Preserved Sheet Aédhlynnë Baudh

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had fun once. made a PPT about it.
Aug 19, 2013
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the Netherlands



Aedhlynn Baudh
Basic Information
  • Birthright name: Aédhlynnë Mirwen Rhuíviel-Laelithial
  • Current name: Aedhlynn Baudh (previously Adelaida Vierra)
  • Daendroque variant: Adelaida Vierra
    • Nicknames: Addie, Aedh, Aedda, Lynn
  • Age: Fourty-six
    • Date of birth: 5th of April, 256 AC
    • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Gender: Female
  • Ethnicity: Cielothar Nelfin
    • Infected with the Ombratore bloodline
    • Nationality: Daendroque
    • Place of birth: Asyë Thálore- Cielothar tribe on the fringes of the Alarenes Hordelandes
  • Religion: Unionism publicly & Void Worship in secret
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Affiliation: Baudh family, Usque Galenas, Asaltador (previously)
  • Main ambition: Living in luxury and securing a stable life for herself
  • Languages: Common, Daendroque, Modern Elvish
  • At the urges of a fellow Silveirall setting sail to the Holy City, the Cielothar soon followed about a year after her partner's departure. Aedhlynn only recently arrived in the extremist Unionism city, but was quick to find herself a job as a bartender at a sewer tavern- the Mossy Poss - from which the majority of her earnings came from. She later joined up with a sewer gang and was quick to own said tavern after taking it over by force, alongside being supported financially by the same gang. She currently resides in a house on the surface, having taken on the job as a bounty hunter.
  • Aedhlynn was born to Ainthendirwen Laelithial and Tharthanduil Rhuíviel as their second and last child. She has a sister, Miretheniel Rhuíviel-Laelithial, a half-sister, Rainrenthirwen Laelithial and a half-brother, Arlaeion Laelithial. She is the youngest of all her known siblings, and the second and last Betrayal Silveirall to be born from Tharthanduil and Ainthendirwen. Rainrenthirwen and Arlaeion were born from another father and Ainthendirwen when she wasn't in possession of Gwethruhn yet.
  • Level:
    • Caster
  • Source:
    • Various mentors at high noble Elven magic academy

Visual Information
  • Hair color: Naturally chestnut brown, often dyed auburn.
    • Hair style: Bob cut to her shoulders with fringe, almost always tied into a high ponytail.
  • Eye color: Previously a honey gold, currently aquatic blue.
  • Skin color: Light Daendroque tan with several scars littering her skin.
    • Identifying marks: Horizontal scar strewn across the bridge of her nose, two scars vertically strewn across her right eye, scar in right ear.
  • Clothing: Leather armor and loose clothing allowing for a lot of movement, often accompanied with steel-tipped boots.
    • Accessoires: Two metal earrings in each ear.
  • Body build: Petite body build and vaguely pear shaped.
    • Height: 5'4" - 163 cm
    • Weight: 116 pounds - 52 kg
  • Weaponry:
    • Leutz-Vixe longsword
    • Knuckle dusters
    • Iron dagger
    • Lightning magic (Currently unusable)
      • Caster Level | Lightning Shock
      • Caster Level | Static Field
  • Prized possessions: Wrath possessed goblet, broken pocket watch, butterfly knife.
  • Carried inventory:
    • Pouch with regals
    • Butterfly knife
    • Satchel
      • Notebook
      • Set of charcoal pens
      • Vial of Slither magic poison, provided by her sister
      • Worn spiked knuckle dusters
      • Broken pocket watch
      • Lockpicking tools


  • Addie's face is oval shaped, accompanied with a softer jawline and not particularly prominent cheekbones. Her eyes are almond shaped with long lashes and slightly upturned. She has typical, somewhat thick dark oval shaped brows resting above them. Her Elven ears are of a normal Cielothar length, though part of her right ear is missing as an earring was ripped off in the past. Llewellyn had also struck her with a sword across the bridge of her nose, leaving a scar. Addie was also, after a confrontation with Earáinë, only left with one eye and 2 scars across said eye socket.
  • Standing at an unimpressive 5 foot 4 and one hundred and sixteen pounds, Addie is anything but a brute. Naturally, this counts for many other Cielothar. Most of her fat is distributed in her thighs and hips. Her skin is of a light Daendroque tan, but has begun paling during her time in colder regions such as Regalia. Her weight tends to oscillate between 114 pounds and 119 pounds. She possesses little body hair as a Nelfin.
  • Addie possesses a varied assortment of clothing, though obviously prefers trousers over skirts or dresses. She primarily chooses leather or other light armor over anything else, particularly when said armor covers the torso area. Whilst purple and red are her favorite colors, she tends to stick with earthy tones. She has a two sets of ball earrings in both ears. These tend to be made of either iron or silver. Alongside this, she carries an iron dagger tucked inside her left boot, a pair of spiked knuckle dusters and a Leutz-Vixe sword.
  • It's no surprise nor a secret she possesses a light Daendroque accent. She usually speaks with fair speed in a clear tone, often times even stumbling over her own words when agitated or flustered. The Nelfin has an averagely high voice for a female, yet still posed a problem when she crossdressed in Hallonq. She speaks Daendroque, Common Tongue and Modern Elvish in order of fluency.


Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Humorous (+): She can't lie, the ex-Silveirall loves jokes. What she loves more, is ridiculing others for her own entertainment. Addie always appreciates a pun or joke, especially with close friends. She can be serious when needed, however.
  • Sociable (+): Whilst she's not always the friendliest individual to interact with, when in a good mood, the ex-Silveirall can be very enjoyable company. She loves to interact with others as to mainly fuel her hungry pride. She adores sharing a drink or two with a friendly stranger at whatever tavern she happens to be at.
  • Authoritarian (=): Aedhlynn usually holds an authoritative tone to her voice, regardless of who she addresses. She stands firm when others oppose her with her past Prideling void sickness fueling her ever-lasting conceit. However, this trait doesn't necessarily mean she is a good leader. She simply knows when to take action when underlings step out of line. Addie rarely takes orders from anyone, save for a select few.
  • Boyish (=): Something that rarely goes unnoticed by those shes interacted with numerous times, Addie prefers to act more tomboyish than anything. Having grown up in Hallonq- all female residents were mostly whores selling their bodies to lecherous men. She saw girly as a weakness, and thus was often to crossdress and act like opposite gender. It's the main reason she started drinking and smoking, alongside trying to maintain a tough behavior.
  • Fickle (=): The Cielothar is a fickle one. She struggles to set her mind on something, something that irks many. When her full loyalty is not handed to someone, intriguing offers will have her lend that loyalty to another. Until this loyalty naturally will expire, of course. She feels rarely guilty for those affected by her sudden oscillating.
  • Selfish (-): Aedhlynn is a compulsive liar. She lies to bend an outcome that works in her favor, regardless of others' misfortune. The Nelfin often aims to wrap others around her finger if it means she'll gain something of it. In short, her own needs are her top priority.
  • Impatient (-): Addie is not one for waiting long. Wasted time can never be regained back and therefore has no tolerance for dilly-dallying or otherwise slacking off when one should be on the move. Especially when moody, the ex-Silvert is hasty and quick to snap at others for their slowness, to a point where it can be quite obnoxious for the other.

  • Hallonq skills: Addie lived in a city driven by anarchy for her entire childhood- and thus, it's no surprise she picked up a number of skills to aid her throughout her life. These smaller things include pickpocketing, sneaking and lockpicking. She still occasionally uses each of these for her convenience and to satisfy her greediness.
  • Quick to act: Fortunately for the little ex-Silvert, she can improvise quite well. Even when in combat, she's quick to act and make use of her surroundings. She spends little time thinking which can prove very useful when in a tricky situation. Though naturally, it doesn't always guarantee her leaving in one piece.
  • Nimble: Being featherweight does come with its advantages. She's no expert at sneaking, of course, but the ex-Silvert should be fairly unobtrusive when she sets her mind on it. This also means she can sprint rather well (though obviously only for shorter periods of time) and evade attacks with relative ease for as long as her stamina allows her to.

