❖ The Grey Company ❖


Thank you! And goodnight.
Mar 29, 2015
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I bet you'd like to know.


| Basic Information |

Grand Commander: Reinhardt Typhonus.
Captain: N/A.
Origin: 198 A.C within Calemberg.
Purpose: Mercenary Order & House Guard.
Motto: "Für Calemberg, kämpfen wir." | We fight for Calemberg.
Colors: Green and Grey, sometimes black.

| History |


The Grey Company was formed by Niven Alarick Typhonus in the year 198 AC in the midst of the succession crisis in Calemberg begat by the fall of the House Cadar. With Lady Melissandre Cadar having no direct legitimate heirs, the once-unified Archduchy exploded into an internal turmoil after her untimely death, with each patrician and local minor house vying for control of their respective regions. Niven, being a prominent sellsword and son of a relatively wealthy local governor (who was rumored to have very close relations with the Lady Cadar), rallied numerous fellow sellswords, as well as a few mercenary companies, to his banner with the intention of seizing the City of Calemberg, the capital of the Archduchy. While the union was loose, unorganized and somewhat small (numbering from anywhere 600 to 1,130 men per estimation), Niven and his small mercenary army managed to storm the city gates and occupy the capital with very little resistance. Petitioning Emperor Handorien himself, Niven was granted formal control over the City of Calemberg and the surrounding province, as well as the title "Count of Calemberg," officially entering the House Typhonus into the ranks of the aristocracy. As a reward for their loyalty, Niven formalized the position of the Grey Company in Calemberg law, authorizing them as the personal retinue army of the lord of Calemberg, additionally granting the members steady payment and barracks along the massive bastion walls of the city.

~Recent History~

Recently the Company has gone through a great number of iterations that have developed promising turnouts for the Typhonus family. The vigilant combatants, healers, and otherwise have been developed a certain connection with the noble house, unlike most noble houses, Typhonus highly respects their soldiers and mercenaries. Now, with the recent renovations with the Typhonburg estate, the barracks have yet again opened under Reinhardt Typhonus, a man that is bred from soldier blood himself. Son of a Viridian Paladin, and experienced swordsmen, Reinhardt has instilled a sense of comradery amongst his ranks.

As for the role The Grey Company plays in day-to-day activity. They are responsible for protecting House Typhonus, and also are led on contracts from the state and other houses to fend off whatever requested of them. To say the least, the company never falls short in things to do. Daily training is put in place, formations, events, and otherwise come to the planning that goes on behind the curtains. Now, The Grey Company is seated with lodging within one of the spires in the Typhonburg estate, ample training room, and a direct connection to House Typhonus- as well as their pay which is disclosed, but rumors spur that it is considerably more than any bartender, or normal laborer makes.

Written By: @TyrolleanEagle @NoERPChat

| Hierarchy |

Grand Commander: The rank of Grand Commander is ceremonially held by the Patriarch of the House in tradition. Though in recent months this position has been alleviated to Reinhardt Typhonus, a nephew of the Patriarch in hopes of running a more fluid, and consistent retuine. This position is currently held by Reinhardt Typhonus.

Captain: The rank of Captain is the Grand Commander's right-hand, responsible for the direct authority over the soldiers within the ranks. Much like the Grand Commander, the Captain's role is to be respected within the Company as their word that can only be superseded by the Grand Commander himself. This position is currently held by: Brynar Asketill | @Fjordbjorn

Soldiers: The Soldiers or sometimes referred to as "The Grey Eagles" within the house are the manpower that comes behind this tremendous force that is The Grey Company. They are treated with respect by the house, provided with lodging within company barracks, and usually have a strong connection to the house.

The Roster of Soldiers:

@BluKnight10 | Yueliang Hou.
@midnight_moon123 | Olivrae Anther.

