Preserved Sheet ۩ Eldradon Deredda

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Apologies for the re-review @Caelamus ; after receiving feedback that Don didn't have a solid theme any more, I've done my best to rethink the character and cement one finally for good, so that going forward it is abundantly clear where he stands.
- Reduced Physical Stats!
- Gained Command Tactics Stats (To reflect his early life story and to subtract from Solo-Fighting and apply a leadership aesthetic).
- Theme: Immortal, Undead, Charismatic, Captain
Ultimately gave up Callia's Grace, since Parlor magic is being removed.
@Caelamus Hiya, re-review conforming to all the new edits. Had to replace Altalar Martial Arts, had to replace 5 extra proficiency points, had to bump up physical stat.
Witchblood Registration
Number: 64
Name: Eldradon Deredda
Abilities: "I don't die easy and I burst into flames. Oh and occasionally I'm haunted." Quoted
Threat: 2
@Caelamus Updated, changed just over 10 Prof points unfortunately to maintain physique, though fortunately didn't need to alter the life story.
Heya, I rejigged some Prof points minorly @Caelamus Doesn't really change much I just wanted to attribute to your notification count.
Looking to have this reviewed please if possible, as I'm unshelving the character and a lot of Lore has changed. In addition, he is now re-infected with Vampirism, and no longer a Silven. @Caelamus
Relgion and Other Faiths:
Don doesn't care about religion when infected, however, at one point it could be said that he was incredibly religious. Almost devout towards the source of his Ring of Tallea - or rather the Altalar Faith of Estel.
While I'm not rejecting the sheet, I will be rejecting your changing them to an Ailor as so much of the character relied on older Altalar Lore. You may not flip flop races to whatever suits the power archetype of the character. Revert him back to Altalar and review the new Altalar lore or consider making a new character all together. Additionally ritualism does not come without a cost. The character must be religious, in the case of vampires they must be religiously devout to the void. This means that you will be thrust into engaging in religious roleplay and sermons.
Sorry about that, I changed the race to Ailor because the art I drew had him with rounded than pointed ears. I've changed it back and I'll just have to edit the art. As for the religious roleplay, that's actually what I intend on doing- although rather than engaging I'm intending to host. I hope that the edits I've made are more favourable! @Caelamus