  • Small frame: Aedhlynn, given she's a Cielothar Nelfin spending little time doing physical exercise, isn't exactly made for brute combat. She stands at a 5'4", and given she bears little muscle and a not too impressive amount of strength, she can be easily beaten by any well-trained man or woman in combat when it comes to sheer strength. She attempts to counter this by relying on speed rather than strength.
  • Over-confidence: Addie easily overestimates herself, mostly caused by lasting effects of her Prideling void sickness she has long been cured from. She will jump into a situation without second guessing the limits of her abilities, something that tends to lead to her immediate defeat. Some time after her acquiring it, bone formations started sprouting from her head, with a pair of smaller, almost unnoticable ones just behind the larger horns. She's been wearing a credible fake ex-void sickness collar she got from the Usque Galenas.
  • Weak torso: Addie's back has endured much. She's plummeted down into the sewer canal before, breaking her ribs. She was pushed off a small balcony in the sewer tavern, landing on her back. Furthermore, she was whipped numerous times across her back. She feels much more protected wearing hardened leather armor to cover her torso as it's definitely one of the weaker parts of her body.
  • Greedy: Admittedly, Aedhlynn could also have been mistaken for a Greed Silveirall if one paid enough attention. She lusts for anything of value, and this greed mostly extends to material possessions only. It has grown to be a compulsive need to steal, nearing kleptomania. Whilst the ex-Silvert's greed is mostly lusting after materials, she also lusts after power and fame, and paired with her over-confidence, she can often sway from her goal by being blinded by her greed. This makes her an overall inattentive person given the right circumstances.
  • Unhealthy habits: As the Cielothar had begun both drinking and smoking at an early age- both of these habits have soon grown into an addiction to a point where she is dependent on them. Alcohol was used to cope with the emotional pain and being a social outcast within a city of Ailor. She was furthermore pressured into smoking during her days in Hallonq, which in turn, over the years, damaged her lungs. She can occasionally experience a coughing fit when putting too much strain on them.
  • Former Silveirall: Her magic boost and golden eyes have all but disappeared, but her personality changed little. There is still a hint of her former self, hence her selfishness still remains. Whilst her mind may not be as clouded, Addie still remains fairly paranoid of strangers, making her trust issues evident. This has mainly caused many conflicts with her allies and closer friends.
  • Addie's known to visibly narrow her eyes when pressured, angered or inquisitive, alongside crossing her arms and / or tapping her foot repeatedly against the ground.
  • Playing the flute
    • Something she picked up during her time in Daendroc and at the magic academy, Addie learned to play the flute quite well. Whilst she doesn't invest too much of her time into playing the instrument, she does occasionally enjoy playing without the company of others. She's quite embarrassed by the fact she has such a benevolent skill such as playing the flute.
  • Lockpicking
    • Living in Hallonq for a full 6 years did lend her a few handy skills. One of them is lockpicking. She is by far the most proficient of the three criminal skills, able to pick most locks with relative ease (though it heavily depends on how complicated the lock is) and the right tools, which she normally carries with her.
  • Pickpocketing
    • With the Holy City being so heavily guarded, far more than Hallonq, Addie has had little chances to pluck a pouch of money off someone's person. She adores the sight of money clinging to someone's belt, but as said, the circumstances don't always allow her to snatch them away. She mostly practiced this in Hallonq, alongside perfecting the skill in various other towns surrounding her magic academy.
  • Forgery
    • Notably one of the most used criminal skills in her 'arsenal', Llewellyn had taught the then Silvert the way of forging documents correctly. Although it obviously can be seen through with the right eye and if one knows what to look for, it has saved Addie a lot of trouble and allowed her to make her life easier by a mile. Whether it be accessing a certain place, being allowed a certain action or given money, the skill has come in handy numerous times and is heavily underrated.
