Preserved Sheet Álvaro De Santigo

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slaps pie+
Jul 24, 2016
Reaction score
Álvaro Qamar Macario de Santigo.


Basic Information.
  • Full Name: Álvaro Qamar Macario de Santigo.
  • Age: 45. 23rd December 266 A.C.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Lusitsian Ailor. Bragacoan.
Skill Information.
  • Languages: Commons, Braggan, Daendroquin.
  • Proficiencies:
    • Combat Proficiency
      • +10 Blades Combat, invested. (Increased Cap)
    • Tactical Proficiency
      • +25 Captain Tactic Skill, invested. (Increased Cap)
      • +2 Admiral Tactic Skill, invested.
    • Knowledge Proficiency
      • +15 Maritime Knowledge, 10 invested, 5 Favoured by the Sea. (Increased Cap)
      • +3 Linguistic Knowledge, invested.
        • Daendroquin.
    • Arts Proficiency
      • +10 Literary Arts, hobby.
  • Body Shape: Muscular.
  • Body Fat: Low.
  • Physical Stat: 25.
  • La Pez Globo.
    • A frigate and Álvaro's primary ship. It's crew has stuck with him through thick and thin, particularly over the last few years and they have sailed the world over in face of danger.
  • The Siren.
    • A smaller yacht, still armed with cannons but far fewer. This is a ship Álvaro favours for boarding missions and piracy against merchants. Also one that he often uses and used for smuggling.
  • Infallible Navigator.
  • Iron Gut.
  • Favoured by the Sea.
Visual Information.
  • Eye Color: Green.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Álvaro currently has middle parted hair, and an undercut.
  • Skin Color: Tanned. (Daendroque Tone)
  • Clothing: Álvaro usually wears very simple clothes under a short overcoat and large leather boots. When it gets cold, he has a grey bear pelt from Forriesta Natal that he often wears.
  • Height: 6'
  • Weapon of Choice: Longsword, full basket-guard cutlass or fists he has also been known to use a machete with no lacking of brutality, and no great skill. Alvaro is not picky when it comes to weapons and is known for using brute force, jabs and knees to the groin as well as a slew of other underhanded tricks to win a fight.
Personality Traits.

[*]Paragraph One. Others perception of Álvaro is greatly varying on the mood they catch him in. He's known to be very jovial at times and is no stranger to the Daendroquin lifestyle that is so often appraised for its liveliness. He's often seen lazing about in his study, reading or otherwise relaxing. On the other hand, those that have been unfortunate enough to have caught Álvaro at a bad time are often quick to pick up on his argumentative, crass and quite frankly aggressive nature that hasn't seemed to have left him since his days as a much younger pirate. This often sees him getting into brawls or barking commands at strangers in the streets or public sphere. To conclude, a strangers perception of Álvaro could vary greatly from that of an imposing figure, a laid back person or for lack of a better word, an ass, not to mention everything in between.

[*]Paragraph Two. Often seen as an incredibly outgoing and charismatic person, people rarely get to see Álvaro's insecurities--this includes many of his inner thoughts, but foremost of which are not wanting to fail his children as a father, despite the fact that he already believes he has or impacting those around him negatively with the brash decisions he so often makes. In recent months Álvaro has made a concerted effort to do better, but often has moments of weakness. The difference really between these things that burden many people across the world is his distinct awareness of it but the difficulty he encounters whilst trying to change. His lack of a reasonable upbringing stems a lot of his vices. He is often a cynical, greedy and arrogant person who takes what he wants to try to shield others from seeing his much more sensitive and dwelling nature. Whilst he is very certain of his ability as a leader and combatant, he fails time and time again to form meaningful relationships with others. This reveals itself in the form of addiction, overprotectiveness, adultery and excessive greed as well as pride.