@Patsie | Oscar Lowell.
@apparentlyHalo | Walvar.
@RejectedNerd74 Hreidmarr Bluntboot


- The right to carry arms when in uniform and in service to the House Typhonus.
- The right to wear half-plate when in uniform and in service to the House Typhonus (with the exception of within the Imperial Palace).
- The right to carry non-military grade weapons when either on guard duty for the house or performing their duties on a contract.
- The right to defend members of the House Typhonus with the force necessary to ensure their protection.
- The right to take up contracts issued by the state, or otherwise for reward within the laws of Regalia.
- The right to detain individuals attempting to bring harm to members of the House Typhonus.
- The right to presue, and detain/slaughter criminals on a contract-to-contract basis, issued by the state.

| Application Process |

If you apply you must adhere to being a noble house guard, along with doubling as a mercenary for the house. We will take newer players with the stipulation on helping them get a foot in roleplay, your OOC conduct must be clean, and you are heavily advised to respect the authority within the house or your stay within The Grey Company will not be long-lived.

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Proficiencies:
Any Sever Punishments?:
Letter to Reinhardt Typhonus:


Last edited:
IGN: BluKnight10
Character Name: Yueliang Hou
Character Age: 31
Character Proficiencies:
(before re-review) +8 Eastern Martial Combat Skills, +5 Eastern Unarmed Combat Skill, +4 Athletics, +4 Magical Knowledge {Sanguinology}, +4 Magical Knowledge {Racialism}, +5 Culinary Arts, +5 Ceramics.

(during re-review)+ 12 Eastern Martial Combat Skill, +10 Eastern Unarmed Combat Skill, +4 Medical Sciences +5 Culinary Arts, +5 Threads Arts. +4 Sorcery Knowledge {(Light)Healing Grace} +4 Sorcery Knowledge {(Spirit) Overwhelming Force}, +2 Sorcery Knowledge {(Whimsy)Creeptastic}
There are two different sections because I recently updated my character to reflect certain events that occurred to the character while he was in role play

Any Sever Punishments?:None
Discord: BluKnight#1786
Letter to Reinhardt Typhonus:
To Reinhardt Typhonus,
I am relatively new to the fighting field but I wanted to get into the work force for a long time. Because there isn't a stricter code that mercenaries have to follow, the ability to explore new fields and cultures while on missions, the opportunity to make good friends and a chance to use my skills for the greater good of the people while developing those skills, I feel that joining the mercenary work force is a good idea for me. I am mostly proficient in bladed and unarmed combat though I can also use magic to a certain degree if required. I hope that I get the chance to prove myself if I get this job and I can ensure you that I will not let the company down wile at the same time, ensuring the safety of all of Regalia's inhabitants. I eagerly await your response.

Yueliang Hou

Last edited:
IGN: MidnightRey
Character Name: Olivrae Arison Anther
Character Age: 104
+30 Fast Blades Combat,
+15 Perception
+10 Theatre Arts
+10 Altalar Forging Skill
+15 Metallurgy Sciences
+5 Rouge Stealth Skill (Likely will be trading this out in the near future cause Olive has no use for it.)
Any Server Punishments?:
You have it.

Letter to Reinhardt Typhonus
"You're aware of why im here, I hope this letter has found you well. Im looking to come back into your families house guard. And hope you will have me in your services. I realize before I was not very active until recently again. But this time I will try my best to be more consistent. Stay safe. From Olivrae Anther."
IGN: BluKnight10
Character Name: Yueliang Hou
Character Age: 31
Character Proficiencies:
(before re-review) +8 Eastern Martial Combat Skills, +5 Eastern Unarmed Combat Skill, +4 Athletics, +4 Magical Knowledge {Sanguinology}, +4 Magical Knowledge {Racialism}, +5 Culinary Arts, +5 Ceramics.

(during re-review)+ 10 Eastern Martial Combat Skill, +8 Eastern Unarmed Combat Skill, +4 Magical Knowledge {Sanguinology}, +5 Culinary Arts, +5 Threads Arts. +4 Sorcery Knowledge {(Chaos) Stay Put}, +4 Sorcery Knowledge {(Chaos) Who Needs Skill} +4 Sorcery Knowledge {(Darkness) Shadow's Embrace}, +2 Sorcery Knowledge {(Whimsy) Creeptastic}
There are two different sections because I recently updated my character to reflect certain events that occurred to the character while he was in role play

Any Sever Punishments?:None
Discord: BluKnight#1786
Letter to Reinhardt Typhonus:
To Reinhardt Typhonus,
I am relatively new to the fighting field but I wanted to get into the work force for a long time. Because there isn't a stricter code that mercenaries have to follow, the ability to explore new fields and cultures while on missions, the opportunity to make good friends and a chance to use my skills for the greater good of the people while developing those skills, I feel that joining the mercenary work force is a good idea for me. I am mostly proficient in bladed and unarmed combat though I can also use magic to a certain degree if required. I hope that I get the chance to prove myself if I get this job and I can ensure you that I will not let the company down wile at the same time, ensuring the safety of all of Regalia's inhabitants. I eagerly await your response.