  • Climbing
    • This skill still needs some perfecting, though after Lo's forces invaded Regalia and the Usque Galenas got their own castle. She was given some climbing gear and lessons on how to scale trees and the like.
  • Sneaking
    • As said in the strength section, Addie is clearly featherweight. With her smaller weight she may not be the best in a fight of brute strength, but her sneaking skills are excellent. She's not undetectable but it certainly helps and she can be considered talented at keeping a low profile as she stays aware of her surroundings to avoid causing any noise.
  • Cursing (in Daendroque)
    • She's always cursed. She grew up around cursewords, so it's only natural she picked up on more than a few. It gives her some relievement when frustrated, more-so than cursing in Common tongue.
  • Cats
    • Her favorite animal. She doesn't exactly know why, but she heavily prefers the animal over any other. They're inferior beings, sure, but they make the greatest hugging buddies whenever she needs one.
  • Smoking & drinking
    • Both addictions. She can be found smoking and drinking on a regular basis, often alongside her drinking buddy Llew. It's bad for her, but she couldn't care less when it helps her clear her mind and forget.
  • Praise
    • Of course, the formerly Pride possessed Cielothar lives off of praise. It had only fueled her ever-growing void sickness and already big self-confidence.
  • The Vice of Betrayal
    • Her "Father". Her Father who she'd never met. Llewellyn and Aedhlynn both had vague ideas of what parent they may have been born to, only for it to be confirmed by the Vice of Dread in Regalia. She often uses him as an excuse to elevate herself above the common Alorian folk, though has never met or seen him before. Locating him used to be one of her main ambitions in life, however this was cut short when the Opiraz exploded and caused the disappearance of all the Attribates she interacted with and each of the Silverts' golden eyes. She secretly still cares a lot for it- hoping to still one day meet Gwethruhn.
  • Fireplaces
    • There's just something cozy about them. Sitting at a fireplace and doing absolutely nothing has to be one of Addie's favorite past times, and always wants each and every one of her houses she owns to have a fireplace she can sit at and enjoy the flames dancing from the crackling wood.
  • Ithanians
    • Just- too posh. Aedhlynn finds them too posh for her liking. Manners and etiquette is all they live for and she can't stand it. She heavily dislikes anything Ithanian in general. They just don't quite fit her standards of beauty. Addie prefers the exact opposite. She also harbors a strong disliking towards their fashion sense and architecture.
  • Traitors
    • Rather ironically, there's little else that Addie despises more than those that betray her trust. She's used to betraying others, though when the same happens to her, she will boil with anger, to put it simply. It's for this reason she dislikes fellow Betrayal Silveirall, or other traitorous individuals in general.
  • Virtues / Faith of Estel worship
    • A dislike as much as her evident aversion towards the Faith of Estel and anything related to it. Bone horrors rising from the supposed Goddess Estel and her past interactions with the Virtues haven't particularly helped either. She's had to put up with it for many, many years, though instead of learning to tolerate it, her hatred for it only grew. She was also taught to completely disregard it in favor of Void Worship by her adoptive mother, Rýndis.
  • The Citadel / Greygate
    • Now destroyed, but Aedhlynn previously detested the place. She got bad memories from that place, and so did many other Silverts. She's grateful it crumbled to the ground.
  • Deathlings / Freya Lo
    • Deceased friends rising from the dead to haunt you once more? No thanks. Aedhlynn harbored a strong hatred towards both Freya Lo and her Deathlings the moment she saw them.
  • Sangre Sagrada
    • Naturally, Sangre Sagrada being her rival gang as an Asaltador member, the two gangs are like ice and fire. Aedhlynn never felt comfortable with the presence of a Sangre Sagrada, and was often times tasked with eliminating one or more obstacles to the Asaltador that were Sangre Sagrada members.


