
  1. Nirnro0t

    A Call To Fight

    A fair number of papers would be found strewn across Regalia, located most around the Wraith and the Nook & Cranny Inn and Dragon, with a few papers finding themselves strewn into New Town. These were posted up in the middle hours of the night by two cloaked figures. People of Regalia, A new...
  2. Nirnro0t

    Killing Me Slowly

    Fen’nan assessed the damage. It felt like deja vu for a moment. With the last slice of her blade she was the only life left in the room. It was so familiar, Ithanian floors and furnishings. The dark bedrooms. The smell of drying blood. So much blood. It was on her, but it blended in with the...
  3. Lommey

    (temporarily Closed) Bad Art V.2: The Reawakening

    Hi I’m opening my bad art shop again, but this time, I’m actually trying. Basically, you’re paying me to practice. I apologize for the lack of aesthetics, I'm just dumb. Please consider buying my bois. WHOA, PRICES Bust: 6 whole regals Actual Lines: +3 regal Flat colors: +3 regal...