Archived 15 Seconds To Run

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Master Of Stealth
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Far to often faction leaders will boot people out of the faction and instantly kill them with OP weapons, the same can be said in reverse. Faction members leave in order to get a chance to slay their mighty leader. What if players had a 15 second warning of when they would be booted? This would give them a chance to run/ tp away. I find this method of killing someone /very/ lame, just an idea :P
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Possibly, maybe slightly longer so you have time to grab stuff and what not. Maybe a day or so.
Along with this there are many flaws as being able to join the faction then raid them and continue to raid them for the grace period

Not saying it happened to me.
But hypothetically if this happened to someone who either 1. Doesn't use or 2. Doesn't know about the forums. It might end up not getting reported by them. Also from what I've heard the reports often end up not being very helpful to many people. (Again not personal experience merely observation.)
Not saying it happened to me.
But hypothetically if this happened to someone who either 1. Doesn't use or 2. Doesn't know about the forums. It might end up not getting reported by them. Also from what I've heard the reports often end up not being very helpful to many people. (Again not personal experience merely observation.)
They can make a ticket or someone else can help them out with the forums. I've reported a player once, and I was happy with the results, not to mention it was dealt with quite quickly
Good point @Azas but I still think it might ultimately save the staff a bit of time by say, giving the Player 1 hour from after the log on until their actually booted from the Faction. Also why give people the opportunity to commit a crime when you can make it impossible for them to commit one.
What if the player was kicked for stealing from the faction?
My thoughts exactly. When we had someone steal from us we told them to leave and they refused until we had no choice but kill them. And we're lenient. Some leaders might prefer quick killing the person before they can teleport away with all the loot.
Eh, I remember when someone had joined our faction, reached the member rank(to get into our public chests) then stole a lot of our supplies and quickly tried to hide most of it in a chest. We kicked him and quickly killed him in order to gather our things. If there was this '15 second to run' plugin, we would never had been able to get our things and he would've taken off with a lot of valuable material.
Sounds like you have been in the wrong factions.
While I agree with the general concept of grace periods, I don't think it belongs in this field. RP wise, it wouldn't seem very authentic or "real" if a leader went on an intimidating Marlon Brando monologue about how he doesn't like thieves, and then right when he was about to do the deed, he goes "Ok, now you get a 15 second head start but then i'm comin' after ya!"
To sum up what was said that speaks against thise idea:

1. It is illegal to invite, kick and kill for items.
2. Said offense can be report either via the forums or using massive tickets.

And my personal argument against it:

3. It would take code for this suggestion and there are already non code ways to avoid it (aka report it, or tp away).
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