  • Miretheniel Rhuíviel-Laelithial ["My sister? I'd rather not talk about her."]
    • Mireth is essentially a second Addie, save her occasionally extreme traitorous tendencies. She is the first Betrayal Silveirall to be born from their parents. She and Addie lost contact when Addie was barely 18. She's met her sister in Regalia a few times, though still desperately avoids her at all costs.
  • Nessien Laelithial ["I treasure her with all my heart. She means a lot to me."]
    • Her most beloved sibling is Nessien by far. The two have a close and typical sisterly relationship, both depending on each other for emotional and physical support. Addie presumed Ness to be the only alive family member after Aloria went to shit, making the Cielothar rather protective of her sibling.
    • @platinumPastel
  • Rýndis Baudh ["I have a lot of respect for my mother. The world needs more of her. "]
    • Addie considers Rýndis to be a criminal mastermind, something she takes a lot of pride in when informing others of her family name. She occasionally enjoys a good hug of the Shendar, even though Rýndis is pretty much how whiny teenagers view their mom. Still, she cares for the Shendar.
  • Fyren Na'Akuel-Baudh ["We already treat each other like family. I appreciate his company."]
    • Though not related by blood, Fyren and Addie share a close bond, as if they've both known each other for years. He makes for a great ally and admires his strength in combat.
  • Llewellyn Yraudhen-Baudh ["We've known each other longer than you'd imagine. She's my partner-in-crime."]
    • Addie knows Llew well enough. They've both spent about 29 years together in a magic academy causing ruckus, and her fellow Silveirall convinced Addie to visit the Crown Isle about 6 months after her Nelfin companion. There's little she doesn't know about Llew, and vice versa, making her an excellent partner to commit crimes with.
  • Mirwen Tzavaras ["She's like a child of mine. I hope for her to grow up like me."]
    • Aedhlynn feels both proud and extremely responsible of the Etosian child after she was chosen to be her godmother. Mirwen is only 14 years old, and even though Mirwen is hardly trained in any combat, Addie can still see potential. The Cielothar is very protective of her and hopes for Mirwen to follow in her own footsteps.
    • @gloomybirb
Love interests
  • Bram Nevallaent'e ["I'm honestly surprised he's survived this long- not that I'm not glad, of course."]
    • She's not likely to admit it, but after spending a good while with the then-depressed Nelfin, the two grew closer to a point where the Cielothar developed romantic feelings for him. She heavily dislikes being teased by others for this, hence why she keeps it to herself when possible. She is currently in a relationship with him, and she couldn't be happier.
    • @BrammekeH
  • Apollonia Tzavaras-Istratescu ["Admittedly, I used her at first. But I just can't help and smile when she's around."]
    • Apple and Addie met years ago in Daendroc. Whilst Addie only saught to befriend the Etosian Ailor so she could possibly be supported financially, they soon grew closer as they had much in common, mainly their rowdy behavior around other Daendroques/Etosians. Apple has grown to be a close friend of Addie's and enjoys her company.
    • @daughtermelon
  • Daiki Arashi ["He makes nice glass eyes. He's my glass eye factory. That's all I have to say."]
    • Daiki, or Chen as he prefers Addie to call him, is one of the few she narrowly considers a friend. He has taken her at the time damaged eye with a spoon and currently provides her with a variety of glass eyes and other alchemical concotions. She thinks of him as a fair ally, though has no need to use him as of now.
  • Aeandir Yaeano ["The short talks we have are sometimes the most meaningful."]
    • Aeandir and Addie knew each other for a while. Aea hasn't made an all too huge impact on Addie's life so far- yet Addie still considers her a friend regardless. They don't have the longest of conversations, but for those conversations they have, Addie enjoys them.
  • Thalion Amlugonnen ["He needs to talk less and drink more."]
    • Thalion and Addie met back when she just started working at the Mossy Poss. Addie was first a bit indifferent about his constant presence when working at the bar, though grew to like his company and the small talk they had. She finds him to be a fair ally to have in battle, and an even greater drinking buddy.
    • @PreciseReinhardt
  • Wilfre 'Anii'ma' Vaendit ["'No matter what he does, I never seem to hold a grudge against him."]
    • Wilfre is one of the few that truly confuse the ex-Silvert. She is, oddly enough, quick to forgive him for his wrongdoings and quick to smile when he assists her in battle. Either way, his loyalty oscillates often and is sometimes facing off against Addie in a battle as adversary. She thinks of him as wise and educated and enjoys him bringing his newly found and bought gadgets to her bar. She wishes to get closer to him, in which she may have already succeeded, as she took a few hits for him in order to stop his torture at the hands of one of the Usque Galenas' blood mages. One sentence she may never forget is: 'No problem, buddy. It was nothing.' 'Et was evaerythinge.'.
  • Madeleine Amalao ["She's a good friend to have. Really."]
  • Alraesonnyn Deceres ["He's a lot more tolerable version of Rai. Despite that, I still like him."]
  • Kyou Tokudame ["Too serious for my tastes. She needs to relax."]
  • Ushio Tokudame ["Her sister differs from her a lot. She's someone I love hanging out with."]
  • Rene Ashley ["She's a slight pushover, but still an adorable Nelfin."]
  • Erfaron Draylas ["Uh. Erfaron? Hard to say."]
    • Despite having known each other for quite a while, Erfaron and Aedhlynn have never been particularly close. They've faced each other as adversaries and allies alike, their opinion of each other swaying along the way. Erfaron seems to have taken an interest in Attribates and Silverts, something Aedhlynn highly appreciates, though has begun to think less of him ever since he took on a romantic relationship with her nemesis, Rai. Since her death however, she thinks of it as having an obstacle being removed and gives Addie another chance to grow closer to him.
  • Karim of Caliphene / Azhar ["He's a borderline friend of mine. He's one of the few that truly sees the extent of my abilities."]
  • Glineth Undoviel ["She's a fellow Cielothar, sure, but aren't Cielothar known for their obedience? She really disproves that."]
  • Dadrae Despoina ["She makes for a good accomplice. I hope we grow closer soon."]
  • Hiesir Baudh ["Her former leadership of the Usque Galenas means little to me. I don't obey her, or her Dark Queen."]
  • Whitlock Carswell ["Don't know how to feel about him."]
  • Yvonne Keppkuula ["Hot-headed as ever, like her father."]
  • Joelle Cavey ["I somewhat pity her for not having changed in the slightest after our gold eyes disappeared."]
  • Earáinë Deceres ["I'm glad she's dead, and I hope she stays that way."]
  • Gwaedhiel Umerel ["She thought she was everything. She was dumb and careless. And that's what led to her death."]


