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2nd Decree Of The Surgeon General |reminders And Fines


Technologic Witch Doctor
Staff member
Jul 20, 2014
Reaction score

✠ 2nd Decree of the Surgeon General ✠

Medical Licensing


23rd June 308AC.


To the Doctors, Alchemists, and Healers of the Great Regalian City,
This will be the final call that I make urging all Doctors, Healers, and Sorcery users to come forth in order to receive their appropriate medical licensing.
After 24 hours from the release of this announcement, those found to be practicing medicine without a license in one of Regalia's State-owned clinics, or operating a medical or alchemical establishment without proper approval, will be prosecuted.
From Thursday 25th of June onwards, punishment for failure to follow the demands of the Surgeon General will be as follows:​

✠ Discovery of an individual found to be practicing medicine in a State-owned Clinic without a Class A or B License.
  • First Offense - 100 regal fine, with the order to report to the Surgeon General at the soonest convenience.​
  • Second Offense - 200 regal fine, with the order to report to the Surgeon General within 48 hours.​
  • Third Offense - Removal of any existing licenses, and an indefinite suspension order from setting foot within any Regalian Medical Academies or Clinics. Subsequent offenses will be treated as Gross Medical Negligence.​
✠ Discovery of a Medical or Alchemical establishment operating without a Class A or C License.
  • First Offense - 500 regal fine, with the order to report to the Surgeon General within 48 hours.​
  • Second Offense - Forceful closure of the establishment and the suspension of all licenses held by the employees within, pending a thorough investigation of safety and conduct.​
✠ Discovery of a Sorcerer or Mage utilizing Healing Magic on the public, inside or outside of a State-owned Clinic, without a Class D License.
  • First Offense - 100 regal fine, with the order to report to the Surgeon General at the soonest convenience.​
  • Second Offense - 200 regal fine, with the order to report to the Surgeon General within 48 hours.​
  • Third Offense - Removal of any existing licenses, an indefinite suspension order from setting foot within any Regalian Medical Academies or Clinics, and a report filed to the appropriate Guard Charter for misuse of the Arcane.​

✠ Gross Medical Negligence; This is defined as the purposeful abuse of any granted Medical Licenses in order to harm a patient, cause physical or emotional distress without good cause, prescribe unnecessary treatment for personal gain, repeated failure to uphold correct Medical Standards, or in the case of a Class A license, failure to uphold the Oath of No Harm.​
  • First Offense - Dependent on the nature and severity of the negligence. Any punishment from a moderate fine, to the revocation of Medical Licensing, to imprisonment for severe cases of negligence or harm can be given.
Scribed on behalf of Ser Jocelyn von Duerr,
Surgeon General of Regalia.
Nym'vrae mumbled to Aeawyn beside her as she'd read over the parchment, using a flick of her hand to gesture to the fines,
"If only I could get a meeting."
Aeawyn glanced over the parchment Nym'vrae held "Perhaps one day. Maybe they should hire a secretary at this rate." She loosed an amused snort. @Katiesc
"Fuck that, one Alchemy is my entire career and how I make a living, so of course im not going to give it up that easily. And two, did the guards actually agree to this..Are they dumb enough to enforce this?"
Mutters an annoying dark shadowy figure somewhere..Pausing simply for a moment. Before saying at last.

"Nah, they aren't."