✿ The Wandering Willow, Medical Foundation And Healthcare ✿


Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main
Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
Where ever the wind blows, literally sometimes.
Roleplay Guilds
I like to wander around a lot. Yep.

| Ambience |


From the streets of Regalia to the soft soil beneath the drooping limbs of willows, a group of Yanar, assorted Nelfins, and Ailor alike gently patter around. Smells of mint, lavender, and medicinal herbs drift throughout the air in their wake.



From the minds behind the creation of the quaint Crown Apothecary and Alchemia Order in times past, we bring you the creation and foundation of a new organization dedicated to the cause of providing the general public and citizens of Regalia with high quality healthcare and medicine. The Wandering Willow, with similar goals and ideals to past iterations such as the Alchemia Order, focuses and builds upon the past collaboration of physicians, healers and alchemists to help provide the general public with a swift response to injury and equally fast recovery, as well as the development of new and innovative medicine in response to ailments both new and old. However, unlike the old iterations of the Crown Apothecary and Alchemia Order, the Wandering Willow intends to be more proactive in seeking out and aiding those whom are wounded, to help better guide them to the road to recovery and a clinical setting where-in they may find safety and comfort

But make no mistake, the duty of the Wandering Willow rests not only within the confines of medical care- but also the experimentation with all known natural substances to better development new, innovative and modern alchemical remedies to both illness and some of life's practical problems. Non-contraband substances and aids can be requested and bought within the confines of the Willow's branches with a wide variety of selection, dried herbs bought and sold all year round to a fine selection of alchemical goods and remedies, which is all done by the tireless work of the Wandering Willow's members.

(For now, The Wandering Willow will be operating out of the old medical union building in the park until it acquires its own, either prior to or during V5, the Willow and it's members can be found in the hospital or the Cabal/Allar Enclave.)


The goals of the Wandering Willow are as follows;
-To provide the public with the best and most affordable quality of healthcare, and provide the best care possible during times of emergency and crisis.
-To provide the public with the highest standard of alchemical goods, remedies, herbs and other such goods.
-To seek out those in need and help guide them to the road to recovery, to safeguard the lives of those in need of care.
-To eventually achieve the rights and charter status, to fill the gap left by its predecessors


Character Name:
Character App:
(Not Necessary but recommended)
OOC Medical Knowledge: 1/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 1/10
Do you have Discord?: (Send it to me via PM!)
Short IC letter to the Leadership:


Executive Directors
The highest authority within the branches of the Wandering Willow, they provide the overall direction the Wandering Willow takes. They oversee the majority of what goes on and review the requests of lower higher-ups, they are also in charge of assigning new rules and regulations.

Underneath the Executive Directors are the general Directors which oversee the general day-to-day management of the Wandering Willow, handle member direction and tasks underneath the Executive Direction of the overall Willow. They can request new legislation and regulations and enforce existing ones.

Trusted members of the Wandering Willow are on par more so with general managers, they're trusted to fulfill the wishes and duties of the Wandering Willow and represent the organization to a high esteem, they're also trusted to help with membership direction and help new members.

Healers make up the general bulk of the Wandering Willow's membership, with the vast majority dedicated to providing the utmost quality of healthcare to the general public, one can rest assured that the healers of the Wandering Willow are highly trained and professional in nature.

Aside from healers, Alchemists make up the other majority of the Wandering Willow's ranks, it is their dedicated task and duty to provide the alchemical remedies and substances to both the general public and healers of the Wandering Willow, together in collaboration, the healers and alchemists make up the roots of the Wandering Willow which supports all other branches.

Wardens & Scholars

While at first glance, one may arrive at the conclusion that the Wandering Willow is dedicated solely to the alchemical and medical- but this is not entirely true, the Wandering Willow also has branches dedicated to the pursuit of scholarly subjects and houses protectors for patients staying for multiple days or nights, to ensure their safety and quality of recovery.


The Wandering Willow also welcomes those who are willing to learn the pursuit of healthcare, happiness and the alchemical, students often study both in the field and in house. Within the branches of the willow, many avenues of learning are available, it is up to the student to decide which route they'd like to take, the opportunities are endless.

The rank custodian primarily serves as a disciplinary rank to those who have failed in their duties both to the public and to the Wandering Willow and must carry out their time regaining what was lost. Custodians keep the general medical and alchemical facilities clean and dirt free, to ensure both a better quality of healthcare, cleanliness and to sterilize medical equipment prior to use.