Yueliang Hou

IGN: MidnightRey
Character Name: Olivrae Arison Anther
Character Age: 104
+30 Fast Blades Combat,
+15 Perception
+10 Theatre Arts
+10 Altalar Forging Skill
+15 Metallurgy Sciences
+5 Rouge Stealth Skill (Likely will be trading this out in the near future cause Olive has no use for it.)
Any Server Punishments?:
You have it.

Letter to Reinhardt Typhonus
"You're aware of why im here, I hope this letter has found you well. Im looking to come back into your families house guard. And hope you will have me in your services. I realize before I was not very active until recently again. But this time I will try my best to be more consistent. Stay safe. From Olivrae Anther."
IGN: Patsie
Character Name: Oscar Duane Lowell
Character Age: 35
Character Proficiencies:
  • +20 Unarmed Combat Skill (+20 Points)
  • +4 Magical Knowledge (+4 Points)
  • +6 Athletic Training (+6 Points)
  • +5 Perception Training (+5 Points)
Any Sever Punishments?: No.
Discord: Patsie#9780

Mister Reinhardt,
I find this extremely attractive.

Yours sincerely,
Oscar Lowell
IGN: Patsie
Character Name: Oscar Duane Lowell
Character Age: 35
Character Proficiencies:
  • +20 Unarmed Combat Skill (+20 Points)
  • +4 Magical Knowledge (+4 Points)
  • +6 Athletic Training (+6 Points)
  • +5 Perception Training (+5 Points)
Any Sever Punishments?: No.
Discord: Patsie#9780

Mister Reinhardt,
I find this extremely attractive.
Yours sincerely,
Oscar Lowell
Accepted. Idiot brains.
Reminder: The Grey Company provides lodging, armor, and rights to some of the Typhonburg estate. You'll also get access to badass events that the family hosts and otherwise! Consider joining!
IGN: Fjordbjorn
Character Name: Brynjar Asketill
Character Age: 23
Character Proficiencies:
10 Axes Combat Skill 10
6 Hunting Knowledge 6
6 Unarmed Combat Skill 6
3 Bodycare Training
3 Athletic Training
[Hobby Points]
4 Dancing Arts
4 Visual Arts
2 Carpentry Arts

Any Sever Punishments?: Nope.
Discord: fjord#6991
Ser Typhonus,
You have more than impressed me with your words. I wish to pledge my hand in service to you at once. You seem to be one deserving of solid and honest individuals, and I would consider myself nothing less. I hope that you find my personality more than sufficient for service.
Yours Truly,
Brynjar, Son of Halfdan.

IGN: Fjordbjorn
Character Name: Brynjar Asketill
Character Age: 23
Character Proficiencies:
10 Axes Combat Skill 10
6 Hunting Knowledge 6
6 Unarmed Combat Skill 6
3 Bodycare Training
3 Athletic Training
[Hobby Points]
4 Dancing Arts
4 Visual Arts
2 Carpentry Arts

Any Sever Punishments?: Nope.
Ser Typhonus,
You have more than impressed me with your words. I wish to pledge my hand in service to you at once. You seem to be one deserving of solid and honest individuals, and I would consider myself nothing less. I hope that you find my personality more than sufficient for service.
Yours Truly,
Brynjar, Son of Halfdan.

