Archived 1.7.2-flowers And The Yanar: Are More Effects A Possibility?

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Oct 20, 2013
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Jade Confederacy
First off, I'm not a Yanar, I'm a self-respecting Naga, but I'd like to introduce an idea coming to me that regards the Yanar, and their very curious abilities regarding flowers.

The 1.7.2 Minecraft update has just been released, and with it came a plethora of new features; we now have new biomes, the old ones are improved, fishing pole features, new blocks to build with, and many other fantastic new features. However, setting all of these other features aside, I'd like to focus in on one specific feature that we are going to see added, flowers. Sadly, we have lost the rose, but in its place we now possess the poppy, which I'm assuming the Yanars are going to be using for their healing abilities, but with so many new flowers in the game, orchids, daisies, bonnets, tulips, and many others is it a possibility that more Yanar powers could be made from it? In my opinion, the current Yanar power is outclasses by many of the other racial abilities, and although useful in its own ways, it seems lackluster when compared to the Dwarve's mighty axe capabilities, or the fine Elven marksmanship, and we can't forget about the unique abilities the Maiar and Dakkar bring to the table.​
And this is were my idea plays in.
What if the Yanar had their herbal abilities extended from the simple red flower heals people into something far more intricate and complex on its own? For example, what if the allium (one of the rarest new flowers) where to give someone regeneration. Or maybe the tulips bestowed strength upon others? How about making the Orchid poisonous to those who touch it, this would not only make the Yanar's abilities viable for use offensively, but it would also give role-play options to the Poison Yanar (who for role-play purposes) wouldn't even dream of healing others. Maybe the flowers that are two blocks in height could have magnified healing or harming properties? I'm not saying make the flowers into full out potion effects, but maybe just ten seconds of regeneration, or perhaps five seconds of speed. Another thought, maybe making flowers offensive isn't something that seems logical, how about making the Yanar able to do something with mushrooms then? I think it would be extremely interesting to see what this brings to the Yanar as a race. And it could also come to the benefit of those who aren't Yanar themselves, it would easily open up floristry as a valid field of practice economically, if the Yanar would be able to gain different effects from each of the new flowers, there would almost definitely be an increased demand for flowers themselves.

I know that it would be difficult to code this, but I think that it would be interesting to see more abilities for the Yanar come to surface. Or maybe new minor abilities for other races, like inverting the effects of healing and harming on Undead, or making Nagas able to breath underwater longer, perhaps Vespids can have additional swarm abilities.​
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I support this... for how interesting and special it is. It really makes Yanars the healers of massivecraft, able to use various plants to inflict various effects. Certain plants to harm and others to benefit, making Yanars beneficial for everyone. I posted a thread like this before also. Many supported it for how cool it is, but it would make Yanars more..not exactly OP but more appealing, compared to other races [maybe?]. And this would make them seem a little bit more PvP orientated, instead of RP orientated [just a tad].
I'd have to agree with that fully, it would add to the race in both areas of role-play and game-play. It would level the playing field in terms of abilities that the race possesses, and even in some role-play ways as well.
They took away the rose?
*checks the wiki*
Oh, poppycock...

Anyways, I support. Power to the flower.
Maybe have one of them give the slow effect as if entangling a target.
And maybe have one be able to heal mobs so our non-tameable pets/livestock don't have to die.
Just some suggestions.
They took away the rose?
*checks the wiki*
Oh, poppycock...

Anyways, I support. Power to the flower.
Maybe have one of them give the slow effect as if entangling a target.
And maybe have one be able to heal mobs so our non-tameable pets/livestock don't have to die.
Just some suggestions.

The slow effect sounds just a bit off and the healing non-tame-able livestock sounds a bit unfair to other players.
Yanars shouldn't not get an offensive ability, they are a peaceful race.
Yanars shouldn't not get an offensive ability, they are a peaceful race.

One of the voting items is a "Yanar War Flower" and assuming that /all/ Yanar take the same attitudes seems a bit odd to me. Whilst it seems to be true that the majority are peaceful, it cannot be the case for all of them. Healers or not, they need to be able to defend themselves.

