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⇠ ✪} The Broken Tusks Contract {✪ ⇢


Thank you! And goodnight.
Mar 29, 2015
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I bet you'd like to know.
The Broken Tusk Contract



~-Looking for Work-~

The letter that blew weakly within the streets were all mostly yellow-stained paper nailed against wooden poles around town, and light poles within the more richer parts of the city. The penmanship was neat and legible, and the tone was straightforward.
Dear Citizens of Regalia,

The Broken Tusks are a warband of Orken who reside within Regalia, and are currrently looking for contracts. If you need a bodyguard service for yourself, an event, or an unoffical orginization the Broken Tusks are offically certified to serve within these peramiters and more. We are allowed to do most that people offer us for, which readily comes in handy due to the fast pace of the city. You are not safe within these confines, with the rise of the Kathar, and the pest that roam this city safety needs to be a priority. Pricing is all fairly worked out with the head of the department, and the manager of the Broken Tusks. You may have some questions, which will mostly be answered in a self Q&A down below within the document.

  • What do I get?
    • With the contract signed, a band of specialized Orken will be running the task given. All with combat, and tactical knowledge, and more importantly the expirence to get the job done.
  • Why you?
    • The Broken Tusks are full of highly specialized, and trusted members of a larger heirarchy that has existed within Regalia for generations. We are the only Orken warband, and with our strength comes our history to get the job done.
  • How do I contact the leader?
    • Sign your name below, and leave a short message and the Warlord will meet with you.
  • Aren't Orc's within Regalia savages?
    • No, in short we've outcasted the Orken who are incompetent or otherwise known to be overly egotistical, and overall stupid illustrated through their persona, and actions.
  • How soon can my contract be complete?
    • Contracts vary case-to-case. Time is important, but we also respect any given due date and compromise with our employers if need be.
Kalmar Lok-Guthrain,
Tol of the Lok Clan
Warlord of the Nargoth Goor
Manager and Captain of the Broken Tusk Warband
Scribe Harrison Davis of Regalia