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Played Character █████, the Orchestrion

This character is actively played.


Eternally unfit Band Kid
Oct 21, 2020
Reaction score
"From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins."

█████ and the Musicians of Bremen present:

The Orchestrion

Designation_ █████
Alongside ██████, ████████, ███, ██████.
Otherwise known as "The Orchestrion"

Heritage_ Altered Mystech, Naturebound
Previously a Machinist War Machine

Age_ 26
Gender_ Nonbinary, They/He
Occult Status_ Ordial, God Magic [Dragon]
Occupation_ Temple Guardian, Craftsman
With skills in metalworking, woodworking, and engineering

The Orchestrion remains a complex gestalt of Musician Shades, tied together by violent history, wether they had asked for it or not. In the beginning they were one lost spirit, then five that toiled alongside the Mortis Cults of the Regalian undercity, and now they wage battle against them in stead of the Dragons.

The Colony Spirit has a mixed appearance, Brakin-like with silver and white mettalic components, though in most public cases they are donning their mechanical armor. As a result, they are often mistaken for an Automata. Their build is bulky, but refined, and they stand at 6'2 without their helmet. Their facial appearances underneath their helmet vary, depending on the current Musician Shade present. In the case they are not in their main suit of armor, they will dress in what is covering, and enjoys duller shades for their attire.

The Orchestrion has paid witness to cruelty from zealots of all faiths, even servants to the Draconic cause, though something has pushed them to reconcile with the Faithful to secure the safety of someone dear to them. They are subscribed to the Succession Draconist Pantheon, and pays homage and patronage to Gaia, known to them as Ser Iorwerth still.

Class - Tank - Int Atk : Con Def

The Orchestrion stands as a metal wall, empowering allies through music. They count as a Tank and focuses on damage mitigation.

Points - 14/14 Used
Str - 0
Force Toss (Free, Bralona)
Con - 7
Block (Free)
Iron Will (Free, Bralona)
Int - 6
Tech. [Steamtech, Crystaltech]
Wardrobe [Magical, Draconic]
Wis - 1
Tech Parry

The Orchestrion is Naturebound, and retains now features known to Maraya and Bralona, due to the nature of their technological manipulation and two parts of their Colony's origins being one of each. They have had long experience in (variably ethical) uses of technology and mundane medicine as well, and has in the past been unfortunately saddled with the responsibility of keeping those in critical condition above the water during times of crisis.

Mixed Heritage - Maraya, Bralona

> Bralona do not need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. They cannot be poisoned, nor can they become ill, but they can be affected by Magic Diseases.
> Bralona, when killed, turn into an orb-shaped mass or small cube. It will auto-revive them after 72 Hours, or immediately with 1 Divinium or Artifactspark.
> Maraya have small Ichor glands on their hands, which are capable of producing Chrysalis that they can shape into Crystals of any shape or size.
> Maraya can also make music with these Chrysalis Crystals, as they can resonate based on tunes, and produce music autonomously.
> Maraya can (out of combat) remotely hijack Tech (including Automata) to follow their commands and instructions instead, due to their historical superiority.

Naturebound Mechanics
> Nature Bound Spirits inherit some Archon Mechanics. They gain Mechanic 1, & Mechanic 2. Mechanic 2 however does not block them from using Sinistral Magic, which they can use.
> Evolism Triton Mechanic Chosen, War machines remember war.

> Technology, Medical, and Athletic Hobbies.

The Orchestrion has a number of seemingly unrelated languages that they comprehend, in part due to their mixed origins. They are fluent in Common, Calem, Droque, Shalota, and Dressalo. They also recall the use of ASL/CSL.

  • Story Hooks
    The Orchestrion is a relatively reserved and private entity, though open to discussion to a majority if they are anywhere between curious, to cautious of them. It is however known they are violently hostile to Mortis Cultists, specifically those who pledge to the Malefica, the source of their hatred.

    > They are Naturebound, and positively inclined to Draconic Faithful, though also to Everians and Faithful of Unionism (notably the Evintarians), due to their older history with the Undead Unionist Faithful of Crookback and the Sewers. They are also actively educating themself regarding other Faiths, especially Fornoss and Khama currently, as they had little previous interaction with their Faithful.