Life Story

  • Aedhlynn was born to Ainthendirwen Laelithial and Tharthanduil Rhuíviel as their second and last daughter. Her mother owned the Gwethruhn-possessed object at the time, converting her and her older sister both into Betrayal Silveirall. She was born in Asyë Thálore- a tribe on the fringes of the Alarenes Hordelands in Daendroc on the 5th of April, 256 AC.
  • With Ainthendirwen's wavering mental state after having Gwethruhn in her possession for too long, she dumped them both in an Daendroque Ailor town in Benavente, where they were later taken in by a modest Daendroque couple and their son.

  • Aedhlynn and Miretheniel were raised a Unionist from an early age, despite her adoptive parents being quite flexible in religious matters.
  • Whilst the Wind Elves weren't particularly shunned for their Nelfin heritage, they were always treated as a lesser race as was typical Ailor racism.
  • As to fit in more with the Daendroque Ailor population, Aedhlynn took on the name of Adelaida Vierra- more an alias than anything else, whilst her sister took on Mirta Vierra. Aedhlynn wore her Elven name proudly, despite having to introduce herself as Adelaida.
  • Aedhlynn made a habit of taking things that weren't hers- toys from her adoptive brother or sister, she never really shared what she had nor showed much concern for her siblings' well being.

  • Adolescence was troublesome time for Aedhlynn. Her Silveirall heritage has not made her life very easy. Fits of rage and deceiving others led Rosalia and Javier to distrust the Betrayal Silveirall. Aedhlynn went through a lot of ups and down during this time, struggling with loneliness, anxiety and paranoia towards others- leading to her feeling even more alienated. Her sister, also born from a Vice, presumably also suffered a lot from these problems.
  • When the girl reached age 17, she left her home in Benavente with her sister. Mireth more so deciding to tag along to reach a common goal they had rather than actually accompanying her young sister, they ventured towards a city more accustomed to behavior that Aedhlynn and Mireth tended to show at the time. Hallonq seemed like a perfect place to settle in, despite its horrid reputation of being a city of anarchy, debauchery and violence.
  • Barely 18, Aedhlynn and Mireth join one of the more notorious gangs in Hallonq- Asaltador. It is here where the sisters become even more distant from one another and only occasionally see each other at Asaltador's base. Aedhlynn now picks up on a few handy skills with her criminal way of life, namely pickpocketing, hand-to-hand combat, forging documents and lockpicking. She also becomes accustomed to excessively smoking and drinking, crossdressing as a man to avoid unwanted interactions and attempting to hide her Nelfin heritage whilst posing as a half Ch'ien-Ji foreigner.
  • She stumbles upon a woman at the age of 18, and while they often were at odds the first times of interacting, the woman, who revealed herself to be 'Seeress'- Llewellyn Yraudhen, would later become a close childhood friend of hers. Llewellyn taught Addie Common Elvish after years of conversing and tutoring her, whilst Addie in turn taught Llew to speak Common.

  • When Llewellyn and Aedhlynn got themselves into an argument which ultimately led to the use of physical violence, Llewellyn slashed the bridge of the Cielothar's nose with a knife, leaving a scar that still remains today.
  • Leaves Hallonq with Llewellyn at the age of 24 for a prestigious magic academy formally reserved for noble Nelfin children, though Llewellyn and Aedhlynn were allowed in for free due to their golden eyes.
  • Took on the Faith of Estel after a prolonged period of staying with Altalar in the academy, previously being raised as faithful Unionist.
  • At the age of 39, the Silvert now redirects pure lightning from the sky to a target of her choosing, a big accomplishment on her part with the help of her golden eyes.
  • She meets up with an Etosian lady named Apollonia. They later become friends, and Apple named her child after Addie's middle name, Mirwen.
  • Began tying her hair into a high ponytail. She had tried other methods of keeping her bush of hair out of her face, though she finds most too tedious and prefers the classic hairstyle she still sports today.
  • Now, the Silvert has near-mastered Lightning Shock and reached to caster level of Static Field after dreary decades of studying. She is now 45.
  • Took on Unionism again. Aedhlynn never cared very much for religion, hence why she is able cope with fluctuating from one religion to another so easily.
  • Leaves for Regalia in May 304 AC.

Time in Regalia
  • Aedhlynn gets into various reckless fights which result in the loss of her right eye, her right ear being damaged and receiving scars on her stomach.
  • Was captured by the Crimsons during the Silveirall purge through Dread's betrayal, though got off with being released as a supposed 'light mage'.
  • Ryndis Baudh performs a ritual on the Silvert to give her a Pride Void Sickness.
  • Falls off a small balcony, breaking several ribs and adding more injuries on to her already badly healed bones from the past.
  • With the machine in the sewers exploding and robbing every Silveirall of their golden eye color, insanity and magical prowess, this allowed Addie to start anew, and will likely live a much happier life. This event announced the ending of another chapter of her life, so to say.
  • Addie's former main ambition of finding her Attribate parent, Gwethruhn, is now null and void. She's striving to find another additional main goal.
  • Is adopted into the Baudh family, making Ryndis Baudh her adoptive mother.
  • Addie betrays the Mossy Poss, where she worked for several months, in favor for the Usque Galenas and helps them conquer the sewer tavern.
  • With Deathlings rising and the Usque's former leader, Hiesir, returning as one, and commanding everyone to bow to their Queen, Addie fled to the sewers in hopes of avoiding any Deathling and bowing to Freya. Addie formally slacked off on her lightning magic studies, her level dropping to caster for both subforms. She also cuts her hair to her shoulders.
  • Participated in the Lo fight as a looter- got out unscathed.
  • Removed her Void Sickness through exorcism, causing her narcissism to fade but remain somewhat. Contracted Ombratore bloodline shortly after.

  • Addie fears snakes, dogs and small pointy objects like needles and syringes.
  • She is true neutral.
  • Addie is allergic to flowers high in pollen.
  • Her favorite colors are purple and red and least favorite color is dark green.
  • She collects glass eyes.
  • Her favorite animals are cats and least favorite are snakes.