That said, I support the basis of this idea as it would make good use of the new flowers that have been added. It would open up the possibility of offensive yanar too, as mentioned above. My only concern would be balancing the abilities out fairly. Just my two pennies on the matter, anyway.
One of the voting items is a "Yanar War Flower" and assuming that /all/ Yanar take the same attitudes seems a bit odd to me. Whilst it seems to be true that the majority are peaceful, it cannot be the case for all of them. Healers or not, they need to be able to defend themselves.

That said, I support the basis of this idea as it would make good use of the new flowers that have been added. It would open up the possibility of offensive yanar too, as mentioned above. My only concern would be balancing the abilities out fairly. Just my two pennies on the matter, anyway.

I have to agree with Billy on this. The Yanar are a peaceful race. If you suddenly give them the power to injure others then they are no longer conceived as peaceful. I imagine the "Yanar War Flower" to have been used in times of great peril but only in a measure of self defense. Not every race has to be centered around PvP. I don't want a new player walking in and waving a flower like it's some sort of weapon. If you want your Yanar to be able to poison others then roleplay it out.

The Yanar won wars by making allies with other more powerful tribes. Those tribes would do the battle, while the Yanar would support them by healing and taking care of them. The Yanar war style is centered around defense and support. Their abilities should reflect this style. I support adding more uses for the flowers as long as they are pacifist abilities. Regeneration, jump boost, water breathing, and all other supportive/non damaging potion effects are fine with me.
I imagine the "Yanar War Flower" to have been used in times of great peril but only in a measure of self defense. Not every race has to be centered around PvP.
Yanars shouldn't not get an offensive ability, they are a peaceful race.

I agree with the point of races not having to be centered around PvP, and I'm not trying to focus this around PvP. I actually believe that just focusing on PvP itself is lazy role-play, sure in some cases a "let's smash it" approach is called for, but balancing that with a "let's understand it" or a "let's get to know it" approach is fine in itself. My one thought is that if the way of the Yanar is truly a peaceful one where they offer healing to others, then why would they partake in way against anyone who didn't directly threaten nature itself? I entirely agree with the idea of more people becoming peaceful in itself, but with that comes the question, "when is enough, enough?" I think that approaching a balanced view is the answer to that question.

I didn't want this to focus on giving Yanar offensive capabilities, and I addressed in my first post (though I may not have emphasized that point) in which I offered ideas for both offensive and defensive capabilities. I'd like to point out that in almost all role-play cases, those that embody nature also, in some degree, represent balance, which is where my idea of giving Yanar some weaker offensive capabilities as well defensive and supportive ones would go to make the race more interesting in gameplay. Seeking to embody or represent nature also comes with seeking to embody balance, nature in real life relies on balance as well. Here's an example of one of the ways nature relies on balance:
  • Plants (primary producers) are most numerous to support what eats them, and so that they may reproduce to replenish what is lost by that.
  • The herbivores (primary consumers) are less numerous than the plants so that there isn't as much competition for the food, but are numerous enough to sustain the higher level consumers.
I could continue this all the way to the quaternary consumers, but I think you can see how this works. And throughout this each individual organism in every level brings with it a unique niche, weather it be a poison to prevent it from being eaten, flight to escape predators or out-speed pry, this list goes on and on.

In addition to this, it would make scientific sense for Yanar to be able to poison others using plants, almost all poisons and venoms found naturally occurring in plant and animal species have medicinal uses, most all herbal medicines are drawn from plant and animal poisons as well as animal venoms. In fact, did you know, that the Solanaceae family of plants (or more commonly known as nightshades) include crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, and even peppers among others? From a scientific and philosophical point of view more abilities just make sense. I'm there should be a flower Yanars can use for nearly everything, but I just think that if would make Yanars more appealing as a race and add to the role-play aspect of the server.

there not really a race, there corrupted. I considered them as vampires of the Yanars.

Billy Rage I'm interested in this viewpoint of yours, could you please explain it in a little more depth to me?

