Preserved Sheet « Aridai Darietheck »

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@gnomery I thought it just had to be the majority of features? Ari is half-Qadir (but not dominantly) and I wasn't sure if I could have one Qadir feature alongside pretty much everything else being from Maquixtl. For the other things, I'm gonna keep the husbandry pack so Ari can have two pets, and I'll add their Altered Self form ASAP. May be done once you get to this, we'll see.
Sorry for such a delay in responding, but it's fine for now- you do mention Half-Qadir vitiligo though, so I'd just be wary of straying too far from Maquixtl aesthetics if that's the dominant parent.
Regardless, approved
@gnomery Changed magic specials as well as some point stuff due to changes in the system since the last update. Changes in blue :3
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