    > The Orchestrion favors art and music, and may be lured by melodies played. Their inclination for music is written all over how they even armor themselves. This extends to engineering and technology as an art, which they are proficient (if eccentric) in it's manipulation.

    > They are often guarding the Draconic Temples near the Regalian City, or guarding the Draconic Sanctum in the Sewers, retaining their odd habits of standing and watching for long periods of time. However, they are not inclined to patrol the Sewers any longer.

    > They were previously inducted into the Machinist Cult by an Archtechnician, who built them a mechanical body. They have a softer spot for Ordial Shades encased in metal bodies, even if they are not Bound to Daiana, as a result. Call it bias.

    > Due to their history as a secretive Iorwerth worshiper (when he was of the Evolist Pantheon), and their guarding of the hand in his freedom (and subsequent conversion to Draconism), they are positively inclined to assist Gate Guard Mortisphages and fellow worshippers.

  • Musician Bylaws
    The Orchestrion's Binding keeps them resolute in their cause. They operate still on some additional Bylaws that they have retained since before their binding.

    Ensemble Jigsaw
    The Colony of the Orchestrion is also commonly known as the Musicians of Bremen. They are four musicians of various histories and opinions, and a fifth, the growing gestalt consciousness made by their continued proximity. The Orchestrion as a result refuses and violently resists invasion by other Spirits, and responds poorly to ideas of becoming separated.

    Each limb is associated to one of the four Musicians. Should one in particular be injured or somehow removed, that associated limb is hindered and fails to function. The same works in opposite, if a limb in particular suffers damage or removal, that Musician suffers a form of injury.

    Ensemble Bend
    The Musicians of Bremen are inclined to and swayed by music. This can go as far as music being a method of manipulating the strength of their feelings, making them stronger, or calming them. They may also trail and find music if it is being played in remote or nonpublic places, to seek it out and listen.

  • The Musicians of Bremen
    The Colony Spirit is and has been an unusual specimen among Colony Spirits, let alone those comprised of Shades, who would most often be prone to consuming each other in blind hunger. The Colony had organically grown since entering the Regalian City as one lone Shade, hiding in a then wooden body made of piano components. The manner of their development into a colony is not well known, though indeed the result of experimentation conducted on them, by various faces of the Undercity. The Musicians are bound by a steeping determination and continue to do so, holding onto stability as a unit.
    Their appearances vary, though they are clearly of the same Colony, with their body shared. In case one or another is encountered, brief summaries have been compiled.

    > The "First" is known as ██████, the Pianist. They are Ailor-like in appearance since being Bound, with a face wrapped partially in bandages across the right of their face, with an unusual red scarring underneath it. They may be indicated through the color pink. They are generally friendly and amiable, evidently soft-spoken, and tends to fidget with their hands when nervous.

    > The "Second" is known as ████████, the Bassist. He has an Ailor-like appearance, with an unusual line that cuts down the right side of his face, though it does not seem to bother him. He may be indicated through the color purple. He is best described as stubborn, a seasoned fighter now, though he still can be set off through poking fun at his supposed age. He is rougher around the edges, and uses much more crude language.

    > The "Third" is known as ███, the Conductor. They have a Maraya-like appearance, with whitened eyes and electrical scars that reach up to the tips of their horns. They may be indicated through the color yellow, though associated with green equally as much. They are a technician and reluctant medic, and while they were once curious and lively, they have burnt themself on society and now sits back to quietly work on their crafts instead.

    > The "Fourth" is known as ██████, the Machine, or the Brass. They have a Bronn-like appearance, with a set of curving horns, and a static face that generally stays the same regardless of their actual thoughts. They may be indicated through the color blue, or silver. They are a quiet and reserved watcher of things, though enjoys listening to others. Their appearances are rare and far between, though brings important thoughts to the table.

    > The "Fifth" is █████, the Ensemble, or simply "The Orchestrion". They are of mixed appearance, between Maraya-descent and Ailor. They are a gestalt consciousness that has developed beyond their component parts, and speaks in poetic ways at times, or very bluntly at other times. They act as the main guard to the Colony in public, and is indicated through green colors, often donning their helmet.


  • To be added

  • To be added (my file size too big :[ )
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