[*]Paragraph Three. Towards friends and family Álvaro believes himself to be a role-model. He is fiercely protective of them and offers misfits a place with open arms. He is confident and reliable amongst them and always willing to act as an anchor of sorts, he would do anything for his family - more specifically anything for his sons. Álvaro's father was always kind to him, but Álvaro, in his rather selfish youth neglected his children for his own self interest and hedonism in romping around the oceans pretending as though he didn't have a responsibility to anyone but himself. Now, as he sees or saw his children form as young adults he fears that he didn't have as much as an impact on them as he should have, and fears that they will not have the time for the knowledge he has to offer them once he's elderly and settled. His fear more than for his children suffering is that his grandchildren might suffer more for his inability to act as a father to their father's. In a way, this is very similar to how Álvaro acts with strangers but for a different reason, for his family it is a way to safeguard the people he's close to, but with strangers or even friends at times it's almost as if he is trying to add them to a collection and earn their loyalty.

[*]Paragraph Four. Álvaro is best described as chaotic neutral in most aspects of his life. Despite his standing in society, he resents and avoids authority. He challenges tradition and urges those around him to be independent and strong-willed. However, it is unfair to say that he is without order entirely, as previously mentioned he holds his friends and family in high regards and they come first. When dealing with issues regarding his family that might require a finer touch, Álvaro is not incapable of acting more lawfully, if not only to appease others to get irritating situations dealt with.
  • Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
  • Personality Type: ENTJ-A.
  • Religion: Old Gods. 2/10.
Life Story.
Álvaro was born the son of an old fisherman named Renato de Santigo - with an unnamed mother that he never knew, and thus, technically a bastard and half-sibling to his older brothers and sisters. Santigo, where he was born is a small fortified harbour town, shyly north of the southern border to Amaolits. The vast majority of the populace were fishermen with the odd merchant that owned holdings in the town for storage as a pit stop en route south - the merchants found in the town, however, were far and few between given the notoriety of the town as a safe haven for several pirate crews.

He had been, for quite some time working in the markets and on small fishing boats. That is until Álvaro was almost fourteen, during this time, he had begun to work in a local shipyard for an elderly and widowed man named Fernando Aguiar over the course of four years the two became rather close. At the closing of his tenure with the shipping company however, Fernando passed, leaving his fortune and company to Álvaro with no suitable heirs. At the young age of seventeen, it was decided the company would be left under Renato's care and Álvaro would take the coin to pay for his tuition in Portimao, to study as a Captain. During this time however, he also managed to get the daughter of a relatively wealthy family pregnant. He was later forced to propose to her by his father in spite of his plan to move to Portimao to study, and thus the de Bosque and de Santigo families were united in marriage.

It seemed that the young man's penchant for all things nautical and maritime, as well as his practical upbringing helped in his education as a Captain and he spent his time in the college passing with flying colours. As a young Captain, Álvaro showed cunning and brutality that was scarcely seen - at least that's what he'd have you know. After what seemed like a breeze through four years Álvaro briefly returned to Santigo and recruited a variety of family-friends as sailors before leaving aboard a sloop in Portimao under his first orders, which were ironically to track and hunt pirates. During what became three years of naval service and a resignation as soon as possible from the Regalian navy, Álvaro had taken to learning swordsmanship from a handful of marines, learning their trade during his time as their Captain.

During the next five year stint of his life, Álvaro and his crew of pirates stole a sloop and wreaked havoc along the coasts of the Daendroc supercontinent, as well as across the Yellow Sea and the coast of Farah'deen*. The crew was soon renowned in the waters they were active for their barbarity and speed, and became famed for their ability to free and recruit slaves from Songaskian slave ships. As their crew became larger, and their name became more memorable, they began to expand their operation to include more vessels - at its peak, the Santigoan piracy undertaking became three independent ships that were active throughout the Yellow Sea, Western Calms and Great Middle Sea, targeting whatever was there to attack (though typically avoiding Lusitsian and Regalian vessels) and all using the town of Santigo as a haven of sorts. During this period of great economic success, Alvaro took it upon himself to hire a Mariposa tutor to accompany him at sea and at home, which is how he became so proficient with the longsword.