Change Log
13/11/2016 - Addie partially gave up on her lightning magic studies to make room for swordfighting. Lightning Shock and Static Field dropped to caster level.
15/11/2016 - Updated some things. New hairstyle, she neglected her magic studies to an extent to a point where her magic dropped to caster level, in favor for using both swords and magic in combat, which means her strength 'magic' was temporarily removed until she gets better at something so I can fell that spot.
25/11/2016 - Added new theme song! She also cut her hair to her shoulders.
20/12/2016 - Added 'skills' section and 'languages'.
21/1/2017 - Got exorcised and contracted the Ombratore bloodline- Replaced 'narcissistic' with 'impatient' and made some other changes in raspberry pink. Also added some relationships.
3/2/2o17 - Updated life story to make more sense, updated basically everything but no major changes were. Added certain love interest winkwonk.

Thanks for reading it all! You deserve a pat on the head. :D
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D'aaaaw, Gwae is mentioned in her life goal <3
Hi there @Rhuyne
Aside from the formatting the content of this app is looking really well formulated and it is actually really easy to read besides the bullet point issue. Please carry out all the following edits in RED, aside from the formatting of course.
  • (General) Please can you reformat your entire app so that it follows the template exactly? Just get it all into nice bullet points with out big gaps etc inbetween each line and what not.
  • (Weaknesses) Could you lump poor endurance and a lack of physical strength together under one title please, and put another weakness entirely. They seem very similar and I would like to see your character with a weakness that directly affects their style of doing things. In this instance, one that is magic related potentially more so if you can.
  • (Life Story) What do you think possessed Baudh into forcing a manifestation of this voidling on her? What reason would he have for doing this? Explain why he might have done this, what her feelings are and opinions of this, or if she's even aware. Add any other details you feel might be interesting or necessary.
Tag me when you've completed all the edits!
Disliked individuals / Negative relationships
  • Tahlaera Ilbaereth [JarlJade]
  • Zaensael Yraudhen [Lazzulai]
  • Gunari Harmon [Snekk]
  • Ahram Ishtal [Ragnio]
  • Nicoletta [ChayChay12345]
  • Salvatore Valenti [Plecy]
  • James Thornwell [optimalfriskies1]
Despised individuals / Negative relationships
  • Llewellyn Yraudhen [GhostOfToast]
  • Erfaron Draylas [Pebbles__]
  • Yvonne Léfèvre [Finn_Ish]
  • Gwaedhiel Umerel [_Vegemite]
  • Cyrannon Ureyn [0romir]
  • Nadiyya Al-Tufayl [iMcMuffins]
  • Joelle Cavey [LadyTeddington]
  • Irfan Vanelon [TheBioverse]
  • Conaédriël Rhaevaern [PonyoWantHam]
  • Alva O'Cassedy [DockedRelic]
wow, oh so very surprised how long this list is. <3
  • (Life Story) What do you think possessed Baudh into forcing a manifestation of this voidling on her? What reason would he have for doing this? Explain why he might have done this, what her feelings are and opinions of this, or if she's even aware. Add any other details you feel might be interesting or necessary.
s h e
Hi, Lord_Immortal! Thanks for getting to my sheet so soon!

> Sorry for the inconvenience regarding the bullet points! Tell me if I need to change anything.
> As for the life story, I elaborated on as to why Aedhlynn was possessed by Ryndis.
> Lumped poor endurance and lack of physical together as per request, adding another weakness. (Also marked in red)

Do tell me if I need to change, remove or edit anything! Thanks again!
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I'd like a re-review, please! All changes are in the change log at the bottom of her app.
That's perfectly fine, I've given the character sheet a good read over and there's nothing that stands out as needing editing. It's interesting to see you add the basics of ice magic just for the sake of knowledge. Re-approved @Rhuyne

> Added her runes to aid her casting, applied for expert magic after given permission from lore staff (!), added a magic-related weakness, updated relationships, and some did minor edits.

@Lord_Immortal, sorry to bother you
again, but does this need a re-review?
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>insert aea friendship here pls
Due to an incident during her younger days, Addie's very cautious when it comes to romantic and sexual relationships. While it's not impossible, it's more than difficult to convince her to enter a relationship with another.
Apparently Thalion got cursed with Dark Souls level difficulty with this one.
Buumping for reaching the third page. Also, I'm incredibly sorry if I'm being impatient or anything, but do you know when the review's coming up? @Plecy (also might do a Player Quest soon too :o)

Apologies for the wait. I was giving you time to adjust to the removal of the Silveirall. I'm going to start actively looking this over for review soon!
Hey! Figure I've given enough time and kept you waiting long enough! Review time!