IGN: The73rdNerd
Character Name: Hreidmarr Bluntboot
Character Age: 103
Character Proficiencies:
  • 25 Metallurgy Sciences
  • 10 Finecraft Sciences
  • 10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill
  • 4 Elemental Sorcery
  • 4 Magical Knowledge
    • Artifactism
  • 4 Culture Knowledge
    • Wildland Culture
  • 3 Historical Knowledge
    • Wildland History
  • 10 Carpentry Arts

Any Sever Punishments?: nope
Discord: The73rdNerd#2758
Ser Typhonus,
I'll keep this brief, my name is Hreidmarr Bluntboot. I am a Dwarven Engineer hailing from Aldruin, with some skill with an Arbalest. I hope that is all the information you'll need, and I hope to hear from you shortly.
Many thanks,
Hreidmarr Bluntboot.
IGN: The73rdNerd
Character Name: Hreidmarr Bluntboot
Character Age: 103
Character Proficiencies:
  • 25 Metallurgy Sciences
  • 10 Finecraft Sciences
  • 10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill
  • 4 Elemental Sorcery
  • 4 Magical Knowledge
    • Artifactism
  • 4 Culture Knowledge
    • Wildland Culture
  • 3 Historical Knowledge
    • Wildland History
  • 10 Carpentry Arts

Any Sever Punishments?: nope
Discord: The73rdNerd#2758
Ser Typhonus,
I'll keep this brief, my name is Hreidmarr Bluntboot. I am a Dwarven Engineer hailing from Aldruin, with some skill with an Arbalest. I hope that is all the information you'll need, and I hope to hear from you shortly.
Many thanks,
Hreidmarr Bluntboot.
IGN: KeptYouWaiting
Character Name: Dominel Siksund
Character Age: 24
Character Proficiencies:
-Hunting Knowledge: 10
-Dance Arts: 12 (+10 Hobby, +2 Proficiency)
-Athletic Training:5
-Elemental Sorcery: 12
Any Sever Punishments?: No
Discord: Oboro#5013
Letter to Reinhardt Typhonus:
Reinhardt Typhonus,
My name is Dominel Siksund. Your comrade brought your company to my attention, and after some consideration lately, I figured I'd not like to go jobless again. I've been blessed an affinity for elemental sorcery, but still desire to learn, and left home in the North, now arriving in your good land of Regalia. I've been from land to land, and after leaving Ithania, I am in a dire need of work and board. If you can find a use for my talents in your company and find a means to assist in my studies, I would be greatly indebted to you and your house. My ice sorcery is of a great caliber, and, hailing from the North, I'm no stranger to getting my hands dirty, should the need arise.I implore you to take my membership into consideration, and guarantee that you will not regret it for as long as I serve House Typhonus.
Gods be with you,
Dominel Lidjka Siksund
IGN: KeptYouWaiting
Character Name: Dominel Siksund
Character Age: 24
Character Proficiencies:
-Hunting Knowledge: 10
-Dance Arts: 12 (+10 Hobby, +2 Proficiency)
-Athletic Training:5
-Elemental Sorcery: 12
Any Sever Punishments?: No
Discord: Oboro#5013
Letter to Reinhardt Typhonus:
Reinhardt Typhonus,
My name is Dominel Siksund. Your comrade brought your company to my attention, and after some consideration lately, I figured I'd not like to go jobless again. I've been blessed an affinity for elemental sorcery, but still desire to learn, and left home in the North, now arriving in your good land of Regalia. I've been from land to land, and after leaving Ithania, I am in a dire need of work and board. If you can find a use for my talents in your company and find a means to assist in my studies, I would be greatly indebted to you and your house. My ice sorcery is of a great caliber, and, hailing from the North, I'm no stranger to getting my hands dirty, should the need arise.I implore you to take my membership into consideration, and guarantee that you will not regret it for as long as I serve House Typhonus.
Gods be with you,
Dominel Lidjka Siksund
IGN: Martyr_321
Character Name: Markus StoneEater
Character Age: 63
Character Proficiencies:
+25 Metallurgy Skill
+20 Extra Heavy Combat Skill
+10 Athletics Skill
+5 Preception Training

Any Sever Punishments?: No.
Letter to Reinhardt Typhonus:
Ser Reinhard Typhonus, Greetings

I applied to you about a year ago now. My skills are professional level and are sure to impress you. I am skilled with the Bardiche and Great Maul. Due to my years of expertise, I've managed to smith many weapons and hope you will take this into consideration if you decide to hire me in.

Markus StoneEater, Dwarf of Skjorr
Tag @NoERPChat