From the age of 30, to 35 he continued his various acts of piracy and also dabbled in smuggling. He was also granted a Barony during this time in Bragacao, which is roughly around the time the family moved to Regalia to provide his children and nephew with a better education. Further time spent in the city has seen to Álvaro and Isabel getting an annulment of their marriage, as well as Álvaro's appointment as the Kaperflotten inspector and later removal of the Kaperflotten position. Some months after he became a Count and continued an upward trend amongst nobility until, rather unfortunately, he backed the wrong horse. In choosing Howlester over Ravenstad and losing in an election for Undercrown Álvaro had made an enemy of House Ravenstad and in a large smear campaign his reputation was ruined. Amongst the political fallout he lost his lands to a variety of factors, including outside influence from opportunistic elements around Coivra and Girobalda. Recent months have seen him abandon the world of politics in search of a more "humble and freeing lifestyle" as he puts it, and by this, he means he was bored and took up piracy again - though he wouldn't be so fast to admit that. With his vast reduction of power and influence however, left a void that Álvaro feels he must fill.

A change of lifestyle saw Álvaro drink less and quit smoking, and since he asked Euan to lock him in a cabin with nothing in it for three days, he sweat the opiates out of his system. He did this because he understands he's getting older and his body is becoming ever-increasingly difficult to maintain. After a failed attempt at boarding a ship in an act of piracy, Álvaro fell off his ship and was knocked unconscious. He washed up on a beach in Ithania where a household took him in. After some months, he found himself associated with a crew of merchants who delivered Álvaro from place* to place, eventually to the only place he can now call home, being Regalia after the Elven invasion of Lusits. Currently, he runs a piracy route between Portimao, Regalia and Ashanna which hits various other trade-routes headed towards Havensreach, Farah'deen and Dexai but he has taken a keen interest in the politics of the archipelago again and contemplates staying.
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After reading through this sheet, here's what I want to bring up that will need some edits or changes:

  • Unpatriotic. Alvaro is patriotic to the Kingdom of Lusits to the utmost degree, although he dislikes Regalia and finds it is too restricting a society. Alvaro's occasional short-sightedness also means that a lot of the reason he doesn't like Regalia is the weather.
  • Hubris. Excessive pride is never good, Alvaro's self-confidence has proven to be an awful downfall in the past, losing duels and having to watch ships escape from his grasp in the past because of it. Needless to say, this trait is rather defining of his character.

I would like to see these two traits expanded upon since there descriptions are fairly vague. How and why does Alvaro's sight problems adhere to issues with the City, moreover the weather? What kind of thing about Lusits does he like that makes him anti-Regalia? What are some things about Regalia he doesn't like? How does his disliking for the City show? How does his pride get the better of him? How does he present this sense of pride? Those are some examples of details I'd like to see pointed out.

Greedy. Being raised a pirate who can take what he wants, when he wants took a toll on Alvaro's personality and he seems to have stayed greedy his whole life. Alvaro will often strive to be richer or to own more than his peers just for the sake of being able to.
When do his greedy tendencies show the most? How do they appear? What kinds of things specifically does he want? Does he want attention, does he want solely more money, or does he want to be the only form of importance to certain people? Expansion is required on this trait.

Make all edits in blue, then tag me once you've completed them. @Belgrade


I believe all the changes were made, I was sure to rephrase 'Short-sightedness' to 'Narrow-minded'.
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Requesting a re-review.

Change log:
-Updated to new format.
-All instances of running the County of Santigo removed and replaced with the County of Avanca, in lieu with noble update.
-Removal of the strength 'Persevering' and replaced with 'Language'.
-Edited body-build and weapon of choice sections.

All changes in GREEN

Requesting a re-review.

Change log:
-Updated to new format.
-All instances of running the County of Santigo removed and replaced with the County of Avanca, in lieu with noble update.
-Removal of the strength 'Persevering' and replaced with 'Language'.
-Edited body-build and weapon of choice sections.