Credit to @AGangstaGranny for making the aesthetics and her assistance in writing up our lovely thread.
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IGN: Ailethi
Character Name: Valeria
Character App: (Not Necessary but recommended) (X)
OOC Medical Knowledge: 5/10 (willing to expand)
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 4/10 (willing to expand)
Do you have Discord?: (Send it to me via PM!)
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

To Whom it may concern,

I, Valeria or once known as Anna Caladwen, wish to join this Medical charter. I use to be in the Crown Wardens and have some skill in medical knowledge. Followed by this I am eager to learn more about how to provide aid to citizens of Regalia. I will be willing to do an interview, and am hoping you will ignore my current state as a Phatasma. I am still very much dedicated to helping and serving the city as much as can be.


IGN: Nixces
Character App:
Selina Von Rahm
OOC Medical Knowledge: 8/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 6/10
Do you have Discord?: Already in the server<3
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

Dearest Establishment owner,

I write to you on account of your newly opened business. I have quite the amount of medical knowledge and I believe I can be of great assistance to you!

Hope to hear back soon,

IGN: Ailethi
Character Name: Valeria
Character App: (Not Necessary but recommended) (X)
OOC Medical Knowledge: 5/10 (willing to expand)
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 4/10 (willing to expand)
Do you have Discord?: (Send it to me via PM!)
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

To Whom it may concern,

I, Valeria or once known as Anna Caladwen, wish to join this Medical charter. I use to be in the Crown Wardens and have some skill in medical knowledge. Followed by this I am eager to learn more about how to provide aid to citizens of Regalia. I will be willing to do an interview, and am hoping you will ignore my current state as a Phatasma. I am still very much dedicated to helping and serving the city as much as can be.



Miss Valeria,
Thank you for applying and showcasing your interesting for our foundation. Being a Phantasma is certainly a downfall but having worked with you in the past, I would like to meet in person and discuss your application.
Executive Director Johanna Haaven​
IGN: Nixces
Character App:
Selina Von Rahm
OOC Medical Knowledge: 8/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 6/10
Do you have Discord?: Already in the server<3
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

Dearest Establishment owner,

I write to you on account of your newly opened business. I have quite the amount of medical knowledge and I believe I can be of great assistance to you!

Hope to hear back soon,

View attachment 155119


Selina von Rahm,
Short and quaint, I like it. I would like to meet in person when it is convenient for you.
Executive Director Johanna Haaven​
IGN: The_Western_Fox
Character Name: Ashera
Character App:
OOC Medical Knowledge: 6/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 1/10 (Need to learn)
Do you have Discord?: (Send it to me via PM!)
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

To who it may concern,

I wish to join this medical origination to further the well being of the people of Regalia. I am a graduate of the Regalia School of medicine and is willing to offer my services and training in medicine and surgery.

Spirit Bless,


Miss Ashera,
It's always a joy to see graduates apply for an organization, however that does not exempt you from a meeting in person. I would like to discuss your application and abilities further.

Executive Director Johanna Haaven
IGN: Eyrok
Character Name: Ztril Al-Narrim
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/ztril-al-narrim.63965/
OOC Medical Knowledge: 2/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 8/10
Do you have Discord?: Yes
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

You know who I am, what I can do and why I'd want to be applying to this organisation. I'll cut the details short as a result - although not out of contempt or a desire to be rude. Indeed, I would actually be really appreciative if you'd consider me for the Willow as it would give me a more even keel on aspects of my life I'm having trouble with right now.
Ztril Al-Narrim.

Miss Valeria,
Thank you for applying and showcasing your interesting for our foundation. Being a Phantasma is certainly a downfall but having worked with you in the past, I would like to meet in person and discuss your application.
Executive Director Johanna Haaven​

ACCEPTED - Trial Period

Miss Ashera,
It's always a joy to see graduates apply for an organization, however that does not exempt you from a meeting in person. I would like to discuss your application and abilities further.

Executive Director Johanna Haaven

ACCEPTED - Trial Period
IGN: TeenySeaTrash
Character Name: Ke'wince Gavenmore
Character App: Link
OOC Medical Knowledge: 7/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 1/10
Do you have Discord?: Yeppers
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

My name is Ke'wince Gavenmore, and with years of study in the medical field, I would like to be of use and lend a hand to your cause. My experience has come from attending the Haüwald Academy and from then on continuing my studies. Thank you for your time.

Ke'wince Gavenmore.
IGN: TeenySeaTrash
Character Name: Ke'wince Gavenmore
Character App: Link
OOC Medical Knowledge: 7/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 1/10
Do you have Discord?: Yeppers
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

My name is Ke'wince Gavenmore, and with years of study in the medical field, I would like to be of use and lend a hand to your cause. My experience has come from attending the Haüwald Academy and from then on continuing my studies. Thank you for your time.

Ke'wince Gavenmore.


