crown by a claimant family member related to Lance Ljord.
Former Protector of Crypt - due to its recent reformation this title was usurped.
Lord of Sovereign Keep - on the fall of the Kingdom of Sovereign it eventually ended up under a Relative of House Lardis in the kingdom of Ciryntalon.
Chancellor of Aieralyne - Lost with the death of Lance Lardis.
-more titles will be formed soon-
(this is just for fun and i had alot of effort put into this, may not be as accurate or accepted by people who may have owned some of these factions/builds but i have had most of them at some point or been in them. and that i plan with the first part to establish my family into factions as indepently however my account is in vastaya and will be more details later aswell)
(also if you dont like me mentioning any of your creations in the title thing feel free to hit me up and ill edit it to the best way i can, and remember this is purely factions and has no relation to anything else.)