And there I go again, using 500 words when just one or two could do.
That would be very interesting. It would have to be very low duration of the potion effects, but otherwise sounds like a good roleplay idea.
I could continue this all the way to the quaternary consumers, but I think you can see how this works. And throughout this each individual organism in every level brings with it a unique niche, weather it be a poison to prevent it from being eaten, flight to escape predators or out-speed pry, this list goes on and on.
You bring up an interesting point. Even A rose has thorns to protect itself from vile hands. Yanars already have this ability to defend themselves. It's called picking up a sword and using it to slit the throat of you enemy. There is even an item (War Flower) that proves that there has been a time where they have had to use this ability. How is that not enough to protect themselves?
Sorry for the short response.
You bring up an interesting point. Even A rose has thorns to protect itself from vile hands. Yanars already have this ability to defend themselves. It's called picking up a sword and using it to slit the throat of you enemy. There is even an item (War Flower) that proves that there has been a time where they have had to use this ability. How is that not enough to protect themselves?
Sorry for the short response.
Big, heavy, metal swords are for men and elves. Yanars need a more nature-oriented way of defense. (What enchants do a war flower have anyway?)

In terms of what this defense means, I see them as similar to the priest or cleric class of other fantasy games. Offensively weak but good for both blessing allies and cursing enemies.

My interpretation is that there wouldn't be any direct attacking methods but ways to slow down or inhibit danger. A metaphorical smoke-screen ability while escaping.
I believe the races are still based off of the Tier system, with 1 being the race with the most strongest abilities, and something like 3 being the least. The Yanar were intended(to my knowledge) to be a Tier 2/3, maybe a Tier 1.5. The suggestions with adding different potion effects and stuff like that might raise them to a Tier 1, because it's all advantages and no disadvantages. Now, clearly the Yanar has evolved from its previous state(back when it was released it was hard to find a Yanar), so the circumstances for this suggestion might have changed. However, I'd highly recommend talking to somebody like MonMarty on information pertaining to the original creation and purpose of the Yanar.
I agree with certain positive buff from certain flowers, that would make yanar more... Helpful ..., but I disagree with the negative affects from flowers.. mainly because yanar are a peaceful race as some people had already said..
Support. I like this idea, but PvP yanars sound just a little bit overpowered.
The Yanar!
Defenders of Nature!

(oh wait, they have no combat abilities?)

The Yanar!
Wimps of Nature!

Supported by Meh'kay?
I'm getting a lot of posts stating that PvP Yanars sound overpowered, and I agree with this opinion to a point. My original idea was that the negative status effects would be weak and not last long at all. An example of this is that if a poison ability were to be added it would be something like Poison I for only about five seconds which would total to only two points (one full heart) of damage over a period of two seconds.

I wish I could actually rewrite this survey to add, Yes, but only positive effects as an option.

However, I'd highly recommend talking to somebody like MonMarty on information pertaining to the original creation and purpose of the Yanar.

I was actually planning on doing this, but I just wanted to see what the opinions of the MassiveCraft community were beforehand so I know if it is worth telling him, and so that I can tell him that it is something that many people would like to see if so.
I'm getting a lot of posts stating that PvP Yanars sound overpowered, and I agree with this opinion to a point. My original idea was that the negative status effects would be weak and not last long at all. An example of this is that if a poison ability were to be added it would be something like Poison I for only about five seconds which would total to only two points (one full heart) of damage over a period of two seconds.
What's the point of it if it only does two points of damage? Unarmed does the same and if trained even more damage than that. I recall another suggestion just like this in a previous thread about Yanars and it was rejected/ignored.
Moar flowers mean moar powers.

"This one's good for burns.
This one's good for rashes.
This one gives you good dreams.
This one gives you the plague.
You don't want to know what this one does.
And uhmm... this one's good for headaches.
Which one's my favorite? Why, the plague one of course. Want a sniff, mister? Here." -smilesmile-

Anyway, here's a new suggestion that doesn't seem overpowered yet still useful. How about giving temporary immunity from negative effects? Like 5-second antipoison or anti-flame. Of course, there'd be a time out. Useful perk, but not so much that it can be abused nor replace potions.

-giggle- "Just kidding, I have no idea what it does." -twiddles flower, tapping it lightly against lips-
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