Ke'wince Gavenmore,
I would like to meet with you regarding your application to meet and discuss further.
Executive Director Johanna Haaven
IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Winifred von rahm
Character App: ( https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/winifred-yvonne-von-rahm.67832/#post-855575
OOC Medical Knowledge: 7/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 7/10
Do you have Discord?: (Yes, I believe you might have it?
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

To the Wandering Willow Medical Foundation,
Hello and I assume that the runners of this medical union are the very same that once before worked in the Ivory Hospital, so I hope that you'd remember me, Winifred von Rahm! If not, I worked as a physician in the Regalian Medical Union under Madame Haaven and Doctor von Duerr- and before that a physician under Doctor von Duerr at the Sawbones Clinic. I, though not yet even seventeen, have been practicing medicine for quite a bit and this coming January will be graduating from the School of Medicine at the Haüwald Academy. At the current moment, I work as a doctor and healer within the Divine Militia under Lord Inquisitor Abelhard Rote, though I would be honored to help with this establishment, especially as I continue my healing in the Ivory Hospital when I find no one is around there. I might as well, anyhow.
Spirit Guide,
Winifred von Rahm
Phyisician of the Divine Militia
IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Winifred von rahm
Character App: ( https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/winifred-yvonne-von-rahm.67832/#post-855575
OOC Medical Knowledge: 7/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 7/10
Do you have Discord?: (Yes, I believe you might have it?
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

To the Wandering Willow Medical Foundation,
Hello and I assume that the runners of this medical union are the very same that once before worked in the Ivory Hospital, so I hope that you'd remember me, Winifred von Rahm! If not, I worked as a physician in the Regalian Medical Union under Madame Haaven and Doctor von Duerr- and before that a physician under Doctor von Duerr at the Sawbones Clinic. I, though not yet even seventeen, have been practicing medicine for quite a bit and this coming January will be graduating from the School of Medicine at the Haüwald Academy. At the current moment, I work as a doctor and healer within the Divine Militia under Lord Inquisitor Abelhard Rote, though I would be honored to help with this establishment, especially as I continue my healing in the Ivory Hospital when I find no one is around there. I might as well, anyhow.
Spirit Guide,
Winifred von Rahm
Phyisician of the Divine Militia

It's rather unfortunate with what occured with the Medical Union but I assure you we strive to do better. You're welcome to join us and help out, I look forward to seeing you again soon, in person.

R. Haaven
IGN: VirtualStardust
Character Name: Solenne Aveline
Character App: Solenne
OOC Medical Knowledge: 6/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 8/10
Do you have Discord?: I will send it if needed.
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

To the owners of this fine establishment:

I hope this letter finds you well, and I will not take up much of your time. I am wishing to join your medical staff as an alchemist. I have spent years studying and honing this useful skill, and yet I have not found a place where I can share this talent. With your establishment, I was hoping to find employment; that way I can help others and feel a sense of gratitude knowing that I have given back to those in need. If you consider me, I will gladly take the opportunity to come in for an interview. Thank you so much for your time-- and for all that you do.

Spirit Guide;


Solenne Aveline
IGN: VirtualStardust
Character Name: Solenne Aveline
Character App: Solenne
OOC Medical Knowledge: 6/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 8/10
Do you have Discord?: I will send it if needed.
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

To the owners of this fine establishment:

I hope this letter finds you well, and I will not take up much of your time. I am wishing to join your medical staff as an alchemist. I have spent years studying and honing this useful skill, and yet I have not found a place where I can share this talent. With your establishment, I was hoping to find employment; that way I can help others and feel a sense of gratitude knowing that I have given back to those in need. If you consider me, I will gladly take the opportunity to come in for an interview. Thank you so much for your time-- and for all that you do.

Spirit Guide;


Solenne Aveline
ACCEPTED - Trial Period!

Send me your discord in PM!
IGN: Epsilyon
Character Name: Imara al-Qahtani
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/imara-al-qahtani.69096/
OOC Medical Knowledge: 7/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 9/10
Do you have Discord?: You have it!
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

Dear Director of the Wandering Willow or whomever it may concern,

I write to you today to express my interest in joining a medical charter finally. I'm a well versed and practiced alchemist, as well as a medic who has treated a number of patients over the past months of being within the city. I also helped research at Fort Purity during the plague crisis. The recent peacetimes, for the most part, has made me realized that vigilante medical practice is not that sustainable and joining a medical order not focused on political nonsense and internal corruption would be a good idea. I hope this letter reaches you in good health and you will accept me as a worker in the medical ranks.