All changes in GREEN
My Review:
  • Nothing, I found it very good work so approved!
Added School of Astronomy to skill information seeing as he needs to understand it to be a captain. No other changes were made.

@HydraLana @MantaRey

Whomever wants to pick it up <3
Very minor changes to early life story, replaced all instances of 'Kjell' with 'Euan' and changed wording of religion. All marked in RED

I don't think it warrants a re-review but I'll be tagging the reviewers just in case.

@HydraLana @MantaRey
Remains approved.
Added Alvaro art, everyone should go check it out.
Hello! A player has recently brought to staff attention that this character might need a bit of re-balancing. For this reason, I am setting this application back into review.
Expect a full staff review within 48 hours!
@Belgrade Sorry for the rude interruption! I'll try to keep this brief.

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • While it is understandable that Alvaro would have the money to pursue more schools due to his noble status, his current amount of skills do not line up with his age and the extensive busyness of his life story. The upkeep of noble lands alone takes ample time out of one's life! For this reason, please tone down his skills by either: omitting the School of Lecgaen, or reducing his Mariposa level by at least 1. Reducing his linguistic knowledge would also be favorable, as languages take considerable upkeep to remember.
  • Nowhere in Alvaro's life story does it mention when, or where he attended the School of Astronomy or School of Mariposa. I need to be able to see how long he was studying in these schools and where they fit into his life. Please make sure this is documented!
  • Additionally, in his life story it mentions that Alvaro is a considerable diplomat and took formal education on the subjects of trade. If this is a talent, then it needs to be added to the appropriate section so it can be assessed for balance. Otherwise, I would consider omitting this to make room for his other skills.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
@Belgrade Sorry for the rude interruption! I'll try to keep this brief.

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • While it is understandable that Alvaro would have the money to pursue more schools due to his noble status, his current amount of skills do not line up with his age and the extensive busyness of his life story. The upkeep of noble lands alone takes ample time out of one's life! For this reason, please tone down his skills by either: omitting the School of Lecgaen, or reducing his Mariposa level by at least 1. Reducing his linguistic knowledge would also be favorable, as languages take considerable upkeep to remember.
  • Nowhere in Alvaro's life story does it mention when, or where he attended the School of Astronomy or School of Mariposa. I need to be able to see how long he was studying in these schools and where they fit into his life. Please make sure this is documented!
  • Additionally, in his life story it mentions that Alvaro is a considerable diplomat and took formal education on the subjects of trade. If this is a talent, then it needs to be added to the appropriate section so it can be assessed for balance. Otherwise, I would consider omitting this to make room for his other skills.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!

All changes made in pink.

Hiya! This is a great start, and it's definitely getting there. I do have a couple more things that I need to point out, though.
  • Daendroque-Parcal isn't a separate language, but rather just a dialect of Daendroque.
  • After receiving a second opinion, keeping the School of Lecgaen even at Novice still tips the balance of Alvaro into being overpowered. He is already stretched very thin with all of the formal education that he must have done in his life, along with piracy and raising a family. He is still very young. Please either remove this, or lower Mariposa to fighter as described above.
  • The main portion of the life story still doesn't detail where Alvaro attended these schools and when. This needs to be added into the main bulk, and not in a spoiler so that it can be weighed up with the rest of his life. Please be sure to do this!
Tag me when these further edits have been completed!
Hiya! This is a great start, and it's definitely getting there. I do have a couple more things that I need to point out, though.
  • Daendroque-Parcal isn't a separate language, but rather just a dialect of Daendroque. You can actually omit this from the languages. At the same time, I'd recommend lifting his knowledge in Common to 10, as it is the easiest language to learn and a Regalian citizen would definitely know it.
  • After receiving a second opinion, keeping the School of Lecgaen even at Novice still tips the balance of Alvaro into being overpowered. He is already stretched very thin with all of the formal education that he must have done in his life, along with piracy and raising a family. He is still very young. Please either remove this, or lower Mariposa to fighter as described above.
  • The main portion of the life story still doesn't detail where Alvaro attended these schools and when. This needs to be added into the main bulk, and not in a spoiler so that it can be weighed up with the rest of his life. Please be sure to do this!
Tag me when these further edits have been completed!

