3rd Player Of The Week Nominations


Forgotten Relic
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Cadillac, MI
This week's reward will be a large darkroom, that will be under the protection of Valorian and Magnanimus. Good luck!

Post who you would like to nominate for Player of the Week. Post in the following format:
  • Your In Game Name
  • Nominee's In Game Name
  • Nominee's Length of Time on Server
  • Nominee's Accomplishment(s), or Why You Are Nominating
Thank You,
Not sure as not online atm, It's around 7 months
Apart from being an absolute Crack-head ... He has grown in pvp
No idea, not online atm. Probs around 6-12 months though.
He's an awesome player, skilled architect, and (from what I've heard) a good officer.
10 months and 3 weeks I believe.
Sevrish in general is a very friendly and nice person. He's loyal to whoever he joins or is friends with. He's also one of the few who pvps/levels and role plays. Also he lets me use his awesome darkroom xP
  • Your In Game Name: Tom1804
  • Nominee's In Game Name: MrHappyTinkles
  • Nominee's Length of Time on Server: 4months
  • Nominee's Accomplishment(s), or Why You Are Nominating:
MrHappyTinkles started out in a faction named Lakeside (If I'm correct ._.) and was transferred to Osai when he began the server. He began showing OctoberGwen and myself, when I was a prominent member of Osai, that he was a very competent and skilled builder. He was given build rights and built some of the many buildings in Hallows End (Osai's city). After a while, Tinkles was then transferred to Auxillian, and began construction on a city named Verdenholm. It's viewable in the north of Ithania. He's got a very unique and adaptable style and has worked with me on many projects including the latest Kade Mansion in the north of Regalia.
MrHappyTinkles is a VERY good Lore writer. He has created two roleplay characters: Percival Bridger and Baldwin Viraine-Kade. He has created many interesting and engaging stories which are very easy, but very nice to read. You should go and check them out too ;)
MrHappyTinkles is, even if he doesn't know it, my best friend on the server. I trust him 110% and I would leave my faction in his hands and trust that it would be returned in good order. He has given me the best advice a friend could ask for and has opened up opportunities for me. If you are a close friend of mine, you will most likely know the most important opportunity and event that came to pass because of Tinkles oversight. He is a very good friend and helps you whenever you need it. Without him, I would not be the person I am and I would more than likely had a burnout or two. He's calmed me down and assisted me in more times than I can count. I owe him so much, and I thank him for everything he's done in the few months we've been friends.
  • Your In Game Name: Posidem
  • Nominee's In Game Name: OctoberGwen
  • Nominee's Length of Time on Server: Dunno, probably around six or seven months.
  • Nominee's Accomplishment(s), or Why You Are Nominating:
  1. She's a very nice person.
  2. She is one of the few people on this server that really do roleplay.
  3. She doesn't suck.
  4. She doesn't suck at roleplaying.
  5. She's awesome. (H)
  • Your In Game Name: Posidem
  • Nominee's In Game Name: Tom1804
  • Nominee's Length of Time on Server: Dunno.
  • Nominee's Accomplishment(s), or Why You Are Nominating
  1. He's a nice person.
  2. He is one of the few people that aren't assholes on this server.
  3. He doesn't suck.
  4. He doesn't suck at roleplaying.
  5. He's coo'. (H)
Don't judge me for my hearts. (inlove)
My IGN: EyebrowsJ
Nominee's IGN: OctoberGwen
Nominee's Length of Time on the Server:
Reason for Nomination: Thing says 6 mo. 3 weeks. I don't trust it, it cuts off 2-4 months from me.
  • She roleplays
  • She roleplays well
  • She's a nice person
  • Takes time to get to know people before deciding whether or not to like them
My Ign: dogdude1284
Nominee's IGN: Rooseus
Nominne's length of time on server: I'm not sure 7 months 6
Reason for nomination:
He has a strength in his role-play I have never seen him go out of character. Even when i came to his faction threatening war he would not negotiate unless I was not vampire. He also took algaron from a faction I barely knew about to one that I have a level of respect for. This and his attitude of sticking to his guns even under extreme pressure has earned him my respect and my nomination.
My Ign: dogdude1284
Nominee's IGN: Rooseus
Nominne's length of time on server: I'm not sure 7 months 6
Reason for nomination:
He has a strength in his role-play I have never seen him go out of character. Even when i came to his faction threatening war he would not negotiate unless I was not vampire. He also took algaron from a faction I barely knew about to one that I have a level of respect for. This and his attitude of sticking to his guns even under extreme pressure has earned him my respect and my nomination.
I second this.
  • Your In Game Name: togal300
  • Nominee's In Game Name: spectec
  • Nominee's Length of Time on Server: 3 months and 4 weeks
  • Nominee's Accomplishment(s), or Why You Are Nominating: because he sets out these awesome nominations along with I thought it would be funny to see the person hosting this, that will receive his own reward.
  • Name: Cowboys1919
  • Nominee: XShortbusX
  • Nominee's Length of Time on Server: 1 Year 3 Months
  • Shortbus is a helpful guy that can always help you when you're in need. I was talking about how I was hoping to enchant a thorns II book one time in teamspeak and he insisted he gave me one. I've tried to return the favor and share with him tips or items whenever I can. He's an overall fun guy to talk to and his voice makes you want to hug him (yes, I have heard this from more than one person (party) ).
Nice nominations. Don't nominate me togal... xD Just so everyone knows every 5th week will decide who of the previous 4 weeks will win for the month, and then at the end of the year will be a player voted player of the year.