- Imara al Qahtani
IGN: Epsilyon
Character Name: Imara al-Qahtani
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/imara-al-qahtani.69096/
OOC Medical Knowledge: 7/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 9/10
Do you have Discord?: You have it!
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

Dear Director of the Wandering Willow or whomever it may concern,

I write to you today to express my interest in joining a medical charter finally. I'm a well versed and practiced alchemist, as well as a medic who has treated a number of patients over the past months of being within the city. I also helped research at Fort Purity during the plague crisis. The recent peacetimes, for the most part, has made me realized that vigilante medical practice is not that sustainable and joining a medical order not focused on political nonsense and internal corruption would be a good idea. I hope this letter reaches you in good health and you will accept me as a worker in the medical ranks.

- Imara al Qahtani
IGN: EagleEyeKK
Character Name: Songlëain Allas
Character App:
OOC Medical Knowledge: 8/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 6/10
Do you have Discord?: Yep!
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

"To whom it may concern of the Wandering Willow,

I write to you on this day to express my interest in joining a medical charter, mainly this one. From the moment I arrived in Regalia, I always had an interest in helping others, mainly in the medical field for those who need it. I have quite a bit of medical knowledge from my previous experiences, and I've helped treat at least three people in my time in Regalia. I also helped patients during the time when Fort Purity was collapsed during which they had the plague. To be able to help others and be on a team of experienced medical experts will be an honor, and I hope to help everyone the best I can.

I hope to hear from you all soon."

Songlëain Allas​

IGN: EagleEyeKK
Character Name: Songlëain Allas
Character App: Here
OOC Medical Knowledge: 8/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 6/10
Do you have Discord?: Yep!
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

"To whom it may concern of the Wandering Willow,

I write to you on this day to express my interest in joining a medical charter, mainly this one. From the moment I arrived in Regalia, I always had an interest in helping others, mainly in the medical field for those who need it. I have quite a bit of medical knowledge from my previous experiences, and I've helped treat at least three people in my time in Regalia. I also helped patients during the time when Fort Purity was collapsed during which they had the plague. To be able to help others and be on a team of experienced medical experts will be an honor, and I hope to help everyone the best I can.

I hope to hear from you all soon."

Songlëain Allas​
IGN: TeenySeaTrash
Character Name: Ke'wince Gavenmore
Character App: Link
OOC Medical Knowledge: 7/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 1/10
Do you have Discord?: Yeppers
Short IC letter to the Leadership:

My name is Ke'wince Gavenmore, and with years of study in the medical field, I would like to be of use and lend a hand to your cause. My experience has come from attending the Haüwald Academy and from then on continuing my studies. Thank you for your time.

Ke'wince Gavenmore.

A short letter;
It's nice to see you again, Ke, It's been awhile hasn't it? I look forward to meeting you again here soon. Also, I'm going to go ahead and approve your request pending updates, etc etc.

Signed, Z. Haaven
IGN: HereticTakao
Character Name: Carrick Kearney
Character App: Not yet but I'm writing it, so expect it soon!
OOC Medical Knowledge: 4/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 8/10 (if you're talking about like, Massive Alchemy)
Do you have Discord?: Heck yeah.
Short IC letter to the Leadership:
[The handwriting of the letter is a bit sloppy but still readable]
To Whom Ever It May Concern,
Hello! My name is Carrick Kearney and I'd really love to study medical science here. I'd also really love to help people in need, and what better place to do that than a healing clinic. I don't know everything about medical science, but I know a decent amount of stuff. I don't know what else to write, other than I really want to work here so I can perfect my skills in medicine.

Carrick Kearney
IGN: HereticTakao
Character Name: Carrick Kearney
Character App: Not yet but I'm writing it, so expect it soon!
OOC Medical Knowledge: 4/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 8/10 (if you're talking about like, Massive Alchemy)
Do you have Discord?: Heck yeah.
Short IC letter to the Leadership:
[The handwriting of the letter is a bit sloppy but still readable]
To Whom Ever It May Concern,
Hello! My name is Carrick Kearney and I'd really love to study medical science here. I'd also really love to help people in need, and what better place to do that than a healing clinic. I don't know everything about medical science, but I know a decent amount of stuff. I don't know what else to write, other than I really want to work here so I can perfect my skills in medicine.

Carrick Kearney
IGN: NotBrokenFamily
Character Name: Connor
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/connor.71466/
OOC Medical Knowledge: 7/10
OOC Alchemical Knowledge: 4/10
Do you have Discord?: Yes
Short IC letter to the Leadership:
Hello Leadership. Hello!
I am Connor. I am seventy two years old and love to garden. I am an Altalar so I am not old. I know lots about plants. I use plants to make medicine when people are sick. I want to work for you. Friend Silyoran says good things. Hello! Goodbye.
The Wandering Willow has been closed until further notice, thank you everyone who joined and participated. But worry not, we'll be making a new alchemy and snack shop in Petalcourt soon for those who'd like to join when the time comes!