Removed the School of Lecgaen, added dialect whenever referencing Parcal and added his tutelage in navigation/astronomy as well as the brief attendance at the Foncesca estate. All in pink.
A couple more things.
  • Where was Alvaro born? I just noticed this isn't stated in the life story.
  • When did Alvaro begin paying a Mariposa tutor to progress from student to fighter? Remember that it takes a minimum of 5 years of training before one can enter the Foncesca Estate. How long did he train in there?
Tag me once this is done!
A couple more things.
  • Where was Alvaro born? I just noticed this isn't stated in the life story.
  • When did Alvaro begin paying a Mariposa tutor to progress from student to fighter? Remember that it takes a minimum of 5 years of training before one can enter the Foncesca Estate. How long did he train in there?
Tag me once this is done!

Changes made in pink. I didn't add when he was born to the life story because of the way I started it, it's next to his age instead.
  • I don't know where Santigo is supposed to be. Is it in Daendroc? Rivellia?
  • I need to see a bit more care and description put into the explanations for his schooling knowledge. At the moment it feels like it's tacked on to the life story, not integrated into it. His time of supposedly learning to be a Mariposa fighter conflicts with the period in which he was learning Astronomy and going through a lazy period. I really want to see this app re-approved, so please put a bit more care into adding these necessary portions! Note when he began learning, not when he graduated.
Tag me when you're finished!
  • I don't know where Santigo is supposed to be. Is it in Daendroc? Rivellia?
  • I need to see a bit more care and description put into the explanations for his schooling knowledge. At the moment it feels like it's tacked on to the life story, not integrated into it. His time of supposedly learning to be a Mariposa fighter conflicts with the period in which he was learning Astronomy and going through a lazy period. I really want to see this app re-approved, so please put a bit more care into adding these necessary portions! Note when he began learning, not when he graduated.
Tag me when you're finished!

Added some extra information about Santigo.

Added when he started training and clarified when he finished training. All in pink.
Much better! Now we're all up to speed. Thankyou for your patience and continued quick responses with this review. I am now happy to mark Alvaro...

☼ Re-Approved! ☼

Lost the tag when I was trying to upload some new art.

which didn't upload

Requesting re-review, edits as discussed earlier have been made in my oh so favourite shade of pink.

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Remember to add Champion in the School of Mariposa under "Special Permission"! This will still require a special permission registry, even if you do upgrade to Grandmaster.
Aside from that one point, everything else here looks gucci! I'm going to go ahead and retroactively approve this, so just be sure to add and register your special permission ASAP.

☼ Approved! ☼

I didn't make any changes to his skills, personality, visuals, etc. but I made changes to his lifestory and name to fit with the rewrite for the Santigo family. I don't think they would deem a re-review but I thought I'd let you know

-Skill Information has been changed to Warrior/Scholar in Mariposa and Captaincy.
-Life Story rewritten to accompany new Skill Information.
-Minor Changes to some of the Visual Information.