  • First things first, I find it inappropriate to age a character up 23 years to avoid the consequences of a progression event that for all intents and purposes, happened IC and happened when (As far as the edit history shows) The character was 45. The character was still a Silveirall at the time, which meant you're supposed to be held to a higher standard. The World Progression post made Silveirall lose magical aptitude, it didn't make them grow twenty-odd years older. I'd like you to age Aedhlynn down for this reason, and revert her expert magic to an appropriate level.
  • Even with Aedhlynn's age-up, the sheer amount of magic she knows is totally unattainable at her age. All the more since I'm reverting the age-up. So put this into numbers, Aed currently knows three mage-level magics, and one expert. Expert-level with one other type of magic is 50 years alone. Expert-level with three other types of mage-level magic rounds out at about eighty years of continuous study. Even with her previous boost, she knew too much magic for her age. You need to rethink this hugely. At 45 years old, Aedhlynn can't even know one expert magic. She's just too young.
  • Try to avoid referring to Aedhlynn as "Silvert" in her app, since it's no longer applicable. No big issue, but worth mentioning.
  • You refer to Aedhlynn's size as a weakness, but a small stature and weak physique are practically universal for Cielothar. Try to think of something unique and specific to her. Perhaps expand on her lack of endurance.
  • Aedhlynn's "Paranoid" weakness references being a Silveirall a little too heavily to be applicable now. Has she lost this trait? Has it remained? If so, why? Try to explain it without weighing all the reason on her ex-silveirall-ism.
  • Under Aedhlynn's "Voidling possession" weakness, you mention runes on Aedhynn's body being used to help channel her magic. This isn't how runes work. Runes when lightning magic is considered, are targets. Covering oneself in magical runes and casting with them would activate the spell on the caster. In this case, she would be electrocuting herself. They wouldn't function to empower her at all.
Overall, I think the biggest flaw in this application is the lack of understanding in the magic lore. You really need to read the articles for each magic Aedhlynn is studying. Take very careful note for notes in parenthesis, as these often clarify how long a magic can take to learn when learning one additional magic alongside it. Since the only real issue with this character is the age-up and the magic, I'll leave this pending and allow you to make the edits to balance her. If you need guidance on magic lore, feel free to contact me.

For now...

Hi, @Plecy !
Thank you so much for the helpful review! I'm sorry if I made the character unbalanced or anything, but I've tried to fix that. Quick question though, do I need to change anything about her knowledge of Letter Magic? If so, please tell me. Now, for the changes:

> Bumped her age down to 45.
> I completely removed her knowledge of Magnetic Bend, bumped down Lightning Shock to mage level and Static Field to caster level. (Removed expert level special permission, too)
> About the Silvert thing, I didn't really notice I still had that there, aha. Fixed. She's now referred to as 'Ex-Silveirall' instead.
> Edited 'Lightning Magic' under strengths to fit her new level, etc etc.
> Added that she'll have more extreme reactions when falling onto her back [Weakened Torso], since she's been pushed off a 2-metre balcony before, and landed onto her back. She still suffers from back problems.
> Added that she was collared and branded by the Azure Order to her life story.
> Removed weakness 'Paranoid', now that her mind's been cleared with the removal of the Silveirall.
> Now, about the runes. I'm a little confused. On the wiki it says: ''With all the time in the world, and increased knowledge of runes and static, not only did Lightning Shock become far less lethal to those practicing Qadir mages with runes acting on their bodies to dispel the lethality of charged static, but it also allowed them to riskily redirect pure lightning summoned from the sky, through themselves and onto their enemies.', so I'm unsure what to do here.
> All changes made in redddd.
Regarding the lightning magic runes, it's implied that runes are used on caster's body to dispel charges more easily. It doesn't grant any more control or power, but makes self-shocking less lethal.

One more edit, though! A mage level magic learned while also learning another form takes 30 years, as stated on the Lightning Magic wiki article. This is totally possible with Aedhlynn's age, but she doesn't have enough years under her belt to undertake another 10-20 year study. Her glyph magic level must be caster level or lower for me to be able to approve this. Other than this issue, your edits are fine. Tag me when you've made your changes!

One more edit, though! A mage level magic learned while also learning another form takes 30 years, as stated on the Lightning Magic wiki article. This is totally possible with Aedhlynn's age, but she doesn't have enough years under her belt to undertake another 10-20 year study. Her glyph magic level must be caster level or lower for me to be able to approve this. Other than this issue, your edits are fine. Tag me when you've made your changes!
Diddly done this! Edits in red, as usual.

Regarding the lightning magic runes, it's implied that runes are used on caster's body to dispel charges more easily. It doesn't grant any more control or power, but makes self-shocking less lethal.
Should I remove these altogether? Will she be able to cast with her possession, even?
Should I remove these altogether? Will she be able to cast with her possession, even?
You can keep them. And she will be able to cast, her magic will just be unwieldy and difficult to control. The runes won't help her control it any more than usual, but they will lessen the pain if she strikes herself. Still, be sure to read up on Chaotic Antimagic to get an idea of how unpredictable possession will make Aedhlynn's magic.

Since this such a minor edit and some wiki homework, I'll go ahead and approve this app. Be sure to do this one minor change in the meantime!
Putting back up for review. Changes can be found in the change log.
it still says her first last name just under the music i dont know if its intentional or not but its there