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Alongside all of his training, 4 languages is too many. The maximum for a non-linguist is 3, but I would encourage you to look here to understand just how long these languages take with formal learning.
  • The minimum age to become a Scholar in the School of Captaincy is 26. At the moment, he leaves the school sometime between 18 and 25 and immediately pursues fighting combat, which is too early.
  • The School of Mariposa will require Alvaro to leave the helm of the ship for the length of period he is studying, likely leading to a decrease in knowledge if he is still aiming for Warrior. I am going to strongly recommend here that you drop the School of Mariposa and instead opt for the School of Walla, which can be learned alongside Captaincy, if you are to keep combat. Otherwise, please re-read the relevant articles and make sure all the timing is sound, whilst lowering his knowledge in one of the schools to Learned/Fighter at most.
  • As time went on, the Regalian Empire under Alexander grew to learn of the d'Souza operations and the crew were known pirates. Unfortunately for Álvaro, the crew was eventually cornered by three Regalian Naval vessels. Though, to his surprise they were not gunned down. Instead, Álvaro was offered a Letter of Marque, to serve under the Empire as a privateer - so that he did.
    This cannot be claimed on a character application. Unless Alvaro d'Souza is a renamed Alvaro d'Santigo and this happened ICly, affiliations to the Regalian Government may not be written into a character application. Furthermore, if he is learning the School of Mariposa alongside Captaincy, this is criminal neglect of command duty and the former would be voided.
  • Due to the de'Santigo's removal from nobility (and lack of communication in regards to renaming to d'Souza), I believe effectively Alvaro's barony never happened and was voided from existence. If you wish to contest this and potentially sort out his past, please contact Monmarty.
  • Lastly, if possible, please try to trim the fat on the life story! It's very long right now and quite difficult to read.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Alongside all of his training, 4 languages is too many. The maximum for a non-linguist is 3, but I would encourage you to look here to understand just how long these languages take with formal learning.
  • The minimum age to become a Scholar in the School of Captaincy is 26. At the moment, he leaves the school sometime between 18 and 25 and immediately pursues fighting combat, which is too early.
  • The School of Mariposa will require Alvaro to leave the helm of the ship for the length of period he is studying, likely leading to a decrease in knowledge if he is still aiming for Warrior. I am going to strongly recommend here that you drop the School of Mariposa and instead opt for the School of Walla, which can be learned alongside Captaincy, if you are to keep combat. Otherwise, please re-read the relevant articles and make sure all the timing is sound, whilst lowering his knowledge in one of the schools to Learned/Fighter at most.

  • This cannot be claimed on a character application. Unless Alvaro d'Souza is a renamed Alvaro d'Santigo and this happened ICly, affiliations to the Regalian Government may not be written into a character application. Furthermore, if he is learning the School of Mariposa alongside Captaincy, this is criminal neglect of command duty and the former would be voided.
  • Due to the de'Santigo's removal from nobility (and lack of communication in regards to renaming to d'Souza), I believe effectively Alvaro's barony never happened and was voided from existence. If you wish to contest this and potentially sort out his past, please contact Monmarty.
  • Lastly, if possible, please try to trim the fat on the life story! It's very long right now and quite difficult to read.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!

- Dropped to three languages.
- Rejigged ages appropriately.
- Swapped Mariposa for Valla.
- Removed all mentions of nobility.
- Removed mentions of a letter of marque and privateering.
- Dropped three (???) paragraphs from the life story.
- To clarify for anyone else that sees this, the de Santigo/d'Souza surname change was OOC.
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Great work! With all that changed, I am happy to once more mark Alvaro...

☼ Approved! ☼

Did ya miss me? Changes in pink and I've put the talents/weaknesses in a spoiler.
Just read that I don't have to tag the reviewer and bump it instead, so here goes a lil



Álvaro has been updated to the new format.

☼ Staff Re-Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Which school has Alvaro attended? Be sure to list this in the proficiencies.
  • Additionally, please separate the regular and cultural proficiencies and list their totals!
  • His life story will need to be updated to include the formal school that he attended. I'd also recommend/requesting shortening it if possible as it's currently well over the limit! Removing extra fluff will do the trick, such as the exact specifics of when he went into piracy etc.
Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!

☼ Staff Re-Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Which school has Alvaro attended? Be sure to list this in the proficiencies.
  • Additionally, please separate the regular and cultural proficiencies and list their totals!
  • His life story will need to be updated to include the formal school that he attended. I'd also recommend/requesting shortening it if possible as it's currently well over the limit! Removing extra fluff will do the trick, such as the exact specifics of when he went into piracy etc.
Please mark your changes in another color and tag me when you're finished!

All new edits in orange
bump @Eccetra

shet, and the tag is gone
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